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GVG Guide

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#1 kingtyrin



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Posted 13 July 2010 - 12:58

Well I didnt see one here, so I figure I would do my best at writing a quick one to hopefully help combat RP farmers and slow the amount of RP coming into the game.

GvG at a glance

Although most do not care about their rating, GvG is not about profits or breaking crystal. Essentially it is about bragging rights. Who can work as a team the best to overcome the other guild. Yes, it can be quite profitable at times, but unfortunately this is because most guilds are not set up to protect themselves adequately, and Im seeking to change that.

Offline sets

At most levels, an attack/damage suicide set is the ideal offline set. You see, any set can be beat without buffs rather easily. The plan here is to setup your sets to be optimum with buffs, and pay attention for incoming attacks. Remember GVG is a team effort, if you plan on going to the top, you will need to help one another buy buffing/buying buffs for one another while being attacked. Coverage is the most important factor, not sets. Anyways, back to the sets. A suicide set is normally attack heavy. Its best to have the most attack with KE, while maintaining enough damage that a piercing strike will kill the max sum of armor possible in whatever level range. Armor and defense are generally unimportant.

Wait, what? Armor and defense unimportant when Im defending???

Yes, the idea is to make it impossible for your opponent to be safe in an attack against you should you get a hit in. There are 5 ways to gain a strike while defending without armor or defense. These are: Dodge, First strike, Force shield, Last Ditch, and the 2% miss. As I said, any set is easily beatable without buffs, so you are setting up to have Force shield and last ditch, as the combination of both creates frequent chances to hit back whist defending.

Why is attack more important then damage?

Well, effective ways to kill armor include Piercing strike, critical hit, Shield strike, Shatter armor, Reflection, and if your setup has armor, savagery. Shield strike alone is is 17.5%, and makes use of armor vs a proper set highly unreliable

On the other hand, if your opponent manages to beat your attack with defense, all you have to rely on is the 2% random hit rule. Although between the 5 saves I mentioned earlier, these are fairly common, buffs like SW and stun will greatly reduce the odds of such, and buffs like LD and FS will sometimes save vs that 2%.

Level ranges where a suicide set is not viable/you cannot afford the set that will stop the max defense sets-
That is when you want to add an armor or defense second stat. My preference has always been defense, since most max defense sets attacking you tend to have very little attack, adding a bit of defense to a suicide set can sometimes stop a set from gaining the right balance to beat you. This, and if all else fails, there is savagery which will randomly add your defense into you attack stat, creating a very bad situation for the attacker should you save :) Armor can sometime be good as a second stat as well. Even if all else fails and you do not have sufficient attack to hit your attacker, if they are not using sufficient damage to one hit you, or at least not one hit you when reinforced armor or nullify go off, then you are increasing the the chance at the 2% hit greatly with every swing you take.


No war has ever been won by defensive action alone. Attacking in GVG is an intricate process. Remember its a team effort, do not try to be a hero. If your target(s) are buffed, check to see if any of your guildmates have viable targets unbuffed and such for them to chime in. You have to remember, even without buffs, there is always a chance for that 2% miss, and most targets have the enhancements first strike and dodge you have to worry about as well.
Safest way to attack- If your target has no buffs, if you can get out of range of your targets piercing strike damage stat with armor, this really is about the safest way. Once they are buffed though, armor can quickly become the most unreliable method as stated above under "offline sets". Remember much like hunting you have to maintain the attack to hit your opponent, and the damage to kill their armor+HP added together in order to kill them in one hit(its normally best to have more then 25% more then their armor+hp added together in order to override reinforced armor or nullify) The next safest way I know of is often difficult to obtain, known as the "turtle method" or simply "turtleing". The turtle method is to cover your targets attack with defense, and also cover their damage with armor, making it so the only way they kill you is a mixture of the 2% hit and a armor killer such as piercing strike, which do not line up often. This is often hard to do, but alot of max defense sets often leave very little damage or attack, so its possible to get them within range(especially using DC225, which is a 45% reduction in defense) you can tweak a max attack setup to have enough defense and armor to cover both your target's offensive stats. Remember the buff fortitude will be a great help here, as you gain HP for the amount of defense you have. The next most reliable is of course defense. You really only have to worry about the 2%, and buffs like SW and Stun will reduce this alot when your target has save buffs like LD and FS.


