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Member Since 17 Sep 2012
Offline Last Active Oct 18 2020 13:19

Topics I've Started

HCS Dev Environments/Setups

22 December 2013 - 03:42

As a (nearly) Graduate web system developer, I was wondering what sort of setup Hunted Cow Staff members use to develop. Which programs do you use, what kind of setups do you have on them (colour schemes, addons, plugins etc.)


It would be really interesting to hear about your setups and anything you "swear by" using. I'm sure there are a few like myself who are interested in the development side of things.


This isn't JUST directed at HCS, any community member could share their setups :)

Achievement bug?

05 December 2013 - 17:03

I got the achievement for killing 100 critters with my pick. I did not.


I had the pick equipped but used my crossbow to kill. Is this intentional or not?

Floating Map!

05 December 2013 - 04:37

What I would like to see, if possible. Is the large map to be able to float out into a new window so I can have it open beside the game.


Would be nice to be able to glance the map all the time without having to open and close it :P (lazy I know)

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