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#1 ss_retsnom

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Posted 17 December 2009 - 16:50

Let me start by saying so far I like a lot about this game......

But lol.....

Missions here seem to be mandatory to be able to keep progressing in the game. I was lvl 25 and had to go back and do a lvl 8 mission to enter the lvl 26 world.....

weird but ok....

Now I am in the lvl 26 world and want to do the mission. It is a mission that well you make it nearly impossible for a low level new player to complete. First off it is a long quest (never good for low levels you want to keep playing). Second you make it a mission where we have to invent an item that takes 9 items to make just 1 of them but I need 4 in total. that is at least 36 items I need to have drop to make my componets with fsilure rate figure in about 50-75 items. but then it has to drop the correct 9 componet pieces to make 1 item.

Now having said all that I have been given 10 backpack slots and 10 componet slots. I need a fracking miracle to make these items and have room to keep them while making more of the same items.....

I could understand if this mission was in a much higher level area where people have more upgrades to their characters and can do the mission easier without having to dump gear every other kill hopeing for the right item to drop.

Basically my ? is why make the quests so hard and time consumeing for low levels we are trying to keep and play this game. I dont want missions to be easy but I want them to be possible.

Other than that so far i like the game a lot.


P.S. why isnt the wiki page linked somewhere in the game page for noobs like me to click for help?

#2 ss_werd64

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Posted 17 December 2009 - 16:53

welcome to the world of SS2, wait till you hit the mission with mission trackers, your gunna love it, I sub-leveled 4 times.

#3 ss_retsnom

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Posted 17 December 2009 - 17:06

I only completed like 6 quests so far..... I am sure I will have to go back to world 1 and do them all eventually

#4 Pardoux



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Posted 17 December 2009 - 17:14

I think you'll find a lot of people did them with the default BP and Component BP's ... it's not easy, but it's perfectly possible. Get the drop, extract, if its the wrong one, bin it - repeat ad nauseum.

Homer : Marge, don't discourage the boy. Weaseling out of things is important to learn. It's what separates us from the animals .. except the weasel.


Eddie Izzard : The National Rifle Association say that guns don't kill people, people do. But I think the gun helps, you know ? I think it helps. I think just standing there going "BANG" - that's not going to kill too many people, is it ?


I don't mean to sound pessimistic, but it seems that everything I eat lately turns to poo ...

#5 ss_retsnom

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Posted 17 December 2009 - 17:22

I think you'll find a lot of people did them with the default BP and Component BP's ... it's not easy, but it's perfectly possible. Get the drop, extract, if its the wrong one, bin it - repeat ad nauseum.

I am sure it is possible but it is simply more frustrating then pleasant and I dont want to be fristrated this early in game I want to have a pleasant experience lol

#6 PhurieDae


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Posted 17 December 2009 - 17:25

The level 26 mission is a tougher one, but perfectly possible as I'm sure you can tell given that the majority of our players have passed it and lived to tell the tale! I certainly managed it with 10 backpack slots and 10 component slots. It's just not a mission you can blast past - you have to work at it a bit. Perhaps if you'd completed a few more missions earlier you'd be more used to gathering and assembling tasks. This one really isn't an impossible leap from the earlier ones.

And yes, some missions are required to move onto later ones. SS2 has a number of storylines that weave throughout the varying missions and so finishing earlier ones is required in some cases to understand the next step. Besides, you need to complete missions in order to get skill points, assuming you want to be able to use glass gear and weapons at some point and/or acquire buffs for yourself and your faction mates.
Louisa Gallie
Senior Concept & UI Artist

#7 ss_korovo

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Posted 17 December 2009 - 17:40

The missions in this game are relevant, and some might even call them fun. In any event, if you find them tedious, just equip a high-level scavenger stim and buy a salvage buff. Those simple tools will turn even the hardest mission into minor obstacles (unfortunately imho).

#8 Zaelin



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Posted 17 December 2009 - 17:46

The game is developed around the idea that you can progress without upgrading your character. It is perfectly possible to complete the missions with the standard backpack and component spaces. You will have to take it one step at a time and destroy the components that you do not require for that step, but you do not need to upgrade.

You can upgrade your slots by acquiring Flux Crystals from Donations, the Crystal Market, selling desirable items through the Trade Hub, or completing the free offers under the Crystal Rewards tab.

You can buy the Scavenger stim which is available to buy in every shop around Sigma, that can help you acquire resources faster. This game is a MMORPG and we tried to focus more on the "Role Playing" aspect, giving Sigma a cohesive storyline.

We do not see an issue with this mission as it is a lot easier to complete now, with all the new features we have added, than it was just a few weeks ago.

#9 ss_sailor

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Posted 17 December 2009 - 18:10

The Revenge of the G27 was a tough mission but it can be completed without any upgrades. The L83 mission will have you pulling out your hair...however the scavenger stim has been added since the majority of us went through that one. The scavenger stim should make the resource drops a bit better.