A few important notes on buffs-

LD and FS- If all else fails LD and FS are huge helps and increase the odds of the 2% or piercing strike or whatnot, and therefore are like the most important buffs to have on your players that are being hit. Also very important to have while attacking, because you never know when a battle will randomly go against you(I.E. your target being buffed inbetween the time you view their profile and the time you attack)

Reflection- The ultimate armor killer. Or is it? Reflection adds damage dealt to your next combat strike, not your damage stat. What this means is if you hit your opponent for 100 damage and they have reflection 175 and activate last ditch(Note that reflection doesnt work well with force shield as the damage dealt was reduced to one) they will hit you back for 17 damage extra then they would regardless of your armor stat(17.5% of 100 is 17.5, )
So the trick to getting around reflection is to increase your HP, and lower your damage to it being barley lethal, but not enough that 17.5% of you damage dealt will be enough to kill your HP. You are still at risk if you critical hit, piercing strike(vs certain sets) or if your opponent kicks in with wither and/or bloodthrist(if you have insufficient HP to handle these)

Absorb- If your guildmates set has any armor, or you notice the person attacking them is using low damage, absorb can be as effective as LD or force shield. Note that it will also be counter productive when your guildie is using reflection though

EW 1500- Spare no expense! Your guilds honer and pride are at stake here, and this is one of the best pvp buffs while attacking. Many of the suicide sets I mentioned above, the only way to beat them when they are buffed with defense is using a high defense weapon and ew1500(along with many other buffs)

Random notes/advanced strategy

Gear level-
If you pvp often, its best to leave room in levels for you gear should someone decide to take 5 levels from you. If you lose your levels under the min level of your gear, the stats from that gear disappear leaving you at a huge disadvantage. On the same note, if you see someone near their gears level in a rival guild, take levels from them if you can prior to a gvg. There is no dishonor in it. Its battle. Battles are about exploiting weakness, and not planning ahead like that is a weakness.

Relics are nasty little weapons when used right. If you care enough about GVG, even if you know you cant hold them, they are worth empowering for the 1 hour you get to hold them no matter what if needed. If your attacked by a guild with holding a relic, try to take it if you can. Or if your guildmate doesnt have the attack to hit the attacker, go find an attack relic, grab it and empower it, most guilds dont check to see these things whilst doing incoming. They are a powerful tool on either offense or defense in GVG.

You attacking another guild that cares about GVG and are well setup? Most are the top gvg guilds are small, do what you can to wait until all their members are offline(some guilds even with few members this is rare), and go in with teammates to complete it as fast as possible. Speed and momentum are deciding factors in historical battles, and no different in gvg. As I said before, coverage is key. There is no dishonor in attacking a guild with no green lights are on, they simply let their guard down, and after all, it is the biggest weakness small guilds have in gvg.

Have someone who isnt partaking in the conflict initiate it. Either that or the person who has the least amount of targets. Preferably someone who can sit in a setup that looks like they are attack and have buffs running. These makes it take more time for the defenders to figure out who is attacking, and will be slower to buff the targets of who is actually participating in the conflict, not to mention watching the defenders waste stamina buffing people who are not being hit :lol:

Quick Recap on most important notes.
1-Have all members in attack sets that are optimum when buffed.
2 Always have a sufficient save stat while attacking.
3 COVERAGE! Its a team event! Watch your conflict page for incoming. If you use tabbed browsing, have a tab just for it.

Just in case you see I wrote this while not in a guild, or if your reading this in the future and you notice whatever guild I may be in isnt a gvg guild and/or has a losing record or whatnot, I was a charter member of the guild Epic, and later the founder. We stayed top ten-15 for many months, the latter few being mostly in the top 5, and even obtained first place for a short period of time. It was not because of me alone, but a very strong team effort by all members.

(Guide accurate as of original posting date. Note that gvg evolves as sets/rules/HCS change and or implement things, and this is to fit the current situation, as is)

Highlights from the rest of the thread
If you are too lazy to read the whole thing, this is what others have helped contribute I felt important. (Note, Im biased of course and reading the whole thing would be most benificial should gvg be an interest of yours)

The worst problem there is letting their members go offline gearless(I mean nothing can really save you if you don't wear anything)

Remind guild founders to strip a person of their equipment only after 7 days, when they cant be viable targets.

