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The Observer

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#1 ss_skopos

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Posted 02 December 2008 - 08:42


#2 ss_skopos

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Posted 02 December 2008 - 09:58

*looks back at Skopos*

#3 ss_skopos

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Posted 02 December 2008 - 10:49

*You have brought me from a world of heart boosts to a land of Stim shots.*

*The Gate Keeper greets you, 'Have you destroyed 25 Failed Cyborg Units?'

*Skopos nods*

"Please tell me, am I now better then my brothers? Are you pleased?"

The Gate Keeper smiles up at you, 'You have done me a great service. I'm pleased to see the Units we are producing are of such quality as yourself. The Customer must see the value we are adding to our product and contact us soon!


#4 ss_skopos

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Posted 03 December 2008 - 00:20


"Other successful units have begun to follow me. A small number have attempted to terminate me, as I terminated my brothers. Yet there is something else, here amidst the others I am one, I must find the customer soon."

**End of Observation**

#5 ss_skopos

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Posted 04 December 2008 - 05:31

"Dry winds whip round my face while the desert stretches on. Alarmingly my energy runs low, discovering a place to rest soon."

*In a quiet corner you find a wounded Woman. Skopos pauses suddenly, staring in disbelief. For him time quit and the world stood still. Truly this new site is breathtaking.*

*Silently Skopos approaches, forgetting the heat of the humid desert. The Woman initially reals from you, but when she realizes that you mean her no harm she relaxes.*

"Sorry, this is a harsh world we live in."

*Skopos confusingly scratches his head, eyes transfixed upon her cloths. Why won't they look away?*

"There are many who would simply kill me for the cloths I wear."

*Shivers are sent through her body, uncontrollable reflexes manifesting themselves. Pressing the bandage tightly against her head she stands up.*

"I have no right to ask really, but there is a patient in my care who needs a blood transfusion."

*Silently Scopos listens, dry throat preventing speaking. Curse that dessert wind.*

"There are strange androids in this area that seem to collect Blood. Can you please bring be a Harvesters Storage Reservoir."

*Slowly she strolls toward Scopos, flipping her hair. Yearning for rest, Scopos discovers his moving body, observing no recollection of the last three seconds while gazing at her.*

"I'll make it worth your while."

*She begs delicately rubbing her soft fingers down his bulging chest.*

*Lightning fast the chest rotates, his chiseled arms calculatedly swung from the sides now to hold her. Collapsing weakly to the ground, she lay still. Laying down himself Skopos turns away while tossing the head.*

"The customer will be pleased at the quality of my work, that slash was clean."

*He mutters while drifting off.*

#6 ss_skopos

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Posted 08 December 2008 - 12:24

*Tosses in sleep*

*I have been asleep for some time now..I feel that I cannot wake up. This dream is so very haunting. The voice, all I hear is the voice repeating a haunting messge..*

"We are aware and working on the issue."

"We are aware and working on the issue."

"We are aware and working on the issue."

#7 ss_killer500

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Posted 10 December 2008 - 18:27

if anny admin or modrador read this i hawe complited did desktopsmiley Crystal Rewards and i did not get anny thing i get 3 Flux Crystals but i dident get 3 Flux Crystals
:!: :!: :!: :!: :!: :!: :!: :!: :!: :!: :!: :!: :!: :!: :!: :cry: :o :o :o :o :o :!: :!: :!: :?: :?: :| :| :|

#8 ss_skopos

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Posted 11 December 2008 - 03:27

OoC: What are you talking about? All offers don't pay out, if you still have problems send in a support ticket.

BiC: ***Taulin City is a hubbub of activity with different peoples going about on their daily business.***

*I've woke up to the sound of people yelling. This seems to be a city, how did I get here? And what are flux crystals? Better go find the customer.*

*Skopos gets up and begins to walk, much to the surprise of the people around him. You notice a few stop and point, but can't figure out why. As you wander through the throng you are stopped by a City Guard in battered amour. He appears trustworthy, so you extend a hand. The Guard shakes you roughly by the hand.*

"It's good to see a new G27 Unit. They have not been showing up recently for some reason, dunno why."

"Listen I have no time, I got to find.."

"But no matter, Taulin City has been under attack by the Chrome Hand. We've tried to reason with them but they simply will not listen."

*Clearly this guard lacks conversational skills, yet the desperate look on his face bids you to hear him out.*

"To be honest they have worn down our defenses quite a bit. We are weakened more than we would admit. The problem is the Phantom Stalkers see this if our city population does not. Our scouts tell us that they seem to be preparing to attack. The City Guard really don't need this new threat to the City."

*Skopos begins to walk away, but the guard walks with him.*

"Can you please travel to the Phantom Lake (Outer) and kill 30 Mutant Spear Hunters, this will stop the attack."

"Listen I really don't know anything about a Phantom Lake, or any Mut.."

