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Member Since 20 Apr 2013
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In Topic: Fallen Sword Roadmap (July - October 2024)

Yesterday, 14:10

Sword is not going anywhere, don't worry. :)


- Grim

In the same manner that Legacy, Sigmastorm, and Eldevin haven't and "won't go anywhere?"

In Topic: Fallen Sword Roadmap (July - October 2024)

26 June 2024 - 15:13

As it stands, I am currently unable to push for any sweeping changes to features, such as Arena, due to our resources being allocated elsewhere. However, when an opening presents itself, I will bring your feedback to the forefront once again and see what we can do for the future!  :)


So...proof that Fallen Sword is on life support? If it is, that's fine, but I'm sure we'd like to hear it directly more so than subliminally.

In Topic: Realm Chest Update Ideas.

26 June 2024 - 15:10

Overkill 1100. 60m.

Titan Doubler 300. 60m.
Counter Attack 300. 60m.
Frag stashes:
Worldly Frag Stashes, Bronze to Ruby. These are the mixed frags, similar to those in the Globals, just with more Frags and unbound.
Then we have : 
Worldly SE Frag Stash
Worldly Crystal Frag Stash
Worldly Legendary Frag Stash
Worldly Unique Frag Stash
Worldly Rare Frag Stash
Worldly Common Frag Stash
Frag Stashes with a single type of Frag. Higher quantity and unbound.




Would we want these added to existing Crates? Or brand new ones?


Quest Items. Used for inventing upgraded Epics? If so, likely one of due to rarity/scarcity?


~ Grim


Everything not quoted is fine.

As others have said, OK 1100 already exists and sells well. With the potion flowing throughout the market, adding direct competition to it would be a terrible idea.

Titan Doubler 300 was suggested as a "for cleanup," idea, sure, but realistically, it's going to be used to secure holiday and limited titans more quickly. All it does is further exacerbate an already prevalent issue.


I don't know why Counter Attack was suggested. It's an abysmal buff that should never see any use in its current iteration. Squandering stamina against PvE mobs is the worst thing you can do, and when it offers Attack and Damage which are the easiest two stats to get thanks to the way gear distribution and buff work currently, this is a wasted slot. Counter Attack needs a complete rework or this suggestion should change to something like Arterial Strike 1000. While I know there's already one in the loyalty section, having one available on the open market works well for circumventing the loyalty coin cost some individuals may not have.



I'm torn on frag stashes. I understand why some may would want them, but with the way Global Events work and how well they're done, these would only be a wasted effort to a vast majority of those playing today. Now, if there were a way to put an "Instant Composing Level +5" item into a chest, that thing might would sell...


I saw the recommendation for a Reckoning 300 which sounds great, and I agree that it's hard coming up with other ideas on things because we don't want powercreep to get any worse than it already has. What would be the thoughts on a new buff specific to the chests here instead?

In Topic: Proposed RP Packs.

24 January 2024 - 19:49

Attached File  FS Feedback.jpg   79.08KB   32 downloads

In Topic: Proposed RP Packs.

12 January 2024 - 14:50

You said these that I removed wouldn't change, so I removed from feedback. That said, based on the below, aside from the promotion items, the others can be scrapped.

