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Member Since 20 May 2013
Offline Last Active Jun 16 2023 04:02

#922804 Possible Loyalty Potions?

Posted by 09876r3LDK on 08 March 2015 - 18:02

We could do something like with the keys gold or tokens, or either gold into tokens maybe ya know not saying 1 gold per token but on the same ratio as the keys maybe

#911734 Still a problem ?

Posted by 09876r3LDK on 23 December 2014 - 19:07

woot woot fixed great job

#861310 Avatar in game

Posted by 09876r3LDK on 09 April 2014 - 01:22

Hello im 09876r3 and I'll be hosting a AVI contest the rewards are as follows:

1st place: 8 fsp

2nd: 4 fsp

3rd: 1fsp

now that is settled i would like to tell you what I would like to help you prepare:

I would like a photo of Natsu from fairy tail with flames etc., or a picture of fairy tail as a group/main characters or make one on your own.

You may submit multiple photos

All I ask is that you put my name "09876r3" and merchant somewhere in there, better yet if you come up with a catchy theme or saying to put in it ill toss in extra fsp, one thing also i would like 2 of each photo 1 with current guild name in it and 1 without.  This contest shall end on April, 14,2014, But if i get tons of messages or people wanting to make one, or not enough people submitting i will expand time frame. Thanks and can't wait to see all the amazing photos.

#808361 Guild VS. Guild

Posted by 09876r3LDK on 25 August 2013 - 07:29

I like the old way better and i think a lot of other people do to cause its hard to depend on someone else and then they dont care maybe, forget, or say nevermind well no way to win now and u waste fsp.



1.The old way was more simple to do and understand.


2.Everything was self done, and if you screwed up, it was an easy fix, now that having a partner its either way, but finding a partner is alot harder now, because of the timezone differences, 

so you can never be online at the exact time as your partner, therefore partner gvging is alot harder to do.
3.If you brought back the old gvgign but keep the new gvging rules it would benefit everyone alot more.
4. It would save you alot more stamina knowing that if you had 1 gvger that was going to get buffed and fight, rather then get buffed, then just log off.  It also brings me back to my point were it can screw you over.
Put together by: 09876r3, and Devilzgirl
Please Add what you think or we should do in the comments below!

#804731 Karma

Posted by 09876r3LDK on 06 August 2013 - 08:42

i have been wondering HCS and a lot of people probably have been to when is the next step in Karma points and stuff gonna be put into effect.  For the mentors ETC and other stuff.

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