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Member Since 21 May 2014
Offline Last Active Mar 29 2022 17:20

#934899 New bug in asv

Posted by AresDeusEx on 06 June 2015 - 22:01

I confirm this bug.

I died many times at cause of this.

No one  in group had believed in me !!

  • KeS likes this

#932740 Important Improvement to INF re-roll

Posted by AresDeusEx on 16 May 2015 - 17:33

There are 6 different infernal weapons stats:
1) Critical Rating (Spell, Melee, Ranged)
2) Health On Hit
3) Attack Power (Spell, Melee, Ranged)
4) Haste Rating (Spell, Melee, Ranged)
5) Accuracy Rating
6) % Weapon Damage
The probability to get the desired bonus is the same on throw dice: 1 in 6 chance
In the case of two stats. The pairs that can be formed with same stat are six:
1-1; 2-2; 3-3; 4-4; 5-5; 6-6
and all pairings possible are:
6*6= 36
I conclude: the probability to making the double stat on the same roll: 6 in 36 chance
statistically, only one of these six rolls should be the desired roll
I Suggest to make re-roll possibility on every single stat rather than re-roll whole weapon.
(250 ep, invariate cost), eg you can select to reroll only the first or only the second roll if one is already desired.
ps: sorry for my english, i hope u enjoy it.

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