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Equipment Set-ups Levels 254-362+

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#1 fs_cupidstunt

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Posted 12 June 2008 - 04:21

Here is a rough guide of what I wore for certain levels. I've been keeping track in excel for god knows what reason so I thought I'd share it with the community. May help out if you don't have the time to get that "perfect" set-up. There are definitely slightly better set-ups to use for some levels but all of these work pretty well. Some of the lower levels I hit a long time ago so there are probably new items that work better now. Also, double check before you go off killing because I MIGHT have made mistakes somewhere.

There are plenty of gaps that you guys are free to fill in. Some levels I forgot to keep track. Some I was probably to lazy to write down, and some I levelled right past because of the experience gain.

Note: A lot of the items used, especially sets, were Excellent/Perfect and Fully Forged and I probably had ALL good buffs necessary plus all potions (including Sanctuary, EW1K, Wither350, etc). So if your stats with these set-ups aren't good enough than you probably aren't using the best buffs/potions/forged items or don't have all level up points in damage.

If I just put something like Valks without a specific piece then it means the whole set.

254: Steep set, Hunter boots, Ring of Comalt, Gralli Sacrificial Blade, Helmet of Gorgalia, Amulet of Gharla, Glowing Diamond of Kozyu
255: Steep set, Hunter set, Gralli Sacrificial Blade, Glowing Diamond of Kozyu
256: Same as 254 but switch weapon to Blade of Vashku
257: Steep set, FF Fire Glaive, Xenix Helmet, Amulet of Hunter, Ring of Whiteloa, Boots of Hellmoor, Rune of Elnorn
258: Steep set, Hunter set, Vashku Blade, Glowing Diamond of Kozyu
259: Steep, Gralli Blade, Hunter Boots, Ring of Comalt, Rune of Eldgar, Amulet of Gharla, Helmet of Falase
260: Steep set, Hunter set, Gralli Sacrificial Blade, Glowing Diamond of Kozyu
261: Steep, Hunter Boots and Ring, Gralli, Helmet of Falase, Amuelt of Gharla, Rune of Eldgar
262: Steep set, Hunter set, Vashku Blade/Ragnok, Glowing Diamond of Kozyu
263: Steep, Hunter Boots and Ammy, Vasku/Ragnok Blade, Kozyu Diamond, Ring of Eldrath, Helmet of Falase

266: Xenix set, Ragnok set, Boots of Hellmoor, Kozyu diamond, Amulet of Knale, Ring of Ignoal
267: Steep set, Hunter boots and amulet, Kozyu diamond, Ring of Ignoal, Ragnok Blade, Xenix Helm
268: Same as 267

270: Hunter set, Ragnok, Kozyu, Gloves of Servala, Sabercat Armor
271: Hunter set, Steep Set, Ragnok blade, Rune of Pelgris
272: Hunter set, Ragnok, Kozyu, Gloves of Larlight, Sabercat Armor
273: Hunter set, Ragnok, Kozyu, Gloves of Larlight, Armor of Airepa
274: Same as 270
275: Ragnok set, Gloves of Servala, Xenix Helmet, Amulet of Laugeh, Sabercat Armor, Ring of Nichalo, Boots of Hellmoor, Rune of Alagar
276: 277 but switch rune to Kozyu
277: Ragnok, Gloves of Servala, Hunter set, Sabercat Armor, Rune of Pelgris
278: Ragnok, Hunter, Gloves of Laright, Armor of Lothador, Rune of Alagar
279: Ragnok, Hunter boots and ring, Gloves of Servala, Xenix helm, Amulet of Laugeh, Sabercat Armor, Rune of Pelgris
280: Ragnok, Gloves of Servala, Great Santork Hat, Amulet of Laugeh, Armor of Shortal, Ring of Camela, Boots of Hellmoor, Kozyu
281: Ragnok, Hunter, Gloves of Laright, Armor of Shoratal, Rune of Inthalo (or Gloves of Servala & Rune of Chiale (280))
282: Ragnok, Hunter, Gloves of Laright, Armor of Shoratal, Rune of Chiale
283: Ragnok, Hunter, Gloves of Servala, Armor of Shoratal, Kozyu
284: Destroyer, Gloves of Servala, Hunter Amulet and boots, Armor of Shoratal, Ring of Camela, Rune of Inthalo
285: Destroyer set, Gloves of Truale (278) or Gloves of Servala (264), Amulet of Laugeh (274), Armor or Shoratal (276), Ring of Nicahlo (270), Boots of Hellmoor or Green Spine Boots, Kozyu
286: Destroyer set, Ring of Nichalo (270), Sabercat Armor (259), Horned God set (270 Ammy Gloves and Rune), Hellmoor Boots

