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Member Since 07 Apr 2013
Offline Last Active Jan 04 2020 17:55

Posts I've Made

In Topic: New Content. 4051 to 4200!

13 July 2019 - 08:48

Hope this helps...... Started leveling at 4061 so may have missed a few but here's confirmed Champ list I found


4083 , 4090 , 4102 , 4115 , 4118 , 4128 , 4142 , 4155 , 4171 , 4177 , 4189 , 4197.


Apologies if I missed any and happy for others to added to the list  enjoy !

In Topic: Flight of Dragons Wave 1!

31 December 2018 - 16:30

No Scissornose either

In Topic: New Content. 3801 - 4000.

19 December 2018 - 11:46

Must have missed that one .....DOH !!!! thanks for the heads up Stormfish.


Also to yotekiller sorry buddy I started lvling from 3810 so just ran past the 3807 one.


Looks like BG has jumped on on the small issue. I did note that the Champ at either 3866 or 3962/3965 did not have a image ocome up of the set that was dropped...... think it was glooves / something but it was late last night when I finished hunting and I had a few too many and the old hand written notes started to blur if you know what I mean, dont drink and hunt ......... lol ;D

In Topic: New Content. 3801 - 4000.

18 December 2018 - 23:40

Champ List - 3832 , 3840 , 3861 , 3866 , 3881 , 3906 , 3919 ( Please note its a Champ but only give normal mob xp ) , 3931 , 3939 , 3962 , 3965 , 3980 , 3995 ......... Also note lvl 3880 has over 8 mobs per square on the map easy killing & lvl 3894 you have to sub lvl ( 3895 ) on this map for 1 lvl until you reach 3986 to enter the next map. Happy hunting all ;D

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