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Member Since 12 Sep 2016
Offline Last Active Feb 01 2018 15:09

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Player Suggestions

01 February 2018 - 15:09

It was mentioned already about reinforcements needing more control.
You might have sent reinforcements from an op but when you recall them they go back to the HQ not the op.
Yes it would be nice to be able to choose whether it goes back to your HQ or an op but also it would be nice to give new orders to reinforce to another base from the current one.
If your alliance is under attack it is no good reinforcing one base to then recalling your units to hq to then send them to another base. Why can't they go directly from the existing base instead of returning to HQ?

In Topic: Game Update 1.9 : Hero Armory - Feedback

31 January 2018 - 11:59

The game now needs some way to monitor tiles.
Since killing invaders doesn't show in any logs other than if you kill it. If someone else attacks an invader the only way to see who kills an invader is to watch the map.
We have already had a few people attack invaders and someone sneakily kill the invader while that original person was trying to recover energy.
I know being able to ninja kill a invader from someone is part of the mechanics but it might cause some friction in the alliance with people pointing the finger on who stole the kill if no-one saw it happen.

Might need to add in to the game a monitoring station that the commander can select specific tiles to report back intel, for example when someone attacks a invader.

In Topic: deployment invalid

30 January 2018 - 10:28

Mo sent you a message, skype.
I get this error also, I think the system is giving this error due to not calculating the energy reduction, so a lvl2 invader, 15 chain attacks with 7.5% energy reduction should be 4155 energy but the system would give you an error trying to deploy unless you have 4500 energy which is the amount required without the 7.5% energy reduction.

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