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Member Since 26 May 2021
Offline Last Active Jul 07 2021 18:58

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Gear Mastery (gear sink)

07 July 2021 - 18:31

In my opinion, the PvP Ladder Token to combine the items shouldn't be so low. Why not make it a Crystal from Arena and PvP plus a couple FSP and make the upgrade a little bit bigger instead of a 25% total lets go for like 33%?

In Topic: Feedback and Suggestions

26 May 2021 - 15:50

Theoretically, the 2 seperate server idea wouldn't split player base, because while you wait for ur 150k stam to regen ur 1k stam regens in a day on the new server, keeping people playing both.

In Topic: Feedback and Suggestions

26 May 2021 - 00:23

How to revive Fallensword:
Step 1. Get another server
Step 2. Make the server a whole different database with new characters and same maps etc

This will draw everyone to a new second server that they could play both if wanted, so that new gear generates new value, and FSP is harder to obtain in the beginning w/o purchase. Which should increase profits and draw new and old people to compete for the top again.

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