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Member Since 09 Oct 2012
Offline Last Active Nov 28 2013 14:25

#817333 buy stuff?

Posted by Castros on 24 October 2013 - 10:56

You need to approach a System with planet(s) with shipyard.

When one star enters in the scope of your short range scanner, on your top right panel the name of the star appears under the label "nearby stars".

Click on the icon next to the name of the star, and in the star map you will se the list of planets.

If on the top of any planet you finds an icon showing an "S", than the planet has a shipyard.

You can click on the "S" icon to enter the shipyard, and see the items you can buy there.

However not all empires allows external to access they shipyard.


You can try mine, if you like.

It is in Tau Ceti, at coordinates 1439, 439,

at the star Eeiue,

the third planet.


You can find there several stuff for your level... and it is getting always more furnished.

Please come and have a look.



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