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Member Since 07 Nov 2012
Offline Last Active Dec 29 2022 02:05

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In Topic: bring life back to the game

09 February 2015 - 05:33

I agree with Johnagod.     It is supply and demand.  To much supply and less demand from less players means prices are low.  Trying to fix the game with changes that affect the few players we have will shorten the life of the game. There are some countries that play that can not sustain the points needed to keep upgrading gear. Thus the Guild tagging was great. Less gear needed for guild members.  If you want to fix the game then help find ways to bring more player base to the game. then prices will go back up.  


I think there needs to be a level cap established.  I would rather have maybe the ability to upgrade my gear or set of gear versus continuing to level my character.  This will establish less turn over in gear, but stronger gear items or gear sets.  


Maybe once you earn enough experience you can upgrade an item of gear you own. Or you can increase one skill, thus the skill can be stronger, not the over all level of the character. This would create random differences in players and make it more interesting as so many options to improve skills or gear. Thus might help bring back dead sets that have been made obsolete by new sets.


Could ramble on all night on neat things to help the game, but the true question is "Do they really want the Game to  Live on???"  or are we all a dying breed of hard core players trying to squeeze a little more life out of our game? 

In Topic: Development Update 3rd December

03 December 2014 - 15:12

Improvements to the game that will help new players is a Boon.  Our game needs new blood and new players that will stay with the game.


For some other useful improvements for older players i would like to see some of the FS helper issues fixed, such as the guild inventory not working.  When new players are seeking gear hard to sort thru tons of gear.  


I am sure there are others who miss having some of these extra add on features working as well.   Cheers

In Topic: A letter from your new Game Producer.

10 November 2014 - 03:16

Welcome to Fallen Sword Mojawk.


   I hope that you can help breath life back into a wonderful game, that has suffered due to choice's made on the developmental road map.  It would be awesome if you can "Heal" our game. And restore it to its former Glory.   We are doing poorly with an average of 425 players online at any given time.  Used to be in the 2k to 3,000.  There has to be some Action from the Cow's to instill renewed hope in our current players, before we can expect others to rejoin or join the game.  Are you planning to advertise the game??  How do you plan to increase the activity that is needed???   You can change 1000's of things in the game. But with little or no new players they are baseless!!      I am open to thoughts and idea's.  I enjoy thought provoking conversations on how we can make it more enjoyable for those who play.  I will wait and see what you bring to the game.   Thanks for listening. Thanks for being here, and Here is to You and your Team reviving the game.    


Cheers  Dradin

In Topic: Open letter to the Cows

30 July 2014 - 01:40

Hello Fellow Fallen Sword Players.


This topic and venue has been near and dear to me as well.  The game has steadily been on a decline for players for quite some time. Those of us who have been around for several years remeber the "good times".  When you could log on and see several thousand players online.  There was so much activity it was awesome. And as gamers we fell in Love with the Game it self.  I know I have made good "Online" Friends here. And enjoy playing the game in all aspects of content. 


But in order to revive the game or increase the player base we need to step back and look at what caused the shift in player egress??  What was it about the old style of the game that the liked changed to some thing they no longer liked?


What can we do to improve the game for all users. If we figure this out then we will have what works best for the game, for us and new players, as well as returning players.


I have heard ton's of great idea's and thought's for improvements. Yet it seems if it is for the better of the game from the players view or aspect...  it seems to float on by with little attention from the Devlopers.  I will even say that i have seen certain topics or post deleted. As if it was offensive to ask or speak our mind sometimes.  This has driven some players away.


A forum is for open and honest feed back. Some time this means we all have to face reality that there are things we would like to see to improve the game.


I would like to see some changes and will list them. They are not all inclusive or world changing. But they are idea's that could be looked at, debated, tweaked, improved upon. And they are not rude by my suggesting them.