I should likely fix the spelling and capitalization on this one, but I would rather quote it as they say it so it doesnt look like Im changing things-

Target finding

when your guild is under attack you need to find the attacker and buffs the targets as soon as you can. once an attack starts i go to the page of and go threw a process of elimination. first i go down the list and open in a new tab anyone with a green dot. then i see who has been away for 10+ mins and close those tabs (for now at least). then i check items they have. if i see a level 750 in a gurg set and oggy gloves i can bet they arent attacking and close those tabs. then i check buffs. the players with anything PvP useful are more than likely the culprits. by this time ive found the attacker or only have a few possible people it could be (could always be more than one). if im still not sure i hit refresh on the guild conflict page and refresh on the tab. if i see 4 attacks got made and one online players stam dropped by 40 or two online players drop by 2 i know exactly who to buff and to tell other to buff. also buff everyone in there attack range not just the players they are attacking.

#2 kingtyrin



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Posted 13 July 2010 - 12:59

Any experienced players want to add anything, please post :) Also, please point out any spelling error and or/misworded or hard to understand phrasing, I hope to make this better as time gos on :)

#3 Anemie



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Posted 13 July 2010 - 13:50

Hmm ,your guide is more than great,,but,most of the guilds that get attacked in GvG are leveling guilds or smaller leveling guilds--
those smaller guilds with under lvl 100 players-maybe can't really afford to dress up their players in suicide--and especially to keep them buffed all the time...

The worst problem there is letting their members go offline gearless(I mean nothing can really save you if you don't wear anything)
-so the best thing to do is to have gear that you(or your members) use for hunting reinforced with extra armor and/or damage(it doesn't have to be FF or perf)--that way the attacker will have to buy buffs and if your members of around the same level wear different setups--1 concentrated on damage-other on armor the attacker will have to be more careful and even change gear--,more than 50%of GvG-ers at lower levels will decide not to initiate a conflict against you-especially if you keep that nice LD buff on them(it is pretty cheap and almost any level can be helpful)..

Now,players under level 50 use defense when attacking--so--there players can use something that looks like suicide(without the crystalline off course)-so try to concentrate on attack and armor-...

and maybe biggest part of those cheap setups is to have enhancements at 100--if using something that has armor try to have RA at 100 and if possible CH and PS at 100 or near that...everything else is just great bonus...

and hopefully there will be less of those RP farming guilds attacking you...

and once again-don't go offline gearless..:)

#4 kingtyrin



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Posted 13 July 2010 - 14:10

Hmm ,your guide is more than great,,but,most of the guilds that get attacked in GvG are leveling guilds or smaller leveling guilds--
those smaller guilds with under lvl 100 players-maybe can't really afford to dress up their players in suicide--and especially to keep them buffed all the time...

Why thanks, and yes, im familiar with the problem, but attack sets arnt really that expensive, and you dont always need the best-best since most of the farming guilds dont really know what they are doing, they just think they do ;) Alot of attack items are actually really cheap because they tend to be "low interest"/ And they dont need to be F/F or anything. As for the buffs, people under estimate low level buffs. I know my level 145s won alot of conflicts for us that I was surprised at, and all it takes is having a few pvp buffers online willing to contribute to the guilds greater good :) KE is a bigge, and can normally be fonud for 10-30k@ level 165

The worst problem there is letting their members go offline gearless(I mean nothing can really save you if you don't wear anything)

Very true. Even a hunting set can cause a 2%, when gearless makes the "turtle method" I had mentioned all to easy

-so the best thing to do is to have gear that you(or your members) use for hunting reinforced with extra armor and/or damage(it doesn't have to be FF or perf)--that way the attacker will have to buy buffs and if your members of around the same level wear different setups--1 concentrated on damage-other on armor the attacker will have to be more careful and even change gear--,more than 50%of GvG-ers at lower levels will decide not to initiate a conflict against you-especially if you keep that nice LD buff on them(it is pretty cheap and almost any level can be helpful)..

Once again very true, and LD has a very nice duration.
There are alternatives to the suicide method, I was going with best scenario. Alot of guild require an offline set which is normally defense though, and because of DC, these are normally just as bad as gearless should the attacker know what they are doing. I think max armor is better, because even though its just as easily beat, when RI or nullfy fire off it gives you that chance at the 2% And as you said, there is something to be said about variation. If the attacker has to change sets to hit multiple targets, this greatly increases the chance at a mistake being made. Everyone, even the best, makes mistakes ;)

Now,players under level 50 use defense when attacking--so--there players can use something that looks like suicide(without the crystalline off course)-so try to concentrate on attack and armor-...

