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Member Since 23 Oct 2012
Offline Last Active Mar 27 2013 14:28

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Gallery of Gothador - Part III: The Armours

27 March 2013 - 14:31

I am aware that the pictures on the first post of each of the three gallery-threads went missing - give me a week (or ten, or so :o) to find the time to upload them to a new server! The old one went AWOL and is not likely to return...

In Topic: Merging Old Accounts

26 October 2012 - 16:47

Huh, the big question now, how do I unmerge accounts? Playing more than one character gets kind of difficult now - in earlier times, one could have two windows/tabs open with <character>.gothador.com - and just click on the other tab and continue where one was. Now however, as soon as I switch in one window to a different character from the same account, the other window switches characters as well! Highly impractical.

Even worse: one of the characters is a Shadow Master and likes to hide in Shadow Form, BUT: switching characters apparently constitutes an "action", so takes the Shadow out of Shadow Form :angry:. So no being able to hide with the Shadow in PvP-enabled realms any more, while I take my other char out for hunting!!

Hence my question: how do I "unmerge" my Shadow-Character, so that I can add her to a separate account of her own?

Incidentally I noticed: they "forgot" to transfer the "Bugs"-Forum from the old Gothador-Forum :rolleyes:

In Topic: Any word on GothaGuide

23 October 2012 - 22:29

Since the old forum-links are broken, here's the current address under which the GothaGuide can be reached:


There was also a thread "somewhere" that showed how to tweak the "hosts" file, so that the old address could be used - can't find that at the moment. If you know how to do it, edit your "hosts" file (see http://de.wikipedia....iki/Hosts-Datei) and add the line www.gothaguide.com

Hope this helps...

Edit: Debrutsid bumped the old thread for me, so I can paste the link to it here now: http://forums.hunted...?showtopic=5290

In Topic: Impressive

23 October 2012 - 03:14

*wakes up*

Hi Folks, just peeking in - trying to remember my characters and their passwords :lol: !

*goes to sleep again*

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