*The guard nods quickly, while pointing east.*

"You have to travel through the Phantom Lake (Shore) to get to the Outer edge of Phantom Lake. Be careful, the Shore is very dangerous as it's a PvP area. Return to me when you have killed the Mutant Spear Hunters."

"A pee area? Well can you give me anything to help?"

"No sorry, our shops sell nothing new at all. But if you complete this task then afterward I may just so happen to know how to invent the ultimate helmet."

*Skopos raises an eyebrow, a gesture learned by his instructors. He leaves intending to never come back to such a crazy place, but perhaps the customer will be waiting by the lakeside. On the way out he notices a paper on the ground, picks it up and puts it away, intending to read it later.*

#9 ss_skopos

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Posted 11 December 2008 - 03:57

*Skopos frowns while looking over the endless desert.*

*An old Mutant waves to you. You wave back.*

"So you're a mutant?"

*The Elder Mutant sighs deeply.*

"This world is a harsh place, it requires of it's peoples.."

*You chop the mutant in half with a Cold Iron Saber, and throw it away. The city guard owes me one now, but the search for the customer is more important so you continue toward the lake.*

#10 ss_skopos

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Posted 11 December 2008 - 06:32

*Suddenly a group of mutant spear hunters attack! Skopos beats them down with his fists, then goes to rest at a nearby facility. While resting Skopos decides to read the paper that was found in the city, howbeit with some difficulty as the blood from his left hand drips down the side of the page.*


I hadn’t really known what it meant to truly love someone until he came along.
Sure all the others were important and they made an impact.
But he…
He is the first one
I have ever actually loved.
With him it’s the real deal not just the “Oh I wanna be with you” business.

It’s the I love you so much I just have to have you in my life regardless of what we are-love.
The I’m willing to make sacrifices because I can’t bear to think of my life without you love.
It’s the scariest thing ever.
And it could be gone in an instant.
But it’s worth it.
Every headache and heartbreak,
Every fight and apology,
They are all worth it because at the end of the day,
Nothing has ever felt as good as seeing him smile at me.

I have no idea what we’ll be today or tomorrow.
Or even next year for that matter.
I don’t know where we’ll be or what we’ll be doing.
All I know is I want nothing more than for him to be alongside me for the journey.
I know it’s cheesy and that I’m probably in way over my head.
But for some reason…
I feel like he’s worth it.
We’re worth it.
That is what love is.



#11 ss_greenblaze

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Posted 13 December 2008 - 04:00

um nice story

#12 ss_skopos

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Posted 21 January 2009 - 14:44

*Skopos turns to GreenBlaze*

"It is, though I have no time for these stories."

*As he speaks Skopos crumples up the page and deletes it. Once more he sets out to find the customer.*

*As you are wandering the desert you find a Taulin City Scout, he waves at you frantically. Pretending not to notice, you continue on. The Scout grabs at you in desperation.*

"Thank goodness, I thought nobody would listen to me. I was scouting the area for signs of the Chrome Hand when I was attacked by a Labor Android of all things."

"The Chrome..hand?"

*The scout nods.*

"I suspect that the Chrome Hand have hacked these Droids but I need proof to give my superiors. I'm not equipped to deal with threats of this nature. I'm only a recon unit after all."

*You turn to the scout.*

"So these Chrome Hand can make units fail..like Cyborg units?"

"Yeah, they can hack any unit."

*With this you stop, remembering your failed brothers. Remembering what made you great.*

"Can you get me the Data Box of one of these Labour Android Mk2. With that our tech guys can find out where the Droid had been. It might be the first real clue to their location."

*You look around, and nod*

"There. Look at that."


"Right by that sand over there."

*You point at a Data Box lying on the ground. The guard turns red, and picks it up. As the guard turns to leave you stop him.*

"Tell the city guard that the mutant spear hunters are dead, I'll be in to collect my reward soon."

*The scout nods, and rushes off to the city.*

***You receive 15 Skill points***

#13 ss_skopos

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Posted 21 January 2009 - 15:20


"WTF? Who said that?"

BigGrim says: Blimey! Something bloomin' odd goin' on there.

*You are taken back..is this the customer? The message continues.*

BigGrim says: Clones are not a class. The Clone is a blank slate. We never intended to make the clone something special, nor will we.

*You sit in silence for a while. After gathering your thoughts you utter.*

"Then my brothers..the failed Cyborgs.."

BigGrim says: Aye, that's the plan. Might take a wee bit of time but it is the plan.

"Then what was I made for?"

BigGrim says: You'll simply have to be patient. I'll look into it but at the moment, we are a wee bit busy with other things.

*You rise up and swing the Toothed Blade around, swishing through the air.*

BigGrim says: Argh! Under attack by curious people!


*You sit down, feeding this information into your Data Processor.*

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