I dont know much about the lower levels, except the thresholds for stat possibilities are the largest differences in the game between each set of 25 levels. I strongly believe they should lower the range down there, as its horrid of how badly a level 25 can farm guilds who recruit fresh players at level one. Its bad for the game to have them beat on so early.

and maybe biggest part of those cheap setups is to have enhancements at 100--if using something that has armor try to have RA at 100 and if possible CH and PS at 100 or near that...everything else is just great bonus...

Yes, enhancements are often underrated

and hopefully there will be less of those RP farming guilds attacking you...

Yeah, although that was my original aim, I guess I went a bit overboard on how to set up the best lol

and once again-don't go offline gearless..:)

VERY important, it bears repeating. Many guilds share gear though and have it recalled off of them. Getting your own set though isnt hard, you can put together a halfway decent set for 1-2 fsp worth of gold.

Thanks for posting :)

#5 chianty



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Posted 13 July 2010 - 16:58

First of all...great guide Tyrin.

I do agree about using suicide setups for defending in a conflict.My problem is that these suicide setups mostly need KE to work and if you are caught offline with no guildmates to buff you then you are such an easy target for your atackers .From what I saw ,when you can't be sure if you have people buffing you then most certain way to go is high defense.Most of the guilds that will do a conflict against your guild will not atack a setup with high defense...I said MOST(meaning those guilds that "think they know to GvG but they dont" :P ) not all.Overall the main idea is that if you plan to GvG you need people to help you with buffs,simple as that...to keep an eye on you and your gear.

#6 kingtyrin



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Posted 13 July 2010 - 18:14

First of all...great guide Tyrin.

I do agree about using suicide setups for defending in a conflict.My problem is that these suicide setups mostly need KE to work and if you are caught offline with no guildmates to buff you then you are such an easy target for your atackers .From what I saw ,when you can't be sure if you have people buffing you then most certain way to go is high defense.Most of the guilds that will do a conflict against your guild will not atack a setup with high defense...I said MOST(meaning those guilds that "think they know to GvG but they dont" :P ) not all.Overall the main idea is that if you plan to GvG you need people to help you with buffs,simple as that...to keep an eye on you and your gear

First of all... Thanks Chianty :)

Yes, high defense is good vs those who dont know what they are doing, its certainly better then nothing. That is not to mention if your guild really wants to win a conflict, there is always savagery to turn all that defense into attack :) As I said though, if not a suicide set, Im much more attuned to using high armor, as the nullifies and reinforced armor can give you a decent chance at the 2% and such. That is not to mention that there is no buff that reduces armor in the same constant way DC reduces defense. The most important thing to remember when using either high defense or high armor set is not to leave your attack and damage too low though, as it just makes it easier to cover that stat while overcoming the other.

Im going to re-quote this one last part

Overall the main idea is that if you plan to GvG you need people to help you with buffs,simple as that...to keep an eye on you and your gear

Yes, this is the coverage I was talking about, but even if you dont plan on doing gvg, once you have 4 members, you are eligible for gvg. There is no "Opt out", and one would think that if they take any pride in their guild that they would not want to roll over and take it from constant GVG attacks.

#7 fs_littlejom

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Posted 13 July 2010 - 23:54

The Vietnamese won their war against the Americans while defending :wink:

Just wanted to note that this is a great guide, I would recommend it to any players not comfortable/familiar with gvging. Might I suggest writing up a set guide for gvging every per 50 levels? I was thinking of writing up one myself, if you would want me to hook you up with that.

#8 chianty



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Posted 14 July 2010 - 02:20

And another thing.I pretty much agree with everything that is said as being a strategy in winning a GvG but I have a problem with this :

Gear level-
If you pvp often, its best to leave room in levels for you gear should someone decide to take 5 levels from you. If you lose your levels under the min level of your gear, the stats from that gear disappear leaving you at a huge disadvantage. On the same note, if you see someone near their gears level in a rival guild, take levels from them if you can prior to a gvg. There is no dishonor in it. Its battle. Battles are about exploiting weakness, and not planning ahead like that is a weakness.

