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Member Since 24 May 2013
Offline Last Active Oct 01 2016 13:27

Topics I've Started

Event Thoughts

02 November 2014 - 20:18

Oidhche Shamhna seems to be established as the most popular event, the reward chests are nice and zombie brews are used all year round. The global fullfilled it's purpose once again of livining up the community and creating a few points of discussion. The only real negative one being that it still appears many people are happy to burn just enough stam to hit their personal target, and count on others to reach the community totals.


With that in mind I would like to throw a humble suggestion out for consideration next year.


The Bonze - Gold tier targets are fine as they are, they offer a goal for players new to the game, and those who've not invested much in their personal upgrades - max stam in particular. The Crystal tier I think would still be quite attainable for everyone at a personal target of 10k, and the Ruby could possibly have a scaling reward system. In the same manner that it was specified under the tier targets that 2 further chests would be rewarded to the top 100 contributors, perhaps there could be a note that further chests are rewarded on a per kill basis.


My idea was that the personal target for Ruby would be 20k, however only 2 chests would be awarded at this level - this is still attainable for players with reasonably low stam, as killing only fellows and revenants (running around spinx lair with no reveal buff on makes it a fairly quick process) should rack up about 10k kills from 5k stam, and anyone with less than 5k max can go out with max multiple times during the event period.


In the further notes it could then be added that a 3rd chest is awarded for reaching 30k personal kills, and an extra chest for every 30k kills thereafter to a max of 7 in total. Obviously all would still be dependant on the community clearing the Ruby tier target.


Unless my (very approximate) figures are way off, the overall number of chests awarded should be about the same - some people would be getting 2 or 3, and some getting 7 as opposed to the top 100 this time who would have had 6, had the tier been cleared. However it would mean that in order to get 4 chests a personal target of 80k would be required. This target should be attainable for anyone with 20k max stam, especially if they hunt at the start and end of the event, and if there's 500 active players in the game with 20k or more max stam - which doesn't seem like an unrealistic number. It would equal 40 million kills for those 500 to acquire 4 chests, which takes some of the weight from the real big hitters and spreads it around the community a bit more.

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