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Member Since 01 May 2013
Offline Last Active Dec 10 2014 02:14

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In Topic: Legacy Roadmap 2014

03 October 2014 - 16:41

I like all of the ideas except for hospital opening. Maybe only for lvl 1-20 players only as stated. I think the hospital closing adds some extra strategy and thinking ahead for the game.


But as for priorities, here is what I would like to see prioritized:


Inventory Revamp (Original Post)

It's quite a bit of work but I'd still love to give all players far more item slots and add a proper drag / drop / stacking system to inventory. Maybe with nicer controls for combining crystals and socketing items as well.

Warfare Shop Items (Original Post)

I think this idea is needed as current Warfare Point rewards are mostly irrelevant. I'd like to see new items that cost a small fortune go up but are viable alternatives to Ventrix's items.


After that, I think the arena/raid system sounds pretty cool.


Rogue WL sounds interesting, but I don't think it should be a priority.

In Topic: Next Legacy Roadmap

23 September 2014 - 21:21

First thing that I would like to see is some new armor and new projectile. But instead of having them as drops from special NPC's, make them items that you have to work for. Maybe you can collect parts from new regular NPC's, and then it could cost wf points and credits to combine them together and make them.


The projectile should be around Ventrix weapons level, and the armor slightly better than titan. Or maybe even have what Steven suggested with something like 4 different armors with different focus. 1 armor is balanced, another one has high armor, another one has high dodge, and another one has high armor defense.


Afterwards, I do agree with the other people that something new for newbies. As for what, I think others already have plenty of suggestions.

In Topic: Legacy Roadmap #Revision 2

17 February 2014 - 20:40

Damage is not really that overpowered. I'd be willing to switch back to crystal swords if they get an acc stat boost of + 6 or more.


The main reason scythes are stronger is they do around 8 more average damage than c swords while having 3 less accuracy(not accounting other stats).


As long as they're balanced correctly, damage and armour shouldn't really be overpowered.

In Topic: Legacy Roadmap #Revision 2

06 February 2014 - 18:00

Yeah, I think that adding base stats might be better. Simply because it's easier to balance. Adding by % would make certain stats more desirable on certain items.

In Topic: Legacy Roadmap #Revision 2

05 February 2014 - 02:35

Will the NPC's have a chance to drop all the different crystal types? That is shard, small, medium, large, and perfect, or is it just shard and small?

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