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Member Since 05 Dec 2013
Offline Last Active Jan 10 2015 18:21

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Your 5 most wanted things to add to Eldevin

10 December 2013 - 17:18

Just dont make game easier...

In Topic: You should lower gear repair cost

10 December 2013 - 17:15

you should stop dying ;p

and make gold from drop(like rare items)

i always have 5-10 from 1 day of play(1-4 gold - from deaths)

and i have 1-6 gold for me ;p

In Topic: Do NOT make the game easier.

08 December 2013 - 15:35

Very well said. A game has to have mass appeal if it is to survive. I've watched many MMOs fall through because their target audience was too small. I enjoy the game the way it is, but every gamer has their own style. To each their own, as long as it keeps people playing and keeps the game alive. 

was small becouse game was to easy...

or falls becouse was crap or chinese crap game?


only players with low lvl want to be game easy

I do not think so.

In Topic: wouldn't Auto Route be nice?

08 December 2013 - 11:27

please god no auto route

*Raishin go to church and start pray to the God.

In Topic: Do NOT make the game easier.

08 December 2013 - 11:03

yes, i agree with you, dont make game easier..

they can go play other game where can get in 1 day lvl cap

eldevin is game for not-casual players!

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