Isnt that a bit much?

#9 kingtyrin



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Posted 14 July 2010 - 04:46

The Vietnamese won their war against the Americans while defending :wink:

Just wanted to note that this is a great guide, I would recommend it to any players not comfortable/familiar with gvging. Might I suggest writing up a set guide for gvging every per 50 levels? I was thinking of writing up one myself, if you would want me to hook you up with that.

That would be great. Ive been at my level so long I really dont know enough about all the levels and such except the ones my guildies were at, and I wouldnt want to write about anything I dont really have experience in, so I gladly welcome anyone to add anything they can :)

And another thing.I pretty much agree with everything that is said as being a strategy in winning a GvG but I have a problem with this :

Gear level-
If you pvp often, its best to leave room in levels for you gear should someone decide to take 5 levels from you. If you lose your levels under the min level of your gear, the stats from that gear disappear leaving you at a huge disadvantage. On the same note, if you see someone near their gears level in a rival guild, take levels from them if you can prior to a gvg. There is no dishonor in it. Its battle. Battles are about exploiting weakness, and not planning ahead like that is a weakness.

Isnt that a bit much?

We used it more then once :twisted:
Like I said, its Guild vs Guild. You have to plan ahead and be ready for every possibility. Even if the opposing guild wont go so far to take levels from you, if your not 5 levels above your gear and you pvp randomly often, there is always that chance of losing your gears level and being puit at that advantage. If your standards and morals prevent you from taking levels just for the purpose for gvg, more power to you, but its a very effective strategy and as long as it can be done people will do it. Be prepared ;)

#10 pinkdude



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Posted 18 July 2010 - 03:50

This is an excellent guide. It is very in-depth and I like the various strategies you put into it. Great job

#11 fs_marinzeus

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Posted 18 July 2010 - 08:13

Great guide. I really liked the Misdirection part, but it can be beaten if you look at the durability of one's items. If it starts to drop, that person is a target and should be buffed.
Maybe somewhere you have to include the "0.02% rule", about both missing and getting hit, regardless of anything.
Remind guild founders to strip a person of their equipment only after 7 days, when they cant be viable targets.
But probably wouldn't want to take advice from someone, who's guild does this with an outgoing conflict:
Your conflict with The Wizards Lair resulted in victory with a final score of 43 - 42. Your GvG rating has increased by 5 and you gained 10 Guild RP.

Can you also please discuss payments-how much should be paid, depending on whether you are paying to initiate and on the RP item.
And a final note, I think you created a new term:

making it so the only way they kill you is a mixture of the 2% hit and a armor killer such as piecing strike, which do not line up often.

"Piecing Strike! It makes the enemies into pieces!"

#12 fs_chibibucky

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Posted 20 July 2010 - 04:12

Any experienced players want to add anything, please post :)

you cover it so well but id like to add a small thing.

target finding

when your guild is under attack you need to find the attacker and buffs the targets as soon as you can. once an attack starts i go to the page of and go threw a process of elimination. first i go down the list and open in a new tab anyone with a green dot. then i see who has been away for 10+ mins and close those tabs (for now at least). then i check items they have. if i see a level 750 in a gurg set and oggy gloves i can bet they arent attacking and close those tabs. then i check buffs. the players with anything PvP useful are more than likely the culprits. by this time ive found the attacker or only have a few possible people it could be (could always be more than one). if im still not sure i hit refresh on the guild conflict page and refresh on the tab. if i see 4 attacks got made and one online players stam dropped by 40 or two online players drop by 2 i know exactly who to buff and to tell other to buff. also buff everyone in there attack range not just the players they are attacking.

#13 kingtyrin



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Posted 05 August 2010 - 08:57

My god, I went on vacation and forgot all about my guilde since Ive been back! :oops:

Great guide. I really liked the Misdirection part, but it can be beaten if you look at the durability of one's items. If it starts to drop, that person is a target and should be buffed.

Yes, notice I said "Takes longer to find the hitter/targets" not that they couldnt :) To save a bit more time, check all green lights in the guild hitting buffs, and out of them only check the viable ones target ranges in your guild for durability loss.

Maybe somewhere you have to include the "0.02% rule", about both missing and getting hit, regardless of anything.

That applies to all combat in FS- the arena, hunting, and regular pvp/gvg. I think I made reference to it, but generally speaking this guild is somewhat for those who know at least some functionality of the game already.

