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Yet Another Sharona Tale (Part 1)

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#1 ss_altare

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Posted 12 June 2009 - 02:44

In a land of dust, rust, chrome and a place all us geeks call home..a young warrior walks the path of righteousness. His name is Darion..Darion Locke and he is the resistance of the Exalted Sharona (HK). His story begins on the outskirts of Obsidian Tower.

On a dark day, following a hard downpoor of acid rain Darion finds himself trudging along the hardened lava and rock. His shirt was torn almost to the point where he couldn't wear it. His arms and legs were covered with scars and burns due to the random spurts of the volcanoes that lurked beneath him. Being the young age of 17, Darion had the bravery of a man twice his age. He had been on his own since he was a child. When he was only 8 years old a mysterious creature entered his village and killed everyone. He was lucky to escape, but not without one of the creatures grabbing him by the ankle while he attempted to crawl out of his hut and into the bushes. After a long, hard struggle he managed to get away..but a strange alloy coated piece of shrapnel was now lodged in his leg. He has long since pulled the piece of metal from his ankle, which he now wears around his neck. It is a painful reminder of his childhood, but it is the moral of this story and his motive for payback.

Darion had now been walking the lands of Nuwa for near three weeks. He knew he was close to his destination, he could sense it. He was also seeing numerous pieces of metal scattered across the mounds of hardened lava. He had just emerged from a dark, wet cave. To his suprise he emerged on the Mount Nuwa Crater...two large towers hovering over him. They would a dark grey, burnt by the volcanoes and rivers of magma that surrounded them. He could see chunks of charcoal falling from their sides, and a mysterious voice was heard inside.

He walked over the hill and saw a small store and shop. It was covered in ash and barely visible, but the bright red of the Medipacks were always just enough for him to know what it was. He entered the shop and dusted the entire room to get a good look at the merchandise. He coughed a bit, so he grabbed a blue bandanna from his pocket and wrapped it around his face. He grabbed a few Medipacks along with a nice shirt..one he could now be comfortable in. After getting what he needed and fitting into his new armor he walked out of the store and slowly began towards the tower. He looked up to the top and took his time analyzing the entire structure. "Such an amazing sight. But it holds such a devilish creature." He told himself.

He was very close to the two towers now and he found himself deep in a conflict. There was a ten foot wide river of magma that stood between him and the door of the tower. He took a second to decide what to do and finally headed back to the shop. He kicked at the metal holdings that were the basic structure of the tent and knocked them all down. After that he grabbed what material he could and headed back to the river. When there he slowly began to make a sort of bridge. He used the clothing he found inside to form the part he would walk on. He ripped up the shirts and tore into the pants with his sharp teeth so he could better work with it. He tied together to four metal rods he acquired from the tent. He then covered the top with the remaining material. He quickly threw the masterpiece onto the river of magma, and soon followed with a plethera of rocks and chunks of crust to ease of the pain of the heat he knew he'd have to endure. He then ran across his man-made bridge and fell down quickly, grabbing at his feet. Blisters were already appearing and a pale white underbelly turned to a blood red.

After a few minutes of tending to his wounds and burns he stood back up and made his way to the door. When he approached he saw a face engraved on the door. It looked familiar, but he couldn't make out what it was. As he reached for the handle to open the door, two eyes lit a bright red in the face..and a hissing noise was heard from above. He was startled so he jumped back, but then continued to open the door and walk inside. Once he was inside and the door has closed behind him, the darkness was a shock to him. He couldn't see a thing, not even the hand in front of his face. The only thing he could see was a faint light that seemed to be a hundred miles away.

He fumbled around a bit trying to head towards the light, when suddenly..it dissappeared. Two sets of eyes quickly appeared in front of him..and as soon as they were there they left. He fell backwards and his heart began to race. His breathing began to be deep and long. He heard some scuttling in the room as well as some whispering. Suddenly, all the noise stopped. Darion had no clue what he was about to face. He didn't know the creature he had set forth to was the most powerful in the land. He didn't know that he would have to travel through four levels of what should be called "Hell" before reaching her. He didn't know that all who had tried to end her tyrade had failed, and were brutally tortured, then murdered. Though he was soon to find out, and soon to face his fears. Will he make his parents proud? Or will he end up in the ever growing pile of bones the almighty Exalted Sharona had already collected...

#2 ss_vorta

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Posted 13 June 2009 - 00:51

*approving clap*

Love the detail, though the end does seem to have a few problems with flow. Nothing big, though. One tiny nitpick:

He didn't know that all who had tried to end her tyrade had failed

"Tyranny" is probably the word you were looking for.

#3 ss_altare

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Posted 13 June 2009 - 01:01

Yea I tried to put in some imagery there at the end and leave some suspense. I'm not too good at endings lol

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