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Member Since 11 Feb 2013
Offline Last Active Mar 26 2015 07:25

#905209 Update v2.60

Posted by Zennaro on 27 November 2014 - 14:35

Btw. in the composing level guide it would be nice to see where the potions are capped.


Also, I am not a big fan of the new way to calculate how many percent left until next level. This way you start with a high percentage and increase very slowly. With the other way there was more emphasis on your progress right now.


Virtually yours,


#900483 Game Update v2.51

Posted by Zennaro on 13 November 2014 - 18:18

In general I am glad about this upgrade but there are a couple of misses: now we are back to having to press the button for each attribute point again. This is terrible for those of us with high max stam. I have just checked, and I have allocated close to 4500 points. This of all the number of clicks that would require!


The number of se-kills on my page breaks my profile page and it doesn't look nice.


Also, I don't need to be reminded all the time that there is a menu if I right click and that I can select multiple items with control-clicks. This messes up my profile page. I really hate those control-clicks anyway and would much rather have the option to move things with  the manage backpack that the helper made possible before. The ability to select all of a kind and move them in one move is sorely missed.


Virtually yours,


#888523 Update v2.50

Posted by Zennaro on 05 September 2014 - 21:34

Great that you are working on the helper stuff. And I like the new layout. I miss the highligthing, and I also miss the tool tips that had the explanations of each buff.


Virtually yours,


#844720 Development Roadmap (Updated 7th Mar 2014)

Posted by Zennaro on 29 January 2014 - 17:31

I am glad to see that you are working on something. However, the composing page is so poorly done it screams to be finished now. If my students presented this kind of work they would flunk!


So, what is wrong with it?


  1. The layout is impossible. If used with a small screen there is a lot of scrolling to do. Instead place those fields near each other.
  2. Most of us are probably making the same potion over and over again to gain xp, so we need a button that will collect and start a new potion in one go.
  3. The delete button next to the use button? With no confirmation before deleting??? That is just so badly done.
  4. If you try to collect a potion that has already been collected via the link in the log you are sent to the main page. Why on earth not to the composing page?
  5. If you leave the page open and later click on Instant Finish (with confirm) it doesn´t collect the potion if it is finished. That means another click on the reloaded page on the Collect button.
  6. Did I mention you have to press too many buttons AND scroll to start the same/a potion?


This needs fixing immediately. Please, it really is embarassing not to mention irritating. And I have not said anything about it not being part of the mobil interface.


Virtually yours,


#836075 Buff Marketplace

Posted by Zennaro on 30 December 2013 - 17:17

I think that before you start this new thing you should finish what you have already started, the composing page. It is appallingly badly done and needs repair immediately. If any of my students of computer science ever presented me with this bad work they would flunk miserably.


Virtually yours,


#822644 Content Update. 1826 - 1850.

Posted by Zennaro on 27 November 2013 - 12:58

Not something I can do. Please keep it in mind for when we look to a new Developer Roadmap next year, once the one we have is completed.

Could you at least pass the list of improvements to the person responsible for this with the threat that it is not going to be xmas unless something is done about this? As a computer scientist I am appalled at the poor quality of the user interface here.


Virtually yours,


#822541 Content Update. 1826 - 1850.

Posted by Zennaro on 26 November 2013 - 19:43

Probably tomorrow.

Will also update the content roadmap.



Will you please update the composing pages to make them more user friendly? Right now you have to press many buttons and even scroll a lot. I propose you add a button to the collect page that restarts the same potion. On the composing page I don't want to have to scroll down to start the making. Why not add another button that both chooses and starts the composing. At least move the start button up to remove the need for scrolling. In the log page, if you collect a potion that is already collected you are returned the Home page. It would be better to return the composing page. And finally, on the composing page, if you press the Instant Finish button on a potion that is actually finished it should collect that potion. Why do we need to press another button and have another page load?


Virtually yours,


#818477 Oidhche Shamhna Ruby!

Posted by Zennaro on 04 November 2013 - 15:34

Thanks for a fun event. I like the global events a lot. I would like to suggest  that you add numbers to the list of top 100 in the world map. It would make it easier to keep track of how well you are doing.


Virtually yours,


#807257 Darksun Dragons II

Posted by Zennaro on 19 August 2013 - 14:36

Here is a list of the top 100 as it was when the event was supposed to end:


Username Kills
Xoulou 94094
Shardoom 88888
spons369 81020
Will1982 79951
mzzery 60666
llednew 59058
evilbry 55555
HOFFA 55490
ozzzy651 50100
Earl234 50000
Spaz2 49100
Lithuania 42420
hattivatti 38435
boeffie 38138
FallnBlood 38000
KitiaraLi 37929
Xaero1369 35714
grimnok 35410
woodman12 35210
Ashgaerath 35087
Klimaytys 33333
WGRahl 32960
Yoco988 32600
wraith70 32454
paingwin 31700
Azarek 31227
jadesmax 31172
yuuzhan 31115
kenwyl 31111
roby3321 31070
TechN9ne72 31006
PrimeBr 30930
iut044 30684
Molehunter 30528
Y0DA 30263
Bildor 30030
Sakuliver 30005
micu05 30000
Lucifer678 30000
g2joe 30000
Yotekiller 29330
LoneEagle4 29262
Troyannn 29013
bigchaos 28110
KmetJanez 27840
Impreza 27777
animal4321 27670
DJB306 27320
Xomax 27210
levy1977 27110
Baberon86 27052
2zina 27002
Jaroslav 27000
destrMylo 26903
icd55mph 26755
chslayer 26666
Zookum 26601
Boatsnhos 26410
savipats 26400
ernzor 26343
vetlet 26260
bizzpu17 26209
Anegr 26133
gvz 26128
acvila 26110
Zennaro 26095
squirelly 26007
Gutie 25800
clarechiu 25740
Savanc 25632
Torgh 25580
Ptakopysk 25555
Maralada 25475
fharoun 25365
SirDavid58 25351
cool1989 25347
subito 25292
Stringer6 25275
jr1093 25246
alyxa1 25160
kwalsh5318 25130
Thulekin 25125
BraveKath 25083
Serena541 25030
Nagoyaka 25001
Lindalou 25001
bryllo 24971
Sneaky1 24936
Whydha 24863
bloody18 24567
Elincia 24555
lapdragon 24402
Strenua 24355
shnocka 24113
dowuones 24060
GoldenFox 24051
Blixen 24015
berten 23625
Dotaboys 23501
Juggeranut 23355
Virtually yours,

#807217 Darksun Dragons II

Posted by Zennaro on 19 August 2013 - 13:14

I think these extensions are stupid. I understand that players want to achieve the goals (and I certainly plan to use the potions) but if we cannot do them in time then too bad. Last event it was extended a lot and for those of us who want to be in the top 100 that is not fair. At least if you make extensions then close the competition for top 100 when the event is planned to run out.


I also agree that the events should stop at different times to make it easy on others to finish in the top 100, not just for us in Europe.


I would also like to propose that you number the entries in the list of people in top 100 during the event.


Virtually yours,


#799164 New Skills / Enhancements

Posted by Zennaro on 04 July 2013 - 16:56

I would like to see a geographers buff that enlightens the squares in dark realms that have been highligted with vision. Perhaps the level could determine how long the squares remain visible on the map.


Virtually yours,


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