Remind guild founders to strip a person of their equipment only after 7 days, when they cant be viable targets.

Although it seems like common sense, Im going to edit this quote into the op :lol:

But probably wouldn't want to take advice from someone, who's guild does this with an outgoing conflict:
Your conflict with The Wizards Lair resulted in victory with a final score of 43 - 42. Your GvG rating has increased by 5 and you gained 10 Guild RP.

Too funny, but it sounds like both sides had some fun instead of the typical fights you see. I would think this is what gvg should be about.

Can you also please discuss payments-how much should be paid, depending on whether you are paying to initiate and on the RP item.

This guide is about gvg strategy. That is up to a guild. Even though I cannot help but put some personal belief into it, Im trying to avoid it as much as possible, and I dont believe in paying per win for gvg. (I do believe in sharing out the rewards between those who contributed after the guild takes a cut, but the pay per win merc system undermines the teamwork I think gvg should be)

And a final note, I think you created a new term:

making it so the only way they kill you is a mixture of the 2% hit and a armor killer such as piecing strike, which do not line up often.

"Piecing Strike! It makes the enemies into pieces!"

Thanks :oops: I actually did it twice, both are fixed now :)

#14 kingtyrin



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Posted 05 August 2010 - 09:06

Any experienced players want to add anything, please post :)

you cover it so well but id like to add a small thing.

target finding

when your guild is under attack you need to find the attacker and buffs the targets as soon as you can. once an attack starts i go to the page of and go threw a process of elimination. first i go down the list and open in a new tab anyone with a green dot. then i see who has been away for 10+ mins and close those tabs (for now at least). then i check items they have. if i see a level 750 in a gurg set and oggy gloves i can bet they arent attacking and close those tabs. then i check buffs. the players with anything PvP useful are more than likely the culprits. by this time ive found the attacker or only have a few possible people it could be (could always be more than one). if im still not sure i hit refresh on the guild conflict page and refresh on the tab. if i see 4 attacks got made and one online players stam dropped by 40 or two online players drop by 2 i know exactly who to buff and to tell other to buff. also buff everyone in there attack range not just the players they are attacking.

This is a great addition and I put it into my OP. Would be nice if you could doctor it up with some better capitalization and punctuation and such, but Im sure most people get the idea :)

#15 Dowster



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Posted 07 August 2010 - 12:54

Nice :D a link to this would save me a lot of typing when trying to explain to potential new members about offline gear

I would add that it's beneficial to not rule out crystal items for offline use, it may seem like a good way to get them damaged, but if you can fit 3+ high attack/dam crystal sets on your offline set up then pretty much anyone who knows what they're doing will not attack you, and for those who don't a little damage is worth it to ensure they lose fast.

For examples Aleira and Kormeck in our guild have been set up for max atk and damage, and neither get used as targets in GvG, Ali has had stats that buff to over 2600 atk and dam since level 100, and even without buffs atk is over 1700, and dam over 2K So her crystal has taken almost no damage since being used offline, and for Kor he only has one crystal set - Abrafos, alongside Unglag and Lusika but it greatly boosts the stats available at that level. For higher level ranges armor sets can be useful (roll on 650 so I can use Polar Spine) due to the fact that most of the good atk/def sets that people will use to do their hits in, come up a little short on damage against good armor sets of the same level, so as long as you can get a couple of complete sets with decent atk and dam, armor can be a handy stat because attackers have to sacrifice their own defensive stats to add damage, also a nullify or Reinforced Arm in those circumstances can be as useful as an LD or Force Shield.

balanced atk,def,dam sets work for offline too, as long as you have an active guild buffer with savegery because it adds the def stat to atk, and seems to work more often than the % chance suggests

Anyways, now i've put my few pennys in, I`ll get back to the point which was - Very nice guide indeed, thanks for taking the time to write it out. I`ll be directing people here for gvg info :D

#16 kingtyrin



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Posted 07 August 2010 - 13:27

Nice :D a link to this would save me a lot of typing when trying to explain to potential new members about offline gear

So happy I can help :)

I would add that it's beneficial to not rule out crystal items for offline use, it may seem like a good way to get them damaged, but if you can fit 3+ high attack/dam crystal sets on your offline set up then pretty much anyone who knows what they're doing will not attack you, and for those who don't a little damage is worth it to ensure they lose fast.

