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Member Since 26 Mar 2013
Offline Last Active Oct 08 2015 08:27

#834091 Current issues + suggestions

Posted by Orlac on 23 December 2013 - 17:15

1. Camera Angle - Its no secret a lot of people have issues with how the camera operates right now. As it stands right now the game is software rendered which unfortunately limits the camera. This is currently being worked on and we will have more freedom of movement with the camera with the next major update. I believe it will be able to come down to eye level if I'm not mistaken.


2. No Marketing - I don't really see how you're in any position to tell anyone from HCS how to run their company or when to spend money on marketing. The game has only been released a month and for a small indie company like HCS it is doing quite well. I think you have some preconceived notions that every MMORPG should have 50,000+ player bases on launch.


3. Trees - If you're rapidly clicking while running away from mobs then you should try not hitting the panic button right before you die. Hold down your mouse button while you run as this will negate that pesky tree problem you seem to run in to a lot.


4. Critters - They add to achievements. If they piss you off so much then kill them or stop repeatedly bashing your tab key.


5. Quickly Moving Items - The issue with quickly moving items from inventory to bank is known and is being worked on. It will be implemented in an update some time down the road. As this is not an immensely important issue and really only a minor inconvenience it does not take precedence over major fixes and bugs.


6. Too Much Grinding Early On/Leveling - As stated earlier the game has only been out a month and more quests are on the way with additional updates. Quests do take time to write and they do take time to implement. As for the grinding of skills such as fishing and forestry finding a perfect balance isn't an exact science. If you have ever worked on a game then you would know that balancing issues especially with experience can become troublesome. Often if you change one thing then there are twenty other things that were not taken in to account that have to be changed as well.


7. Dungeons - Lv 5 Othalo Guardhouse, Lv 10 Boondocks, Lv 15 The Vault, Lv 20 Ohdar Scar, Lv 25 Secluded Valley/Garai Coliseum, Lv 35 Temple of the Three. That's seven dungeons from 5-35 not counting arenas or any other dungeons past Temple of the Three. Dungeons are constantly being monitored and tweaked which again does take time. No matter how you put it eventually all dungeons will become a grind even randomly generated ones. You also have to keep in mind there are Lv 40 dungeons and the fact that we are still only limited to Lv 40 when the proposed level cap is 50. So as it stands right now there are plenty of dungeons to do.


8. Crafting/Gathering - As stated before finding a perfect balance isn't an exact science. While not being extremely difficult, it's also not meant to be easy. You will not have your hand held when it comes to crafting and if it isn't your cup of tea then don't do it. You can play the game perfectly fine without crafting a single item.


9. EU Server - Please take note I am not from the EU server nor do I have you or anyone else for that matter on ignore.


10. Bots/Macros - It has been made quite clear that automated playing will not be tolerated and is to be reported on sight. If you are not reporting such things then you are part of the problem and not part of the solution.




Now before you go on your little rant let me just clarify that while I am not going to divulge the actual number my IQ is adequate enough to be responding to this thread. So before you start your "lolwut lowz IQ stfu" talk... Spare me the pain of having to read it and come back with a somewhat sensible and intelligent argument.



That is all.

#831375 Inciting Cry not applying taunt and Taunt in general

Posted by Orlac on 16 December 2013 - 09:21

I didn't even think about spiked armor.. Good call Vu7.


*waits patiently*

#830950 Inciting Cry not applying taunt and Taunt in general

Posted by Orlac on 15 December 2013 - 03:49

Why I didn't notice as soon as I started using it is beyond me but anyways... According to the tool tip Inciting Cry (16 point Templar talent) causes a high amount of threat and applies taunt for 6 seconds to all enemies. While running Garai Coliseum today I noticed that its not actually applying 6 second taunt to the mobs but rather just grabbing their attention and then letting go.


I'm also specced in to Deafening Voice so whether its a conflict between the debuff being applied in the taunts place or not I don't know.


While we're on the subject of taunts it might be worth while to take a look at the single target taunt as well. According to its tool tip it causes a high amount of threat applies taunted status for 4 seconds and forces the target to focus on you. Currently I'm specced with 1 point in Resolute making it a 7 second taunt instead of a 4 second when Loaf some how managed to pull the 1st boss in GC off me after applying a fresh taunt to him.


Now to me that tool tip says that while the target is under the effects of the taunted status it should not be focusing on any other player other than myself esp. after it had a fresh taunt applied.

#829577 Foraging to Alchemy processing

Posted by Orlac on 12 December 2013 - 10:00

Mmk so everyone knows foraging doesn't have a processing function.. You just pick berries and what not then chuck some in a bottle then poof you got a potion. Anyone who has even remotely started foraging knows how slows it can be so why not give it a processing function like prospecting?


Currently with prospecting you mine the ore you mine the coal you buy some flux then you hit the forge. Not only did you get prospecting experience from mining all that coal and copper but you also get it for each bar you make.


Now with foraging there is no processing function so you miss out on that extra xp from processing which is why it goes so slow. So why not give foraging a processing function? The way it could potentially work is you gather the materials similar to prospecting you grind your jootberries and your swamp fungus and your apples etc. with a mortar and pestle creating powders and such. BAM! processing done take your ground up berries and fungus add em to your alchemy bottles and you got yourself some potions.



That is all. :)

#829107 Problems as a tank

Posted by Orlac on 11 December 2013 - 03:18

I don't have many issues with holding aggro on groups now that im running inciting cry with tremor. If you go full templar a the start you should have both of these skills at 22. With inciting cry being your aoe taunt an tremor having a 2 second aoe stun you fill in the gaps with impale and maybe a bloodbath if your cooldowns are still up then you shouldnt have too many issues.

#828994 In Game Marriage

Posted by Orlac on 10 December 2013 - 23:13

Isn't Loaf is a male character? first thing first, we need a name change item and gender change item in shop .


You got a problem with two male characters getting married?


Nothing will keep me and my love apart.... NOTHING!!!!!

#827504 In Game Marriage

Posted by Orlac on 09 December 2013 - 14:07

Loaf and I wish to express our undying love and devotion to each other and get married.



Mojawk... cowboy... Make this happen. <3




P.S. We would like an xp buff.

#826868 wouldn't Auto Route be nice?

Posted by Orlac on 08 December 2013 - 02:58

I'm against auto routing. When I play a game I want to actually play the game not watch it play itself.


Keep in mind WASD movement is in the works so you won't be forever clicking to move around.

#795163 [Implemented] Auto Attack and Quicker Selling

Posted by Orlac on 10 June 2013 - 23:40

Basic Auto Attack so I can save my poor finger the pain and aches of spamming Melee Attack.


Shift+Click or Double Click to move items to the sell window of a vendor instead of click and drop.


Yes I'm lazy but most of you guys already knew this. :P

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