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Member Since 07 Jan 2014
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In Topic: New Epic Recipes released!

15 September 2022 - 22:51

Shindrak made a good point: nowadays, having arenas with epics, or without, is pretty much irrelevant. Its the same division of gameplay.


Only in very limited ranges they come in handy and they are not that decisive. Reasonable alternatives can be found amongst items of "lower" rarities.


The reworked epics are already very powerfull on their own, so Im expecting to see them being used way more in arenas than their ancestors.

How much more, I cannot say at this time. There are still not that many available to reach a conclusion on this.


Having some with HP would potentialize their use even more. They would be really perfect to be used as filler items.


If that would happen, then yes, arenas with epics would be on another different division, than arenas without epics.


I just have two concerns:


i.) That they would become so decisive, that arenas with epics would become like a small private club, just for players who can afford these new epics;

This concern, mixed with the fact that there are not that many arena players around, would not help in making arenas with epics a very active part of the game, neither attractive for anyone willing to try or begin playing in arenas;


ii.) That you Cows would start prioritazing Epics as ideal items to have just a bit of 100 HP.


Competion requires that, even in less powerfull items, there are alternatives for HP.

And by alternatives Im not thinking about 1000s of HP on a single item.

We have hundreds of those, all of them junk, not competitive and completely useless for any purposes of gameplay.


Lower ranges <1500 +/- have hundreds of items that have just a bit of HP. Items in all types, forms and rarities.

Those were the ideal ones for arenas and they are a great contribution to arena competiveness.


However, it seems that somewhere along the way you Cows forgot how to make more of them above level 1500 +/-, and all the HP we see above that range is either in 1000s HPs or as a set bonus.


If 100 HP would become an exclusivity of new/reworked epics, would be simply tragic.






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