1)  The game was designed on each point being based on a market value of 50,000 gold.  If you look at the market it averages from 185,000 to 220,000 per point. This increase has devalued the point, yet the cost for upgrades are based upon a point based system. Thus it is harder for players to upgrade their character now versus when the game first came out.  ( yes i know a point is like 20 cents in real currency. But there is a player base that enjoys playing with out spending Money or large amounts of money.)


2) I agree there can or should be more ways to have stam gain increases per hour.   Maybe even have a reward in the pvp arena that rewards say reserve stam.  Like 50 extra stam, 100 extra stam.  This could even be awarded for gvg battles, titan hunting, found in chest. Or even a daily chance reward.  This works well in other games i have played.  It increases each day a player logs in for a larger reward at the end of the 7 day period.


3) Game life with out the FS Helper really is a negatve for me.  Maybe I got spoiled to all of the extra things it did to make game life easier. But it worked, and now it does not!!!  Why take away something that worked until you can replace it or improve on it.  ( I feel this effect with affect some player base, and will reduce even more players #'s)


4) I feel there should not be a restriction in GVG battles when a player is hitting higher than their own level. This might allow more gvg activity and help revive GVG.  I have spent hours seeking target guilds to find battles to be a few levels off on target ranges.  Yet there are tons  of guilds with players in Epic gear that could be hit easily by lower level players. I understand the need to protect lower level players, but this could be a win for all GVG players.


5) I believe the game could be revamped to speed up the servers.  Move dead guilds, and players who have went inactive for more than 100 days to a holding server. If they log in then they can be pulled to the active server.


6) what would it really hurt if there was a way that small guilds could merge into one larger guild. With the Old Founders having ownership rights to their old guilds gear. New gear goes to the Main guilds Founder/ or even to the founder who tags the gear. This will help with improving the quality of the game for small guilds. or new players who join these guilds thinking all guilds are equal.  ( and yes some new players think that)


7) Bring the Helper online as part of the game structure, then ban all other scripts. Level the field of play so that we all have the same challenges and in game experiences.



Thanks, hope My thoughts do not rock the boat.  :) B)

In Topic: New Skills / Enhancements

14 April 2014 - 04:02

GVG Guru: Allows a player to hit 2 levels per skill point higher than their gvg target range, EX a lvl 700 play can hit 650 to 750. with the buff the lvl range is increased to 650 to 1100.


Lock Pick: Allows the player to attempt to open a chest with out a key.  Set buff up like SSI, for each 50 points placed in the skill they get one attempt,  Give it a percent chance of .1 for each point of success, Max of 17.5%


Magic Carpet:  Has a dual purpose:

1) Allows the player to move instantly to a store in the realm as long as they are high enough level to go there. Set buff up like SSI, for each 50 points placed in the skill they get one attempt.


2) Allows the player to move instantly to a guild relic as long as they are high enough level to go there. Set buff up like SSI, for each 50 points placed in the skill they get one attempt.


Golden Forge: Allows the player to attempt to better the craft of a guild tagged item.  Set buff up like SSI, for each 50 points placed in the skill they get one attempt,  Give it a percent chance of .1 for each point of success, Max of 17.5% Each attempt cost 100,000 gold.


Guild Builder: Allows the player to attempt to build a guild store slot.  Give it a percent chance of .05 for each point of success, Max of 8.75% Each attempt cost 150,000 gold.


Tomb Raider: Allows the player to attempt to steal gold from an inactive player.  Give it a percent chance of .1 for each point of success, Max of 17.5%


Relic Imp: Allows the player to attempt to take a relic with out an attack group.  Set buff up like SSI, for each 50 points placed in the skill they get one Imp,  each round of combat uses an Imp.


Stam Leech: Allows the player a set chance to recieve 1 to 3 stam points in reward per creature killed. Give it a percent chance of .1 for each point of success, Max of 17.5% Reward 1 point for common creatures, 2 points for champions, and 3 points per Titan and Elite kill.

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