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Member Since 05 Feb 2013
Online Last Active Today, 16:12

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In Topic: Realm Chest Update Ideas.

Today, 16:15

Or a mix of the two. 


~ Grim


Conserve 800. 60m.
Adept Learner 800. 60m.
Titan Doubler 300. 60m.

These pots have to be in the high-tier chest

In Topic: Realm Chest Update Ideas.

Today, 14:34

What do you feel is reasonable? I was thinking no higher than gold?

~ Grim

That's fine or release them in a new chest?

In Topic: Realm Chest Update Ideas.

Yesterday, 18:49

Sorry, but Hell no to BM pot higher than lv300.



* It's the only item that holds its value in the arena shop and for sure no one wants it dead.

* It will kill the value of other potions (longer duration means fewer potions used in the long run) bad for the game overall.

In Topic: Realm Chest Update Ideas.

Yesterday, 15:48

 The question what kind of chest and keys are required to open those?

In Topic: Fallen Sword Roadmap (July - October 2024)

11 July 2024 - 11:02

No. We are constantly told we need new stuff at all levels. The Level ranges of prizes are based on where in 1 to 10 the player placed. Thus the design is by the player for that level. That player decided they wanted an SE at that range. You want a specific SE in the high ranges, earn a top spot! ;)


~ Grim


I don't remember all SEs are player's design...

We can also suggest making a quest-related SE like The Shadow Chancellor
I would like to see a new SE every 250 level content and pretty sure many EOC or high-level players are interested in seeing more SEs

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