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Member Since 17 May 2015
Offline Last Active Jun 24 2015 03:35

#934523 Quicker way to add attribute points after respeccing

Posted by Voyance on 03 June 2015 - 15:12

or just have a text box pop up that prompts you how many points you'd like to add. After inputting, it will ask for confirmation and it will have numbers listed showing the stat gains.

#934117 New Player Feedback

Posted by Voyance on 31 May 2015 - 00:03

Hello, I'm new to the forums and new to the game (Lv17). I've been playing this game with my brothers and we all started at the same time. Here are our concerns so far...


- PvP: It's very uninspiring for us noobs. I like how they standardized PvP situations by providing a huge boost per level below 47. However, I feel this is not enough to be competitive IF the intention is to level the playing field across all levels. First, higher level characters have access to a larger variety of skills from talents and buying them. Second, they have MUCH better equipment. IMO the boost should be a bit larger than it is IF the intent is to level the playing field.


- PvP 2: As it is now, there aren't any considerable consequences against PKers killing skillers. Skillers are already at a disadvantage of losing resources they worked to gather. In addition, the skillers are most likely to be in the middle of an animation while skilling and get caught in a stun/snare move resulting in an almost sure death. Not to mention, skillers can't seem to use boats/deposit tokens when under attack = they have no choice. An initiator of an attack at TA should have a debuff for 30 seconds where they lose half of their gear durability if they die AND they lose durability 3 times the usual rate when attacking.


- Talents: Allow players to preview talent skills. I do not know what detonate is and I'm scared to waste my valuable talent point in it. I suppose this could be done with a little button to show a generic character doing this skill on a dummy or dummies to show AoE.


- Gathering: Allow players to swap out "rare" materials for regular ones. A shop should be set up to do this with a 5 regular :1 rare ratio.


- The Vault: A shop for Vault Relics should be set up to sell the Lv15 set items.


- Set Items: Set items should show set effects when hovered.


- Stuns against bosses: they do not work for crap. Bosses should still be affected by stuns but they should only be 25% of their original duration + they have a longer immunity after suffering from stuns. Characters built around this are


- World Map: I wish it moves along with the character instead of having to open/close it over and over when travelling long distances.


- Playerbase is too small, I'm afraid for the game's future if this keeps up. Seriously, it's rare to see 150+ players online.


- Chat commands: The "/?" should list more of the commands excluding those from riding, emotes, and pets.


Overall, I've liked the game so far. My brothers love it even more. Keep up the good work!


P.S. It's been a pain in the butt to try to login and post in the forums. For some reason, it just keeps on logging me out when I enter the Eldevin forum.


EDIT: I forgot to address the things you wanted to know from the front page


Nothing was that hard to pick up when starting out except for a few skills. I'd rather the tutorial quests for ALL skills to also be available at Othallo. The map icons took a bit to master completely. Quest icons (excluding gray ones) should also have a toggle to show up on the world map. The void realm was pretty cool but I'd very much rather do the "extended" tutorial before doing the void realm. For the most part, the tool tips are clear. I can't think of much issues.

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