As for skipping missions.....I would recommend that this not be done. As you have already found, you advance only to find that you have to go back to do a mission and that causes you to sublevel. As you get to the L 90 area you will find that you need to complete the G-27 mission to continue. You will also find that some doors will not open unless the mission has been completed.

Some missions are a breeze and some take some time and thought. This is what make the game a challenge.

#10 ss_retsnom

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Posted 17 December 2009 - 18:11

I guess my mind needs a few more days/weeks to forget everything I know about FS and train it to think about how to play SS2 ......

thanks everyone for the info and advice.

#11 ss_retsnom

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Posted 17 December 2009 - 18:13

I am prepareing my mind to go back to lowest level I can and start doing every quest.....

But I would love a quick link to wiki on the game site if possible .....


#12 ss_sailor

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Posted 17 December 2009 - 18:14

I guess my mind needs a few more days/weeks to forget everything I know about FS and train it to think about how to play SS2 ......

thanks everyone for the info and advice.

I think you have the correct idea here. In SSII one will find it very difficult to "power level". The story line is fantastic and the art work is top notch. Enjoy the game as you move up. You will be at end of content at some point in time and then you will be wishing for the days when you had something new to do every day. :lol:

#13 ss_teekill

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Posted 17 December 2009 - 19:51

I know the low level players don't have much credit, but if they can somehow afford Scavenger Stim 200 (2k cr?) or even stim lvl 400 (40 cr?), then I think these stims are much better than FI 1k in Swords (FI will make you find EVERYTHING (items and resources), while these stims only get resources).
Did you try the mission with Scavenger stim, or only with FI?

#14 acidic



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Posted 17 December 2009 - 19:59

26 champs drop the items. it is getting the right item which is the trick and the scavenger stims won't help a lot. Just you wait though - you have to make that item MULTIPLE TIMES. and then there is another one where you have to collect items from different areas.

#15 ss_nthnclls

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Posted 17 December 2009 - 20:52

If you're talking about Revenge of the G27's, I did that one with no upgrades and core gear, and hunted my own level 26 elite set while soloing the elite.

It's not too hard.

If EVERY mission was like that, then there would be a problem, but that's not the case.

#16 centurion



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Posted 17 December 2009 - 23:03

the champ drops 100%, so it is easy enough, just time consuming and only 2 possible extraction. I did it before they nerf the stat, and it was much harder kill for the champ. not to mention sharona being nerf'ed to be easier too. (I could not kill it with 3 man squad without right FE'd equipment back in the days) and elite was rarer. now it is much easier. :D another option is for someone higher level to hunt it for you. :D the mission items were not bound when I did it. :D

enjoy it, most of the mission with scavenger stims are easy now. and enjoy the storyline. they are great to read.

#17 ss_nutkar97

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Posted 18 December 2009 - 00:29

If you're talking about Revenge of the G27's, I did that one with no upgrades and core gear, and hunted my own level 26 elite set while soloing the elite.

It's not too hard.

If EVERY mission was like that, then there would be a problem, but that's not the case.

Oh, the lucky ones that did it AFTER the Elite was made MUCH easier...

#18 Benzidine



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Posted 18 December 2009 - 00:41

Glad to meet you here, RETSNOM.
Missions are important here.
You only can get skill points from missions.
And... after you completed those missions, you will love this game more :mrgreen:

Have fun !

#19 ss_retsnom

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Posted 18 December 2009 - 03:36

So it took me all day lol.....

But I went back and did every mission from lvl 1-25.....

tomorrow I continue my saga and hope to complete the lvl 26 mission. YAY WOOHOO

#20 ss_sirona

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Posted 18 December 2009 - 09:47

I'm also one of those who completed that quest with no upgrades and FI only.. it was possible back then and it should definitely be possible now with the help of scavenger.. i think scavenger 200 should be good enough really to complete that quest without subleveling at all, since it's pretty powerful and at those levels the drop rate was higher than it is EOC.
However, I most certainly don't agree with Phurie saying it wasn't a leap from the previous quests.. It might have been a small step for the devs (just add an extra 5 components to the mission blueprint) but it was certainly a giant leap for me.. :) I wasn't getting a single one of the most needed component (solar plate or sth) and was beginning to doubt i was extracting the wrong resource. That's why i looked at the mission guide at the forums and found out i needed to build 4 of those items that i couldn't even build one of while already almost at the end of that level. by now most experienced players are used to subleveling and are ok with it.. but for a new, low level player like me, it was the first time i had to sublevel, first time to have to buy a salvage buff out of frustration, first time to feel that i'll very probably never make it out of that mission.. and perhaps that was a bit too early into the game for a newbie..
so i more or less agree with Retsnom on this topic.. maybe that mission was a bit too tough on a level 26 player.. i'm looking forward to your feedback on this once you're done with the mission Retsnom, and the feedback of any other new players who can now be supported by the addition of the salvage stims..

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