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#878843 If we implemented 3 FSH features, which would you pick?

Posted by batboy135 on 14 July 2014 - 01:31



If they were implemented then it would be there for good and no one would have to "rely" on them. Relying on something means that it can stop working and our feet would go out from under us, which wouldn't be true since HCS would have implemented it.


That's debatable. All i'm saying is that the game is already easy as it is...adding something else isn't really needed. It also takes our attention away from the stuff that needs improvements. We are already way off the schedule that HCS has estimated. I say finish all that stuff first

#878840 If we implemented 3 FSH features, which would you pick?

Posted by batboy135 on 14 July 2014 - 01:17

None...it makes people too reliable on things lol i already hear people not being able to play w/o it...it's a joke

#877954 GvG Ladder

Posted by batboy135 on 09 July 2014 - 07:14

Proposing the idea again that we should have GvG into something like the PvP Ladder. Resets are much longer of course. Top guilds get a little extra bonus. This would really amp up that part of the game once again.

Will also reset all the guilds that aren't active anymore but are still on the ladder currently. It doesn't move anywhere really, so lets change that. 


Multis can't really ruin it because it's rating rather than constant farming. It would be enjoyable and would give a reason for players to be on more often.  


Something like 4 month period - 3 resets per year. 


Prizes maybe should be like this 


1st place

2-5th place

6th to 10th 

11th to 20th 

21st to 30th

31st to 40th 

41st to 50th 


- just off the top of my head - Any ideas would be of help

#869732 Guild vs. Guild 24hr Smack Down!!!! "A Storm is Coming...

Posted by batboy135 on 21 May 2014 - 20:34

All except Epic potions 

#849584 Guild acheivements

Posted by batboy135 on 16 February 2014 - 04:12

I propose a GvG one something like 100 wins in a row with 0 ties and 0 losses or it resets 

#847655 Buff Market

Posted by batboy135 on 10 February 2014 - 06:34

We should add to the buff market by being able to check specific people's buffs for sale. Sort of like checking out specific people's AH.


Posted by batboy135 on 20 November 2013 - 19:32

Not going to get into the ideas of getting more players on atm but for epic inventing...Cows already messed up with the omacaz lol. The rich players with more resources will just buy up all the wards and w/e else there is and mass market the new invent able epic. So same old same old. If anything i would make it to where some invent able items  that can't be saved. As for components it's a good idea but i doubt they cows will think it's really important enough compared to some other new things their implementing 

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