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Posted by Kijjum on 19 June 2015 - 15:10
Posted by Kijjum on 05 December 2014 - 00:22
Posted by Kijjum on 23 November 2014 - 15:41
Honestly they should just nerf everyone. It would be more fun with longer battles and having to think about what you're going to use instead of stun, snare, hit, next guy. It's boring. It really is. Then with the team matchmaking and unbalanced classes it just sucks even worse. I forget where but I think it was in some PvP forum someone said HCS doesn't plan on Eldevin being a PvP based game. If that is true then there is no point in playing the game just a more mature Club Penguin.
Posted by Kijjum on 11 October 2014 - 12:59
that's an awesome decoration, but how about a pumpkin bucket to store candy? It could go in a weapon slot or vanity hand
Posted by Kijjum on 18 August 2014 - 01:59
I'm sure many players feel this way, but this is HCS' first time making a 3d mmorpg. They're testing the updates as much as they can, unfortunately up to an extent where players become impatient due to the disadvantage they, in my opinion overcome very well, with a smaller staff. The most you can do is find and report any bugs/exploits you find in the game. As Berlo said, they most likely are working out all the details and major fixes to this huge update. But for now they have provided a link to use the "old" Eldevin before the hardware rendering update to temporarily satisfy the players dealing with these issues. Link: https://www.eldevin....b?safemode=true But for now, hang in there it'll get better as more content comes out.
Posted by Kijjum on 17 May 2014 - 21:06
I saw a broken down old shop while walking about Eldevin City, so I wanted to ask if I could buy it and set up my own little shop. It would look something like this:
Posted by Kijjum on 11 May 2014 - 14:18
Posted by Kijjum on 27 April 2014 - 16:53
1. There has been small talk about this, but I can't wait
2. This would be a great way to help transition into the player housing.
3. Eldevin just isn't big enough for this in my opinion, not enough space to move around places.
4. There are some animals in talent trees. But if they would enable vanity animals to pick up bags or be useful, that'd be cool.
5. This is an alright idea, but too far ahead for this point in the game.
6. I disagree with this, it's not open world PvP, so players who choose to go to Trappers Atoll go there at their own risk.
7. Not much use for this now, but later on it could generate some fun
8. There are some boats you can go on, only one you see traveling through the water, but it goes nowhere.
9. I would love to see this in Eldevin, just not effecting the skills or farming.
10. This is a good way to prevent/stop botting, but it might get to a point where it's just annoying.
Some really great ideas, hopefully I did not discourage you on some of them. Keep posting