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Member Since 05 May 2013
Offline Last Active Jan 12 2024 17:07

#941612 PvP Season Update Completed

Posted by jude76 on 27 July 2015 - 17:12

Constructive Feedback please.

#891193 PvP-Ladder Sollutions.

Posted by jude76 on 24 September 2014 - 18:08

Good evening everyone :)


I didn,t mean to interfere but from the start from this post whit so many good reasons why pvp exp need to stay part of the game but mister BigGrim still saying that he don,t see non starting to insulting me and other players which love pvp part of the game.


So let me say my story : 20/Jul/2008 I started this game in that time pvp ladder did not exist yet it was old original pvp . So that year 2008 you go on the Bounty Board it was full 3,4 and even more pages of players been post yes Bounty Board was ALIVE that time , Sadly for me I was doing just leveling that time I miss the most fun time in this game ;( But I start to play pvp part of the game 1 year before you start to change the pvp from worse to worse. First you make this Named PVP LADDER which was not so bad in the start if I,m fair but then you need for some reason put that put out / put in system which is the worst mistake for the part of PVP whit that we get empty Bounty Board and now you wish to take use yet to be able take XP lol I look on calendar if it,s April 1 and you making fun with use but I see that is all that true so please look in the game go to the Bounty board you will see nothing no player on it empty ... And you really wish to make it even worse ?

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