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Member Since 15 Aug 2013
Offline Last Active Aug 23 2013 14:12

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My thoughts about the game and suggestions on improving the game

22 August 2013 - 20:49

My thoughts:

I like the game and I think I have become an addict, I play when I have the time off. It remind me of an old Runescape mix with Diablo and Neverwinter Nights. You have your button smashing attacks and your camera angle and dungeon style of classic Diablo 1 & 2 with a bit of Neverwinter Nights. You also have your skills such as leatherworking and smithing to improve your own character which is something that I like because I love Runescape skilling and I am glad they make something of the same  :) . I would like to talk about more things of the game, but I don't want to spoil for those who haven't explore the game completely :P . My score on this game would be 8/10 because this game brings me back to my childhood and its a good game though there are some things that I do not like which what I will talk about on the bottom. 


My suggestion on improvements:

I am probably repeating at what other people in this forum already said, but let me say my 2 cents  ;)

1) Lighting - is it me or is the game too dark at night? I have to keep my laptop screen at about 70 or 80 angle to be able to see clearly in the dark. HC, I suggest make a lighting adjustment option at the setting.


2) Camera angle- now I love that you keep it Diablo/Neverwinter Nights style, but sometime trees are blocking my view and I would like to put my camera angle completely down or completely up above my character so I can see everything around me. HC, I suggest to please give us players free view of camera angle. 


3) Button smashing - although I love button smashing, after fighting so many mobs, my finger hurts...keep pressing 1 to melee attack or 2 to range attack nuh huh, No way! HC, please do something about it and make it so the character attack by him/herself and when we need to press a button that button only for a specific class skill.  


4) "DPS"? I think HC doesn't understand the meaning of "DPS" because DPS stand for damage per second and to me DPS on a dagger/sword/axe (1H) vs 2H (I don't think I have try 2H yet) are all the same speed (DPS). Isn't a dagger supposed to be a small and fast weapon or at least faster than a sword or an axe? I always thoughts fastest to slowest are dagger > short sword > long sword > axe > 2H sword. It is not fair to me who will become an assasin that an axe or a sword do alot higher damage and have the same speed base on button smashing. HC, my suggestion is you rate the weapon from 1-10 in speed 1 being the fastest and 10 being the slowest. You can also put the speed in the stats of each weapon stats box so players will know.


5) Elemental effect - I hope that you will put elemental effect or poison effects for assassin (I haven't check the whole tree skill yet) or a silver weapon to kill werewolf on weapons, not just mage who have it. In addition to that, I notice that whatever elemental spell I use there is no effect on a mob. Maybe because I am too early into the game, but I hope that as I level up some more and fight stronger mobs, these mobs have elemental weakness on them such as werewolf or vampire are weakness to fire so I can kill them much faster or do higher damage.


6) Mini map - mini map too small, please make it bigger so I don't have to keep clicking it every 2-3 seconds every time I want to do a long distance travel.


7)  Main map - please make the main map to be able to follow or lock in the player when we zoom in because I hate that have to keep moving it every time I want to travel far. In addition, when we re open the map please make the map to lock in on the player instead of let it stay to wherever it was when we close it.


8) Teleport - Its annoying when I have to travel 5-10 mins from the city to a farming area or cave to mine by running. Please make a teleport item or better yet make a check point (like the obelisk) for easier travel. You can also give us a horse or talk to an NPC who will give you a ride in their wagon to travel faster


9) Map symbols - HC, you should put symbols on the minimap or main map such as green apple tree, lime tree, regular tree, weed, farming area, pig farm area, copper, coal and gems in the map so we don't have to keep running around and searching for them. You can try to give them different colors in the mini map such as monsters should be red and farm able animals such as pigs or goats yellow and trees could be green. 


So far this is what I have now and sorry for any grammar mistake I made (I did try my best). Hopefully HC staff will take a look at this and make a future update on some of the things I mention. If you guys would like to add something please reply on this thread and maybe HC staff would look at yours and your idea into the game.  :D

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