link this in the shoutbox if you get a chance. more votes the better!

The Greatest Gothador Player of All Time
Posted 08 August 2014 - 20:11
Posted 09 August 2014 - 06:17
I'm honored, I actually got a vote and it was NOT mine! I voted Andor. He was a legend in and out of the game. Helped me tons!!
- OnionGroove likes this
Posted 09 August 2014 - 15:52
I don't think I could vote for just one because so many people made an impact on different aspects of the game. Cap who was one of the first to realize that speed was the key to the game, AssStallion with the pvp, Andor with his elf mage that was the first to hit 10k, and the very entertaining forum posts of insatiable, burt, las/val, tone, rev and many more. When it came to players that I admired there were many and for different reasons.
- OnionGroove likes this

Posted 09 August 2014 - 18:13
I know, and even the "Other- specify name" wouldn't let you add half a dozen more. It was hard to pick just one who you thought impacted the game more than others. There were a lot who for better or worse made the game alive, and the game is sorely lacking without them.
http://forums.hunted...e-alts-of-mine/ (Can anyone help?- Missing Alts)
Posted 10 August 2014 - 02:25
i got to vote on the original post years ago , but it just let me vote again , so i cast the same vote ...scroll up if you want to know lol
(how the hell did i get three votes?)
Posted 11 August 2014 - 18:09
wow, i got four votes
- OnionGroove likes this
I used to be BurtonX..but now see if you can find me
We want a Yvew Proving Place http://forums.hunted...showtopic=22755
We'd also like a Tripler https://forums.hunte...ler-to-tripler/
Posted 14 August 2014 - 00:19
(Hoof minions, still posting from the tablet. No luck with the desktop)
- dyscord likes this
Posted 15 August 2014 - 04:46
I voted blanchas. insat and I had chatted with him a few times when we had some sort of run in with his OG cult, the Guild of Wisdom. Inorite? insat and morby causing mayhem in game, say it ain't so.... B got in touch. We smoothed things over. And shortly thereafter he came over to Fate. B was instantly a central force in house. Brainstorming and crushing the game together was so amazingly fun. He was always fighting for the betterment of the game. To this day he and his wife come down from Canadia to visit several times a year. Love that guy.
(Hoof minions, still posting from the tablet. No luck with the desktop)
You three guys were the ones i aspired to kill before blanchas got me recruited to Fate. I don't think I ever really managed that...
Geek for life...yo
Posted 27 August 2014 - 09:16
Voting for AssStallion!
He spilled more stallionjuice on Trojan than anyone ever.
Seriously though, back when I was active I plowed through ranks and caught lots of people in ranks, levels and whatnot. There were people I never caught - and even though i cannot remember the rankings from that time, I still remember the fun I had, so Every single person on the list deserves my vote. At first I was chasing Gallowmere and Toneboogie, then RevBlood and Insat and in the end i was chasing morby, and after becoming a beast (of an angel) I quit like a moron. Andor deserves a kiss to the wind as well.
Was fun times for sure.
- Mysticalme likes this
Posted 23 June 2016 - 19:43
Posted 09 December 2016 - 16:33
I vote on Aizen. Sure, he may have killed my old Character, Asmodeus (which, I freaking want back), many times, but I love the guy and he rose fast through the Goth ranks.
Posted 27 January 2017 - 01:50
it was once the funnest place on the internet
Yeah, before HC forsook it for the children it loved more... This was the place to be. **Sigh**
- Mysticalme likes this
"In the end, you will always kneel."
"Last time I trusted someone, I lost an eye."
Posted 12 February 2017 - 08:27
Its a true shame it has basically died. *Cries a little more*
Posted 06 March 2017 - 09:42
I've been playing a game, something like Gorge of Umpires for almost a year now. One day a couple of weeks ago, I noticed the name of someone who used to play Gothador waaaaay back in The Day. They were in Sanguinarius with me, when I--well, this character--was still named Azkaban. Incidentally, my anniversary was yesterday...which means I've been a Gothadorian for 12 years. Sanguinarius was my first cult, so imagine my surprise when I saw the name Vedis in FOE. I messaged them but they never replied, and a few days later the neighborhood was rebalanced and that player was no longer there. Would have been nice to chat, if that was the same person.
12 years. A lot of things have changed in that time for so many of us, and sometimes it seems surreal when I think about it. I feel lucky to have met some of the folks who have come and gone, and a couple two-three who are still here **nudges MM**, and I still think about two who have passed us by. Writing my book...this wondrous thing that sprang from Skin's hard not to want to draw up tributes to them. In the mythscape of my mind, there is a shop in Svartalfheim that desperately needs a sign that says "Andor's Wares", and on a little street in Groningen, inside a cozy café, there's a friendly chap by the name of Frank sitting at a table, drinking tea and reading a paper. He's got a twinkle in his eye and a story to tell, and he'll talk your ear off if you let him. And you'll let him, because he's so interesting, and funny, and will make you forget your troubles for a while.
Anyway, I didn't come to be maudlin, just to check in and make sure the Realms are still standing. They are.
"In the end, you will always kneel."
"Last time I trusted someone, I lost an eye."
Posted 07 March 2017 - 04:13
Morbid, insat, blanchas and andor were all great players and inspirations.... but the 2 greatest to me were hellraiser and persephone/dyscord The day i joined was a dark cloud....and hellraiser killed me 2x.... i put his name on a stickynote on the monitor, and he was the driving force for me to excell, so that 6 yrs later the perservereance paid off, and I got him , and as for persy..... the sweetest girl i met in game, giving a n00b a full set of assassin gear for free, and being a friend through out my time playing... Many others helped and inspired, and a special shoutout to mortll, who was silly enuff to bond me for 10yrs or so, and to MysticalMe, for hours of late night conversations, year after year.
- OnionGroove likes this
Posted 13 March 2017 - 03:46
Miss those convo's for sure! You made me work in game as well...a LOT!
Posted 15 May 2019 - 14:06
I voted for morbidprogeny. He was an excellent player who I looked up to him. As BurtonX I was his "son" as an avatar. If I didn't make Tabula Rasa, I would definitely be among the Fate player!
- OnionGroove likes this
I used to be BurtonX..but now see if you can find me
We want a Yvew Proving Place http://forums.hunted...showtopic=22755
We'd also like a Tripler https://forums.hunte...ler-to-tripler/
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