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Member Since 20 May 2013
Offline Last Active Yesterday, 21:13

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In Topic: Realm Chest Update Ideas.

Yesterday, 20:51

1. Realm chest keys are too expensive. 1000 Loyalty Tokens/200 login days for a crystal key is crazy. As is the 10 million gold alternative price, relative to the chest contents.

2. Please do not add new frag stashes. As Tilley said, it will clog up the other potential rewards, and frags are simple to farm from the global events. New stashes simply are not needed, but rewards quantities on existing stashes could be increased if they are kept in the mix.

3. Please do not add OK1100. You just introduced this as an SE drop, and it still has value. Please don't kill it less than 8 months after release.

4. Please do not add a new Brewing Master potion that kills the Arena potion. I think this has been mentioned enough times throughout the years that it shouldn't even be on the table.

5. What we could very much use is Find Item 1500. Again, 1000 Loyalty Tokens (200 days) to get FI1250 paired with AM and Cons is absurd. We need a good Find Item potion by itself.

6. Trendy is DOA

7. We need more Loyalty Tokens rewards added to the game, and I think the idea of mimicking Mystic Chests is awesome. This is the best idea I've heard in a while.

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