I just been trying to talk to a player from Germany who has just started to play the game I had a feeling he was trying to use a translator to understand what I was talking about. I would like to suggest the ability automatically translate text from many languages to a specific one so if you are German it would translate all other languages to German or if you are from Italy then all text would change to Italian something like google translate can detect a given text and change it to a predetermined languages
possibly have a check box in game menu settings with a drop down menu of languages which you can select the languages all others will be converted into and this option can be switched on or off as required
With the addition of this player’s from all over the world can speak to others without the need to know English as the high majority of the players prefer English as the main game languages the ones with week English are at a disadvantage this would remove the confusions but only if it is added and the translations given were reliable