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Member Since 11 Jul 2013
Offline Last Active Dec 09 2019 06:31

#818153 Oidhche Shamhna Legendaries!

Posted by dogness on 31 October 2013 - 14:35

People have been asking for the Spines EVEN though they knew the Halloween event was on the way. So they were released. It's all a matter of the player choosing which parts of the various events to partake in.


We will not be handing out Reserve Stamina, no.


I have removed some bickering, trolling posts. Do not make me do so again please.

I had no idea content was begging based if you begged enough ;)... 


really its a case of the rich getting richer.. you give them a cool event. they beg and plead for the other half now so they can make alot of money faster.. I wont dare complain about it.. there is just a pattern of where certain things come from and I think they generally favor the people who yell the loudest.. every... freaking... time... 


love the constant events this month tho :D

#816390 Next Roadmap - VOTE NOW!

Posted by dogness on 15 October 2013 - 13:39

How would you prevent abuse? Could you have 2 folks with hidden coffer trading hits? Sure you will lose gold every hit but people pay arms and legs for chests locations.

abuse wouldnt be an issue.. who cares.. people abuse gvg.. people abuse super elites... in every aspect of the game abuse will always be there... remember titan stride?... even if people "abuse" you still dont steal 100% of gold dropped.. anyone abusing this will only help bring down inflation 

#816324 Next Roadmap - VOTE NOW!

Posted by dogness on 14 October 2013 - 23:10

I know.. I KNOW.. I know people have suggested this.. can we please... PLEASE... have a vote for gold stolen medals.. name it the thief medal... It would make pvp more enticing and the bounty board would see more bounties.. people buy more tickets which is more gold/fsp into the sink.. and fights against inflation... 


I voted for a few things here and I love that we can vote on what updates we would like to see.. keep up the fantastic work :D

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