Below are augmented versions of the above with RP costs. Still 12 hours duration.
Name: Battle Pack C Cost: 15 RP (Won't see much if any use.)
Rage 300
Berserk 300
Fortify 300
Name: Power Leveller C Cost: 20 RP (Same as above. These buffs are used by active, online players. They'd just pop composing potions at minimum.)
Adept Learner 300
Librarian 300
Doubler 300
Name: Battle Pack D Cost: 30 RP (Same as Battle Pack C. No use here.)
Death Wish 400
Death Dealer 400
Wither 400
Name: Power Leveller D Cost: 20 RP (Same as Power Leveller C.)
Adept Learner 400
Librarian 400
Doubler 400
Conserve 400
Name: Fortune Pack C Cost: 20 RP (Same as what Leos said. Redundant Given D.)
Quest Finder 300
Merchant 300
Four Leaf 300
Find Item 300
Treasure Hunter 300
Name: Defense Pack C Cost: 20 RP (Yeah, sure. This looks fine. As a believer in Level Up Point Distributions mattering, this looks fine)
Fortify 400
Aura of Protection 400
Force Shield 400
Fortitude 400 (Huh? 28 March 2023 @ 10:09 EST (15:09 Your time), and I quote "300 interferes with Promo and Arena potions," but here we are with a 400?" I'm all for the level 400, but let's maintain some consistency here with what we believe to be a good idea and a bad idea.)
Name: Fortune Pack D Cost: 25 RP (Good pack. Brings value around here. This one is needed.)
Quest Finder 400
Merchant 400
Four Leaf 400
Find Item 400
Treasure Hunter 400
Name: Defense Pack D Cost: 20 RP (Pretty good here. I may would toss in Great Vigor as a bonus on this one to round it out and make it an all-rounder.)
Evade 400
Absorb 400
Flinch 400
Rock Skin 400
Here, we have Toreth's suggestions. We've posted them below with possible costs. Additionally, we have noted where certain buffs and potion ideas confict with existing potions from around the game. Those are buffs are unllikely to be put in place.
Name: Enchant Pack Cost: 75 RP (Again, pretty good. As Count said, it does interfere some with the chest obtained potion of enchantment if you wanted to look at that; if you were to compare, though, I would suggest only lowering to 175 given that if someone happened to pop that potion, it puts the levels at 202.)
Enchant Amulet 200
Enchant Boots 200
Enchant Helmet 200
Enchant Ring 200
Enchant Rune 200
Enchant Shield 200
Enchant Weapon 200
Enchanted Armor200
Iron Fist 200
Name: Titan Pack Cost: 200 RP (As others have said, without any Teleport at all, this won't see use. Even with what Shin said and reintroducing at 185 so it has some level without invalidating some things would be good.)
Titan Doubler 200
Light Foot 600
Avert Gaze 200
Name: Leveling Pack Cost: 200 RP (Lowering AM is moot. As AM already exists at level 400 and above from a plethora of different areas, Serum of the Hunter, Globals, Loyalty Potion, even Composed. It doesn't really matter. Aside from that, this looks fine and good.)
Stalker 400
Sacrifice 300
Overkill 350
Animal Magnetism 400 - 350
Name: Defense Pack Cost: 200 RP (See Defense Pack C for feedback on Fortitude. Just leave it at 300 here. If you're going to lower it based on Defense Pack C, Raise Avenger and Stalwart Heart, then, otherwise this likely sees little to no use given it'll invalidate one of the key features of the pack. While Fortitude exists in level 300 and even 400 (345 and 460 post Distil), the Arena potion isn't purchased as-is due to its existence in other potions already. All this does is help with defending.)
Avenger 300
Stalwart Heart 300
Fortitude 200 (300 interferes with Promo and Arena potions.)
Name: Bounty Pack Cost: 200 RP (Another one of those "Mainly an active, online player pack" which, when we factor that in, the Anti-Deflect level at 400 doesn't matter as even a simple composing potion invalidates it - same as the Spell Breaker. The highlight is the Retaliate and Undermine for offline players. AD and SB are easily overwritten by online players as they're online buffs.)
Anti Deflect 300 (400 interferes with Promo potions.)
Spell Breaker 250 (Invalidates invented potion?)
Retaliate 300
Undermine 300
Name: Fighter Pack Cost: 125 RP (What happened to the strikethroughs on this one!? Originally proposed was Fist Fight 250 - 200 is too low given that all someone has to do is pop a BE potion from composing and buff everyone with Fist Fight 203. 250 gives it value given that online players who want to win will likely be using Fist Fight 345 (Empress Elixer). Originally Riposte and Sharpen as well, and if we look at those "win now" conditions, there wouldn't be interference given that someone would just use an XMas box for the appropriate level (518).)
Fist Fight 200
Critical Strike 250
Side Step 250
Riposte 200
Sharpen 200
I hope this is all makes sense. We look forward to discussion and feedback plus any suggestions regarding other possible packs.
~ The Fallen Sword Team



As others have said - there also needs to be more to bring value to RP. As much as I dislike having a multitude of different currencies across the same aspect, maybe look at adding something extra to GvG so that way when the introduction of new gear (what's really needed) comes around, people can't just buy immediately with stored RP.

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