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RAZOR QUEEN (Part 4 of The Chronicles of Midnight)

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#1 ss_midnightxx

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Posted 30 January 2009 - 20:11

This Story is the 4th in a series, I have started writing. The stories are a combination of entertainment and back story to flesh out my character. Please ignore errors in spelling and grammar, as I'm not a great literary, and what constitutes a rough draft for most people is a finished work for me.

If you have not read the earlier stories, please go back and do so first...
1) RAD LAND http://forum.sigmast...php?f=11&t=2820
2) DARKEST HOUR http://forum.sigmast...php?f=11&t=2834
3) THE WINE DARK SEA http://forum.sigmast...php?f=11&t=3249

and if you enjoyed the story please leave a comment I'll be more motivated to write more, as opposed to just wasting my time surfing the net. That and more people will likely take the time to read them if they have gotten allot of responses.

#2 ss_midnightxx

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Posted 30 January 2009 - 20:12


There were eight of them in all seven cyborgs and an android, guarding the mouth of the canyon. It took the better part of the morning using rock outcrops and shrubs to approach as close as possible without reveal myself. There was no point in giving them time to consider the situation.

Finally I had exhausted all possible concealment and I stood, and briskly walked the last dozen paces. The sentries immediately became alert and took up defensive positions.

“What’s your business here traitor?” Challenged their captain, a good size, and heavily augmented cyborg.

I stop a few paces short, trying to look as relaxed and unconcerned as possible.

“I’ve had a long time to reconsider the words of the Prophet.” I began “I was misguided in the actions I took. Now I’ve come to surrender myself to the cause…”

I held out my coiled whip and a combat knife.

“Sharona Rai will wish to hear of this, Take him!” he ordered

They collected my weapons, and their leader and three guards boxed me in between them. Leaving the remain 4 sentries to guard the check point, they lead me into the canyon.

Good….they only left 4, I probably could not have hope for better…..

The canyon was long and winding, it narrowed in some places small enough that we had to pass single file, in other areas it open wide or split off into many side canyons. However, the path we took had recently been heavily traveled so there would be no difficulties in determining which route we had taken.

At one point I detected a single sentry, high up on the canyons ridge. I was immediately alarmed, but then relaxed again as I saw him leave his post and scurry along in front of us to pass word of our approach….good….

A few minutes later we emerged into a large gorge, studded with sizeable boulders and outcroppings of bedrock. Here the Chrome Hand’s were busily constructing a raiding base. The beginnings of barrack, supply, & repair shacks had been begun. A motley assortment of labor droids and primitive cyborgs were engaged in this construction task.

As we entered this area the cyborgs guarding the camp entrance fell in step with my escort guards. As we passed through camp many of those soldiers overseeing the workers, also broke way from those duties to flank me as we approached a large tent.

The captain of the guard put a hand on my shoulder to stop me “Stand fast brother….”

The Soldiers of the Chrome hand stood behind me and to the side in a great semi circle at the tents entrance. The flaps parted and the cyborg sentry I had spied high on the canyon wall emerged and then slipped through the ranks to return to his post….I smiles slightly despite myself…

We were made to wait a short time, the bustle of the camp continued despite the fact that most of the guards had come to see Sharona Rai pass judgment on me. Both the crowd and the time delay served my purpose well.

The flaps on the tent were both pulled wide as a pair of bullet storm modified cyborgs emerged. Each had an arm that terminated in a single rapid fire slug thrower. These two held the flaps apart for Sharona Rai as she emerged and then fell instep behind her.

Despite Sharona, being the smallest of the Chrome Hands she was a marvel of engineering, her limbs had been replaced with sophisticated prosthetics, which lent unnatural fluidity to her movements. Her torso was a blend or organic and synthetic components. Only her face was remained fully human and it was magnificent in its icy beauty.

I could not help but gasp at her superlative design, it was easily to understand why the Chrome Hands would follower her without question. For her part Sharona Rai seemed quite amused by my reaction. I could not tear my eyes away from her and she basked in my admiration as she looked me over.

