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Kharma Killers, NO Newbs, just AGGRESIVE LEVELING

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#1 gothador_goatoles

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Posted 20 November 2006 - 01:03

Alrighty then.... we open this again..... and again....... and AGAIN...... Thank you Gru for the last one....

Who are you trying to fool, you know you want to join. Since I 'came back' we have been on a TEAR, in 2 months we (9 members strong) have exceeded expectations. Over 1500 Cult levels in 3 months.

Thanks to the strong competition between Kissandra and myself. Talk about being bonded to a ruthless competitor. We are the silent, fun loving, a little nasty and equally supportive to our members needs.

We have beaucoup CS goodies, everything any serious Cult needs. Except Platinum Vault.... who needs their Platinum stolen?

WE PLAY HARD and HUNT HARD. Since I have done over 200 quests, or done a lot and nulified weak quests, I have NO desire to quest. Occasionally I do.

To OUR outstretched arms we have added a Real Life father and son duo. Welcome to the PERMANENT FOLD chris1 and Gandore. Chris1 will no longer be picked on, by anyone.... am I right? Of course I am right.

#2 gothador_wisteria

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Posted 20 November 2006 - 04:20

I have not been touching Jukaz...I swear!

OH, yea, quests. :D

#3 gothador_kissandra

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Posted 20 November 2006 - 04:20

Thanks to the strong competition between Kissandra and myself. Talk about being bonded to a ruthless competitor.

Honey there is no competition. You just need to get used to me being bigger than you is all. :P

Besides if I was all that ruthless would I have cut back on me hunting to give you a chance to catch up a tad?

That would be my bouncy bonded, Kissandra..... say HI.

Hi. :D

*tightens up the straps on her armor so she won't be so bouncy*

#4 gothador_goatoles

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Posted 20 November 2006 - 17:09

I have not been touching Jukaz...I swear!

If you have I have not been hearing any complaints..... The Castle Social worker will be up to your room to chat with you, purely procedural. Uh yeah, we are not the most thorough questors either, are we wisteria... I have made tons of Quest boo boo's. How about you wisteria?

*tightens up the straps on her armor so she won't be so bouncy*

Umm, what are you doing? You know I like the bounce.... are you ashamed of you wicked looking bumps? I am not worried that someone will stalk you.... they would get one wicked crack on the nugget.SOOO you better loosen that strap..... in particular. Or I will just take it off.

To our room please.... I think some flogging is in your future.... NO WORRIES FOLKS,,,, I use a wet noodle to flog her, then something a little bigger and harder..... C'mon I was talking about my Wrath. Dirty people. yeeesh.

not really talking about my Wrath...heheheeheeeheeee. she knows this too.

#5 gothador_dungler

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Posted 20 November 2006 - 18:40

*peeks in thread*...Ahaaaaaa!!!

#6 gothador_dungler

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Posted 20 November 2006 - 18:45

*Starts Eco friendly, " Annihilator Attack pie Chucker MkIII"* and hurls cherry pies in every direction...Mua ha ha ha ha

Take that Kharma Kids :D :P :P

#7 gothador_wisteria

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Posted 20 November 2006 - 22:07

I have not been touching Jukaz...I swear!

If you have I have not been hearing any complaints..... The Castle Social worker will be up to your room to chat with you, purely procedural. Uh yeah, we are not the most thorough questors either, are we wisteria... I have made tons of Quest boo boo's. How about you wisteria?

It wasn't a boo boo. It was an oversight. Can you see me? Can you tell what I am. NO. I'm an invisible ghost! How was I suppose to know they had to see me as a Necromancer in order to oblige my request.

Besides, I have a real nice fragment of the worlds now. :P :D

#8 gothador_chunkymonke

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Posted 20 November 2006 - 22:11

*Starts Eco friendly, " Annihilator Attack pie Chucker MkIII"* and hurls cherry pies in every direction...Mua ha ha ha ha

Take that Kharma Kids :D :P :P

*gets hit with pie death searches through crowd then gets out his pooinator 5000 maxim range deathpoo blaster*

eat this dungly :twisted:

#9 gothador_kissandra

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Posted 20 November 2006 - 23:15

*Sneaks up behind the monkey and takes his pooinator 5000 maxim range deathpoo blaster off of him*

There will be no poo shooting thank you. You can have this back later. Although you are a cute thing aren't you? Here have some bananas.

*Hands the monkey a bunch of bananas and locks up his blaster then pops open a bottle of whiskey and starts licking the cherry pie off her arms*

Dungler how did you know that I love cherry pie? :D

#10 gothador_dungler

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Posted 21 November 2006 - 00:52

I'll admit it.... the colour of your sig gave it away :D :D

And Chunky...thanx, now i have to take another bath! 2 in one year...Dang it :twisted: :P

#11 gothador_goatoles

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Posted 21 November 2006 - 05:10

Um, Dungler... if you a going to play around in our thread, please use proper respect..... You did not load in any Sweet Potato Pie. Yeah take care of the women... with your cherry pies, pah.....

Monkey or not there will be ABSOLUTELY NO POO SLINGING IN KHARMA KILLER THREADS. Pies yes... other food stuffs, yes.... Monkey poo.... hell no, it is yuchy.

Kissandra, good call taking that 'pooinator' away from the minkey (not a typo) boy... very brave of you.

Dungler... I believe you have something of mine as well.... you know what I mean.... LMAO. If you are going to throw pies or basically cast them around, bring a little bit for everyone.

