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Member Since 07 Apr 2013
Offline Last Active Jan 11 2014 13:48

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Official (Un-Official) Suggestions Thread

13 April 2013 - 19:14

There is cooldown time on potions...

Yes there is a cooldown, but it is not shown in the description of the potions. Thats what I meant


Maybe I should have been more clear srry

In Topic: Official (Un-Official) Suggestions Thread

13 April 2013 - 15:13

Cooldown time shown in the discription of potions .



In Topic: Official (Un-Official) Suggestions Thread

08 April 2013 - 14:06

-List of items that can be gathered per profession per level in the professions window.

It's already possible to view all the recepies for the crafting professions, we need this also for gathering.

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