She laughed musically “You are not the only one who is impressed here Midnight!” her voice pure and high “You’re a splendid specimen yourself…….Why is it exactly you’re here again?”

I had not even realized she had addressed me at first, instead I stood there transfixed until the Captain who had taken my surrender spoke.

“Midnight has finally heard the truth in the Prophets words mistress, he has come to serve and to redress his wrongs” the Captain explained.

She turned to me a flicker of a smile on her lips “Is this so Midnight?”

I finally found my voice….”Yes….”

she raised an eye brow waiting for me to elaborate

“I’ve….I’ve made a terrible mistake…”I stuttered “I’m not asking for forgiveness…I…all I know is the truth of what the Prophet told me….”

She held up one marvelously engineered arm, each finger of which ended in a deadly monofilament blade. “There is no need to explain….there is something terribly wrong with the world…but few can see it….”

“YES…” I gasped

“I must admit I thought you a lost cause Midnight, but foolish as it may sound I still held out some hope…” she left off

“Yes……” I was entranced

“These other….their followers…but not you.” her voice soft and delicate “no… your something special….something that until now I have not had….but that I have dreamed about…”

“Yes….I’ve felt the same…and until this very moment I didn’t realize how great my own need was…” I confess with total honesty.

“With you at my side….sitting next to me on my throne and sharing my private chambers….” her words a promises of dreams fulfilled “There is nothing we could not do, could not forge from this world...could not set right….”

“YES….”I gasped

Then slowly and musically she began to laugh, and soon I began to join in, sharing her triumph….but her laugh went on and took on a hard a terrible note and the sound of my own laugher died on my lips. The Chrome hands around me grew tense as we all watched her in growing uncertainty.

Her laughter slowly coming to a conclusion…. “You men are such pathetic idiots!”

“Did you think you could come here Midnight, with your ludicrous plan and that I would swoon and fall into your arms?” her lips curled into a terrible icy smile.

“…and the rest of you….how brain dead are you to think that after what happened at Phantom Lake we could ever, even remotely, trust this HERITIC!” she spit out these last words

All of us stood their before her mute, a long awkward silence hanging in the air…..

After all….what could we say to that?

"Execute him!!" she snarled

The two guards flanking her took a step forward and without hesitation let loose a barrage of fully automatic fire, but I was already moving. Divining hard to one side I tucked into a roll. Heavy slugs whizzed passed me, making metallic pings or wet thuds as many of the round inadvertently hit those standing behind me. The two cybernetic guards attempted to track me with following fire, their weapons clicked on empty chambers as I came up on my feet. I had already yanked a flat piece of sharpened metal from a concealed boot sheath, and I dodged in close. They made an attempt to fend me off with their empty weapons, I hacked viscously at them, the bare metal hilt of my makeshift weapon stung my palm with each strike, but I succeeded in bring them both down.

Another Cyborg stepped in close on my right, this one was of primitive design, sporting a single heave bludgeon at the end of a massive hydraulic arm. As I took the last guard, I recovered with a slashing backhand swing to deal with this new threat. Despite his unsophisticated configuration, he was lightning fast, his bludgeon caught my blade, shattering it instantly, and sending the shards flying in a glittering rain.

I recovered hand stinging and was barely able to back peddle as he aimed his back swing at my head. Still I was not quite fast enough and he struck me a mere grazing blow. However, so great was the force of his swing, that I was sent slamming backwards into the hard ground, the force of which sent a small spray of blood from my mouth. He stepped in and raised his bludgeon to deal me a skull crushing blow. In desperation I kicked out striking him in the knee, but did little damage. This however was enough to throw him off slightly and his blow went wide, punching a deep divot into the ground next to my head. My cheek was cut by small shards of crushed rock and the impact rang in my ear.

The cyborg yanked back his arm in order to deal another blow. But as he did so I grabbed his bludgeon and allowed his mightily strength pull me back to my feet. I grappled with him so he could not employ his bludgeon, and being in close, I struck savagely at his temple with my elbow. One...two... three blows and there was a crunch as something broke and he collapsed backwards. All around be the Chrome Hand's moved in.

