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Member Since 20 Mar 2013
Offline Last Active Dec 10 2014 14:38

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Pfefferkuchen

08 December 2014 - 08:50

Coordinated Attack 300     240 mins

Coordinated Defense 300 240 mins

Smashing Hammer 300    240 mins


Min Level: 1700

In Topic: Game Update v2.51

13 November 2014 - 18:08

In regards to the Find Player function, I agree that if it auto fills it should be based on Virtual Level and within appropriate PvP level ranges (+/- 10 in my range). Also with the auto fill as currently setup if I attempt to find a player by name I have to manually clear out the level range or I don't find the player I'm searching for.

In Topic: Game Update v2.51

13 November 2014 - 17:32

Many needed and appreciated updates. With this update, though, one of my favorite FS Helper features has broken. The Guild (& Personal) Inventory Manager is not working :( Oh how I will miss being able to sort inventories by level, armor, damage, etc.

In Topic: Quango Island Returns!

08 August 2014 - 14:19

Ah I see. Missed that. Much obliged.

In Topic: Quango Island Returns!

08 August 2014 - 14:13

I'm in Quango Mountain but I'm not seeing an entrance to Quango Mountain (Heights). Only 2 doorways I see are Quango Island and Quango Jungle. Am I in the wrong area?

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