Not really related to buffs, but a suggestion anyway. When looking at ur backpack u can sort things by gear item, alphebitically by name or by duration you have owned the gear. However I could not figure out how to sort the backpack by level of the item. Will this feature be added later?
5 stam to activate. Can see SE if they are 1 box away from you. 10 stam can see 2 boxes away, 20 stam for 3 boxes, 40 stam for 4 boxes. Player sets the casting level. Lasts short duration like 10 minutes.
As per the topic, if we were to look at implementing 3 Fallen Sword Helper features in the game (for a start), which would you make a priority?
(I do remember we made a poll AGES ago like this, but it's most likely out-of-date now and I'd like to see what people would like now.)
It would be helpful if you could list them like:
1) Feature 1
2) Feature 2
3) Feature 3
We'll then do a manually tally of the requests to see which is the top 3
Feature 1: the quick keys. hitting G takes you to the guild page and opens the guild menu, hitting P takes you to your personal page and opens the character menu. V allows you to see all your gear and wear/use it
Feature 2: the search for guild gear and abililty to wear it or put it in the guild store. doing 1 piece at a time is painful
feature 3: being able to see player stats when attacking them. compare to your own stats on the same screen.
I love the new foot prints on the new map. However, every time I leave the world map, the foot prints get shut off and I lose track of where I have already been. This is problematic when searching for elites or SE. Not sure if it is just my system or everyone else loses the footprints as well when they change screens. If there is a way to keep them active, someone please PM me and let me know. Thanks.