A Zealot wielding a wickedly serrated blade was the next quickest. He brought down his blade in a mighty two handed blow. I brought up my left forearm in a parry as I stepped into his attack. Our arms slammed together in a jarring thud. The ornaments spikes on his Bracers, turned out not to be so ornamental after all, as two of them punched trough my armor, to protruded like two bloody metal fangs from the other side of my forearm. I let out an involuntary cry of pain. The Zealot snarled "Heretic!" and wrenched himself free of my impaled arm. He drew back his weapon in triumph, prepared to deal me the Coup de grâce. My right hand shot up with all my power, driving my fingers into his throat like a blade, crushing his wind pipe and grinding into his spine. The Zealot collapsed to the ground convulsing.

A Cybog wielding a whirling cutter blade charged in as I recovered into a crouched fighting stance, ready to spring or dodge. But his charge was cut short at three heavy slugs thudded into his back and sending him headlong into the dirt. A moment later the Zealot two steps behind him was also cut own from behind, as a pair of slugs ripped through him. The sound of gun fire erupted from a second direction along with the dismayed crieds of it's victims. Those who had a moment ago been so focused on my destruction, now looked around wildly for the source of this new threat.

To my left a low running figure, launched its self from an outcropping of rock, coming down behind a Cyborg with a heavy slug thrower were his forearm should have been. It was the Mutant Tucotew, and he let the force of his leap drive his blade deep into the cyborgs collar bone, doing hideous damage. Tucotew wrenched his blade free and turned on a trio of Zealots that advanced to oppose him. With our hesitation he lunged in stabbing the middle one clean through the neck, then dodged back. The remaining two snapped their pincer arms on empty air as the mutant retreated. Tucotew, skipped two, then three steps gauging the rhythm of his enemies attacks. Then without warning he reversed direction, charging in and between the pair of Zealots, and cutting savagely, he made quick work of both.

Another massive cyborg, with huge lifter arms closed on Tucotew, arms wide to entrap the agile mutant. Tocotew let fly his bade, sending it end over end to thunk heavily into the oncoming juggernauts forehead, and sending him toppling into the ground. Tocotew nimbly leaped and clambered back up onto his rock perch and with a calm, not expected by his wild demeanor, drew his rad pistol and began to methodically fire it into the melee below. A moment later he was joined by LadyKyu, who clutched a handful of mind shards. The two of them poured withering firing down into the Chrome Hands.

As this last part unfolded, there was great indecision among the Chrome Hands as to whether to deal with Tucotew, or myself first. Taking full advantage of this the Slayer charged in from the far flank, swing his barbaric battle blade, turning what had a moment ago been chaos into pure pandemonium. Taking two opponents from behind before they realized he was upon them. The big mutant let out an undulating battle cry he cut own the third cyborg that had turned too late to meet this new threat.

For a moment Sharona Rai , like myself, had just been standing witness to the events unfolding around us. Then turning on me she snarled "I'll just deal with you Myself!"

I could not help but laugh..."REALLY?!?"

I snatched up the serrated blade of the dead Zealot, turning my crippled left arm toward her I keep the blade low and behind me, allowing her to think my wounds worse then they really were. She sized me up as she slowly moved in. Sharona’s beautiful face was a mask of contempt as she regarded me. Then with out warning I lunged in bring the blade up in a viscous arc designed to slice through her mid section. But my blade cut only empty air as she evaded my swing. Stepping in close Sharona stab her finger blades up under my armor, cutting flesh and grinding against metal ribs. A burst of pain escaped my lips, and now it was she who was laughing. I wheeled about and sent another wicked blow at her temple, but she evaded again her finger blades raking my leg. She danced away before I could recover. I was loosing strength fast, I'd be dead if I didn’t end this soon. Not allowing her time to evaluate her work I charged in to deliver a lunging cut. But her blades had cut deeply into my leg on her last attack, and I only succeeded in crashing headlong into the ground at her feet. She stood above be gloating, her finger blades scissoring the air, in a promise of what she was about to do.