302: Ragnok, Valks Gloves, Xenix Helm, Sabertooth, Armor of Lothador, Boots of Hellmoor, Kozyu
303: Valks set, Ragnok Blade, Sabertooth Amulet, Armor of Lothador, Ring of Merlao, Boots of Hellmoor, Rune of Hebishal
304: Ragnok set, Valks gloves and Helm, Sabertooth set, Sabercat Armor, Boots of Hellmoor, Kozyu
305: Valks set, Sabertooth set, Ragnok Blade, Armor of Wehale, Boots of Hellmoor, Kozyu
306: Valks set, Sabertooth set, Ragnok Blade, Armor of Wehale, Bots of Hellmoor, Rune of Hebishal

315: Destroyer, Sabertooth set, Spine set, Valks gloves, Kozyu
316: Valks set, Green Spine set, Sabertooth ammy, Ragnok blade, Ring of Selari, Rune of Towarela
317: Same as 315
318: Replace Kozyu with Towarela
319: Valks, Sabertooth, Spine, Ragnok Blade, Rune of Flagh GET AN ARMOR OF ARANWELA
320: (defense set-up) Destroyer, Sabertooth, Xenix gloves, Armor of Shoratal, Spine boots, rune of showala

322: Spine, Sabertooth, Valks Gloves and Shield, Helmet of Harlonda, Axe of Misaleh, Rune of Elbarel
323: Change Helm and Rune to Xenix and Kozyu
324: Same as 322
325: Spine, Sabertooth, Valks, Sword of Ursa, Rune of Elbarel
326: Ursa, Valks Gloves, Sabertooth Amulet, Kozyu, Spine Boots
327: Same as 326
328: Valks, Sabertooth, Spine, Ursa sword, Kozyu

330: Spine, Sabertooth, Valks Gloves, Helm of Harlonda, Ursa Sword & Shield, Rune of Elbarel
331: Sabertooth, Valk gloves, Xenix Helm, Ursa sword armor and shield, Spine boots, rune of Flagh
332: Sabertooth, Valks Gloves, Helm of Gandurapolatania, Ursa Sword, Armor of Elfaven, Shield Midlinor, spine boots, Kozyu
333: Sabertooth, valks gloves & shield, Ursa helm & sword, armor of Shoratal, Spine boots, Kozyu
334: Sabertooth, Valks gloves, xenix helm, Ursa sword, armor of shoratal, shield of vashku, spine boots, kozyu
335: Sabertooth, Valks, Ursa sword and armor, spine boots, kozyu
336: Same as 333
337: Sabertooth, Valks, Spine, Ursa sword, Rune of Elbarel
338: Sabertooth, Valks, Ursa sword & armor, spine boots, kozyu

340: Sabertooth, Spine, Valks, Ursa Sword, Kozyu
341: Sabertooth, Spine, Valks Gloves and Helm, Ursa sword and shield, Rune of Elbarel
342: Sabertooth, Spine, Valks, Ursa Sword, Rune of Balanrathor
343: Sabertooth, Valks gloves, Xenix Helm, Ursa Sword and Shield, Armor of Shoratal, Spine boots, Kozyu (Try to get an Armor of Therculbara to use for level 345!)
344: Sabertooth, Valks, Sword of Ursa, Armor of Goalear, Spine boots, Rune of Flagh
345: Sabertooth, Valks Gloves, Helmet of Akturba, Ursa Sword, Armor of Therculbara, Shield Midlinor, Spine boots, Rune of Hwissnood
Skip 346, stay at 345?
347: Sabertooth, Valks, Spine, Ursa Sword, Kozyu

349: Sabertooth, Valks, Ursa Sword and Armor, Spine boots, Rune of Flagh

352: Sabertooth, Octo, Valks Gloves and Helm, Ursa Sword, Armor of Goalear, Boots of Styillpon

355: Sabertooth, Valks, Spine, Ursa Sword, Rune of Flagh
356: Sabertooth, Valks, Spine boots, Armor of Goalear, Ursa Sword, Octo Rune
357: Sabertooth, Valks, Spine, Ursa Sword, Rune of Elbarel
358: Sabertooth, Spine, Octo, Valks Gauntlets, Ursa Helm and Sword
359: (Defense) Sabertooth, Octo, Gloves of Othceithal, Helm of Fruhlton, Ursa Sword, Armor of Aranwela, Spine boots
360: Same as 357
361: Sabertooth, Spine, Octo, Gloves of Evolale, Ursa Helm and Sword
362: (Defense) Sabertooth, Octo, Gloves of Othceithal, Helmet of Fruhlton, Ursa Sword, Armor of Shushtuss (359), Boots of Meishrok (Buy in Morukan)

#2 fs_expires

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Posted 12 June 2008 - 05:36

all those equipment u list is it a 1 hit set up or 2 hit set up or 3 hit set up?

#3 fs_evertonex

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Posted 12 June 2008 - 09:42

i think that for those levels 2-hitting is the best you can get

#4 TipsyPhippsy



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Posted 12 June 2008 - 09:51

all those equipment u list is it a 1 hit set up or 2 hit set up or 3 hit set up?

2 hit, 1 hit is impossible!