#12 gothador_dungler

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Posted 21 November 2006 - 12:33

Hee hee...i'm sure you've got some of my bodybits 2 :P

Yours tasted like chicken when BBQ'd :D :P

#13 gothador_goatoles

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Posted 22 November 2006 - 02:35

I just might... although I do not eat them. I have necklaces of ears, Tables adorned with fingers and toes, and I use the noses as doorstops in the Kharmacastle.

I am a VEGETARIAN THROUGH AND THROUGH, I kill for sport not food. MUUUWAAHAAHAAHAA*cough-cough*. Pulls out and writes down in 'on-line notepad'---Stupid dusty hallways in the Kharmacastle.... Remember to hit the Devastator for not cleaning up better. Stupid Devastator maid.

HEHEHEh, BTW we may have the VERY LAST ZAAHAR DEVASTATOR ALIVE IN GOTHADOR.... 1 USP gets you a poke at it. But you kill it.... we get 5 USPs and the DROP. Seem like a fair deal?

OH, OH, OH, A poke is a poke.... NOT A FULL USPs worth of damage..... Join us for the Devastator roast. Culties get free whacks..... wish you were here?

#14 gothador_kissandra

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Posted 22 November 2006 - 03:45

Goat if I find out you are using any of my bodyparts for doorstops I may just have to start a second collection of yours. :twisted:

Are you feeling alright? The Devastator is our pet not our maid. The imps are the ones that are supposed to be cleaning the castle.

Thinking of our pet..... honey, we can't kill our pet. He's been out in the courtyard for so long that I named him. His name is Petey. I can't kill something after I named it. :(

#15 gothador_wisteria

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Posted 22 November 2006 - 05:20

Thinking of our pet..... honey, we can't kill our pet. He's been out in the courtyard for so long that I named him. His name is Petey. I can't kill something after I named it. :(

You named it?!? You don't ever name them. That's instant attachment. No!

It's like standing in the puppy mill shop looking at all the cute dogs and thinking "hmm, he looks like he will be a lot of fun for years and then die after I become attached to him. I'll name him PETEY"


#16 gothador_kissandra

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Posted 22 November 2006 - 08:46

You named it?!? You don't ever name them. That's instant attachment. No!

It's like standing in the puppy mill shop looking at all the cute dogs and thinking "hmm, he looks like he will be a lot of fun for years and then die after I become attached to him. I'll name him PETEY"


But Wist he's been out there in the courtyard all by himself and he was looking so loney. So I went out and patched up all his injuries and started giving him BBQ'd red-eye frogs as treats, he really likes those. Oh and I built him a shed out there to live in since the poor thing was sleeping out in the cold. He needs a bath though, he smells. I will probably scrub him down tomorrow.

#17 gothador_goatoles

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Posted 22 November 2006 - 14:43

Elven noses are notriously too small to use as doorstops. That is besides the point.... Do you think I would do that with your parts?

Heehee, Anon has been helping me create a miniture clone of you..... Ah CRAP.... was not supposed to tell anyone that.

*slaps hand on face and drags it downward*

I think it might be too late to claim it as our PET.... Come on, that is why I decided to kill the Troggie we had, immediately.

The reason it is already too late, ummm, errr I already made him a 'french maid costume' out of Dark Spirit and IceSpirit skins. Why do you think I had to kill so many Dark Spirits? I only put it on him when you all are gone.... *I did it again, awww CRAAAAAP!*

Hahahaha, if you named it.... it does not mean that I can't kill it. I am not attached to it. It's all MINE ....MINE.....MMMMMIIIIIIINNNNNEEEEEHHH!

#18 gothador_goatoles

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Posted 23 November 2006 - 01:42

You know what....? I completely missed one part of your post....

I have never seen any IMPS in this castle.... Maybe we could ask Anon to pop one up.... I could pop up a scout....

Other than the 2 of us.... nobody did the Summoner quest on time. But as soon as you pass me the Fairy Dragon spell, we could really get some cleaning done then.

Until then... PETEY will be cleaning up the Kharmacastle. I am sorry we use what we have.... He does not pay rent, take Chris1 out hunting or greet people as they pass by...... SO HE CLEANS.

I know that you do not have time to clean, I don't... wisteria usually camps outside while hunting. Anon... well he lives in the dirty dungeon. Jukaz well, when was the last time you saw him?

#19 gothador_kissandra

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Posted 23 November 2006 - 03:05

Dear, I have a hard enough time remembering things for myself and now I got to remember stuff for you too? We got the imps the same night you came back to the castle drunker than a sailor. The same night I painted your room violet. :lol:

Would someone please find me a man who can remember things besides where he put the wine, please??

*Grins mischieviously then runs away before Goat can get ahold of her*

#20 gothador_goatoles

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Posted 23 November 2006 - 16:11

Ahhh, now I member.... but he still wears the 'french maid costume', at least until I kill him....

I just thought of something.... who is the person that has gaining a point of Wisdow a day, throwing spells at 'PETEY'. Some owner you are... at least I never told him I loved him, then blew a whole in his side.

My relationship has been consistent with him..... chopping him up piece by piece by piece. Imagine the levels the minis will get from the kill, as long as they are in the CS.

PHOOOOOEY, I have other things on my mind..... more important killings and arrangements for future members. Not to mention watching your elven butt, as I chase you. One of these days.... one of these days.... no looking back

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