A lithe form stepped over me to confront Sharona. "Step the Hell Back!" it was Aniee's voice.

"Get out of my way girl!!" Sharona snarled and lunged at the smaller cyborg. But this time it was Sharona Rai blades that cut empty air, Aniee spun away, but not before raking Sharona beautiful face with her own finger blades. In a furry Sharona launched her self at the Reaper in a series of rapid attacks. Each time Aniee nimbly leaped aside and delivered her own counter blow. I let out a horse cry of pain as some one stepped on my wounded leg. I rolled to one side to recover my blade, only to have my good hand nearly crushed as it was ground into the dirt by a spiked boot, as the two combatants sparred back and forth. Soon Sharona staggered back, one arm dangling useless at her side. Her beautiful face has a mask of blood, and only one eye was visible from staring hatefully through blood clotted hair, her lips trembled in a hissing snarl.

However before Aniee could press her advantage, a tall lanky android stepped in to interpose it’s self between the two cyborgs. The androids hand’s had been replaced by high torque cutter blades and as it closed in on Aniee, it tried to matched her move for move. Aniee batted aside one arm and digging her blades deep into it’s torso, she came away with a fist full of wires and cables. The Android let out a garble of electronic gibberish and froze in place.

Sharona seeing that the tide of battle had turned against her Chrome Hands, turned on her heels and fled. Aniee’s bid to catch the Chrome Hand leader was cut short as she was pressed hard by two Zealot’s, and forced to give ground.

Slayer seeing our quarry escaping gave chase, gaining quickly on the Cyborg leader. Sever Zelots and other assorted followers tried to intercept him, but without breaking stride he cut each down with his battle blade. Sharona has reached a narrow side canyon ahead of the mutant, and three of her Zealots squeezed shoulder to shoulder in the confined space, barring Slayers way.

Slayer leaped upon this rear guard, hacking at them like a man would hew down a stout door. But even as he finished the last of these guards off, a series of muffled explosions sounded from the direction of Sharona’s retreat. These were seismic charges set to seal off her escape route and so the battle ended.

Slayer turned away from the canyon not bothering to check. Tucotew trotted up to the larger mutant, complaining bitterly that Sharona had escaped. Slayer placed his had on the smaller mutants shoulder. “Easy brother!” he counseled “Sharona Rai has not escaped for long, her Zealots are all but destroyed and she is hunted now by many of the other factions too.”

I’d sat up, clamping my leg with both hands, as the two mutants came up to inspect me.

Tucotew smiled and spoke in a mocking voice. “O’ Sharona, I can’t help but swoon every time I imagine us together…..”

Now Slayer Joined in. “Sharona, I go over your blueprints and diagrams every day and then sleep with them under my pillow…..”

“HEY! it’s not like that!” I protested “Your making me sound all shallow and love struck!”

Emerging from sniper positions on the canyon rim, Amieep and Mutt could now be seen making their way down into the canyon.

LadyKyu approached and regarded me with scorn “Was this the plan Slayer, for us to hike all the way up here so we could watch Midnight lounge around on the ground?”

‘Geez have some frigging compassion why don’t you!’ I thought

Then Aniee, grinning at me as she approached.

“You think this is funny!” I accused

“No, it’s just nice to use you as the bait for once instead of me” she laughed “It suits you!”

“All for Midnight being the official bait of Reaper outings say Aye!” Slayer proposed




I lay back joining their laughter, hands clutching my aching ribs…… That’s the final straw next mission I was definitely pulling rank on Mutt!

#3 ss_aniee

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Posted 31 January 2009 - 01:08

WOW!!!! u truly r amazing i love this story the most. when u told me the next part was here i was sooo excited :D ur so talented :D
tap bkxx

#4 ss_sharri

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Posted 09 February 2009 - 17:31

As always this is good stuff,keep up the great work. :)

#5 ss_door23

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Posted 12 March 2009 - 22:30



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