#5 fs_argarath

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Posted 12 June 2008 - 13:04

There are a few one hitting levels that pop up now with the new uber pots. I find on average 2-3/10 levels are 1 hitable.

#6 fs_expires

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Posted 12 June 2008 - 13:10

i guess starting from lvl 186+ u will need big stamina pool then

#7 fs_bmaggot

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Posted 12 June 2008 - 13:11

damn, everything is getting harder

#8 fs_bigbluedog

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Posted 12 June 2008 - 16:33

all those equipment u list is it a 1 hit set up or 2 hit set up or 3 hit set up?

2 hit, 1 hit is impossible!

I've used different equips than this, because some of these levels ARE one hittable....

#9 fs_grrraham

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Posted 12 June 2008 - 16:55

sabertoothset is great, used it for 100 levels :)

#10 Strykes



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Posted 12 June 2008 - 19:40

i just 1 hit 4 levels between 330 and 337...stayed back for 2 , and 2 hit the last...

did 7 levels in 15K stam...

#11 fs_rdshepherd

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Posted 12 June 2008 - 20:06

i just 1 hit 4 levels between 330 and 337...stayed back for 2 , and 2 hit the last...

did 7 levels in 15K stam...

I can see 1-hitting 3 of those (330, 332 & 333) but I'm scratching my head over the 4th one. :?

#12 fs_sleepsalot

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Posted 12 June 2008 - 20:45

Nice list of stuff should be Stickied

#13 fs_whiskeyjim

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Posted 25 June 2008 - 08:41

This list tells me the Ursa Helm isn't worth 300+ FSP. Is that right?

#14 Prezze



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Posted 17 July 2008 - 23:30

This list tells me the Ursa Helm isn't worth 300+ FSP. Is that right?

The only item of the ursa set that really is a must have is the ursa sword.

Entire set (used it maybe once?), shield extremely rarely, ring and armor never used it in a setup. Shield extremely rarely. Helm rarely

#15 fs_xeononyx

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Posted 03 August 2008 - 04:34

I shall interject here .. not to knock Cupidstunts list because Cupid's advice is ALWAYS good advice but theres some things people should consider when getting scared looking at this list:

1) He is in an elite guild with maxed structures this is a massive advantage and without those structures it may deem it neccessary to setup differently.

2) More than likely he has his levelup point purely in damage, again if this is not your case you will probably have to set up differently.

3) Even though this guide is excellent this isn't the only way to slice it. I have been able to do these levels without really expensive AH potions by using a tad bit of trickery.

4) Trickery tip 1: Always use Holy Flame for undead creatures this buff gives a major advantage over the undead.

5) Trickery tip 2: If things don't work out (your gear isn't FF or you don't have a SE set required, or your points are not pure dmg) You can always consider cutting down one (only one) level to slingshot over the real tough ones.

6) Trickery tip 3: If you cannot muster up enough armor to protect yourself don't be scared to go defensive. Especially if you have a reliable buffer with Defiance, Force Shield, Shockwave, Last Ditch etc. (Just remember to toss your gold to a trusted ally or you'll lose most of it) Before I had a destroyer set I'm not sure what I would of done if I didn't discover the Xenix / Ragnok Combo

#16 fs_bladeboss

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Posted 03 August 2008 - 16:54

Trickery tip 3: If you cannot muster up enough armor to protect yourself don't be scared to go defensive. Especially if you have a reliable buffer with Defiance, Force Shield, Shockwave, Last Ditch etc. (Just remember to toss your gold to a trusted ally or you'll lose most of it) Before I had a destroyer set I'm not sure what I would of done if I didn't discover the Xenix / Ragnok Combo

Heh, Xenix/Ragnok is great :)

#17 fs_cheetos185

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Posted 03 August 2008 - 21:20

Is there a guide on wht items to use from lvl369+ lol

#18 fs_tawniteamo

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Posted 03 August 2008 - 22:24

Is there a guide on wht items to use from lvl369+ lol

I'm making one. atm I have levels 360-375 down, and I am doing 375-380 atm. but just FYI, most, if not all of these kits use Octo-Spine

#19 fs_deemer

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Posted 30 August 2008 - 23:10

very nice list, wish i saw it sooner >.<

#20 fs_smunn02

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Posted 09 September 2008 - 17:06

Personally after 300 I've had no problems with using (ff/perf where applicable)

Sabertooth set
Valks set
Boots of Poseia
Weapon of Drakela
Rune of Libitalia
Dipsoshell Armor

Only parts that have changed are

Weapon (change for Ursa sword @ 325)
Rune (change for Rune Of Romenaye @ 317)
Armor (change for iguana hide @ 315)

Has done me perfectly well from 300-350, while using my usual potions for a hunt (DB500, With 350, Lib 200, EW 1000, Bes 300, DC 200, assist + my own buffs)

Good list though, obviously very well documented. Everyone's different however, and I don't want to change my set every level.

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