For examples Aleira and Kormeck in our guild have been set up for max atk and damage, and neither get used as targets in GvG, Ali has had stats that buff to over 2600 atk and dam since level 100, and even without buffs atk is over 1700, and dam over 2K So her crystal has taken almost no damage since being used offline, and for Kor he only has one crystal set - Abrafos, alongside Unglag and Lusika but it greatly boosts the stats available at that level. For higher level ranges armor sets can be useful (roll on 650 so I can use Polar Spine) due to the fact that most of the good atk/def sets that people will use to do their hits in, come up a little short on damage against good armor sets of the same level, so as long as you can get a couple of complete sets with decent atk and dam, armor can be a handy stat because attackers have to sacrifice their own defensive stats to add damage, also a nullify or Reinforced Arm in those circumstances can be as useful as an LD or Force Shield.

For certain! If your wanting to go to the top, crystal is a must! THe undead set our guild used as high as 170(No joke, its an awesome little 2 piece) and the yellow spine is invaluable, I have seen it used higher then level 400, and effectively at that. The only thing about this though, is many guilds after losing(losing enough hits to the point where there is no chance to win or tie but still have not completed all the hits) will keep hitting just to break crystal, but personally I laugh at them wasting stamina because of how strong UB is (at level 145 alone its over 70% reduction in durability loss). The only hangup for me is crystal weapons like dark spine or the torrils, as the disarm enhancement can cut them in half :( Another thing worth noting is that crystal items dont lose their stats until completely smashed like other items do, making them that much more effect.

balanced atk,def,dam sets work for offline too, as long as you have an active guild buffer with savegery because it adds the def stat to atk, and seems to work more often than the % chance suggests

Yes, I agree entirely on it activating so much. I almost always will wait out savagery, it scares me to death when Im attacking it. :? lol
As for the sets, they can work, but I would suggest little focus on damage with all the armor killer their are. Even SS, sure it will drop your defense, but chances are if you have gone so far to get SS on them they have LD and FS to save them lol (I would hope) Dont get me wrong, some damage will be needed to make those work, but if you have a decent defense stat, they will have to lowr their armor to hit you anyways.

Anyways, now i've put my few pennys in, I`ll get back to the point which was - Very nice guide indeed, thanks for taking the time to write it out. I`ll be directing people here for gvg info :D

Thank you both for the compliment and what you have contributed to it :)

#17 Dowster



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Posted 07 August 2010 - 13:48

You are most welcome, it's a pretty comprehensive guide so glad I could contribute something :D

#18 michael65



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Posted 26 August 2010 - 00:10

Excellent Guide, found link in sig of poster in another post.

1) The attacking Guild usually attacks in a team of four (the max a Guild can have without an upgrade). Assuming three targets for each member, the attacking Guild can reach 50 attacks in 8 minutes. By the time the Guild is informed of attack, the number 50 has been reached. So, counter activities are mute.

2) The attacking Guild members participating are going to Blacksmith during two minute intervals. The members being attacked are off-line and durability loss is a factor.

3) a leveling Guild would need for that Guild's members to use up 500 (50 attacks at 10 stamina each attack) stamina to counterattack to get a tie. That 500 stamina could be used by members to level.

4) Some Guilds get attacked several times a day, GvG. If members are buffing every potential target, they will use up stamina for leveling.

5) What Buffs does your (anyone out there) Guild recommends for attack and defense?

BTW, i saved Guide info. i recommend you do too.

#19 fs_cobra7781

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Posted 01 September 2010 - 16:30

Any experienced players want to add anything, please post :) Also, please point out any spelling error and or/misworded or hard to understand phrasing, I hope to make this better as time gos on :)

Jesus KT u spend to much time oan here lol are u after a job mate took me ages to just browse through what u had wrote LMAO :lol:

#20 kingtyrin



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Posted 01 September 2010 - 16:32

Any experienced players want to add anything, please post :) Also, please point out any spelling error and or/misworded or hard to understand phrasing, I hope to make this better as time gos on :)

Jesus KT u spend to much time oan here lol are u after a job mate took me ages to just browse through what u had wrote LMAO :lol:

lol Thanks. I have actually been neglecting it, there is more I want to add but simply have not been doing much GvG lately so it was sort of put on the back burner

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