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Member Since 22 May 2013
Offline Last Active Feb 28 2014 19:56

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In Topic: Rise of the Wraiths (Global Event)

28 February 2014 - 19:59



Well, we don't wanna run the same potions all the time and there's a limit to the number of Uber Potions we wanna create. These can be run more frequently, helping Composers and allowing GE Medals to actually be achievable.



It is cool that you do different stuff and i am sure composers like the idea but I suspect there is a flaw  in that most people arent composers, or at least most I've talked to are not serious about composing, so I suspect reaching global targets might be a bit difficult


Not the case of course if the sellable chests have value :)




In Topic: Game Update v2.39

17 January 2014 - 19:36



Allowing people to cancel their requests as long as they have not been provided and establishing a method showing whether the buffers are fully sustained and/or have reinforce or extend on should handle all the issues.


You could have automation or not as long as the buyer knows what he/she is getting and can cancel if it takes too dam long.

In Topic: Game Update v2.39

17 January 2014 - 19:30

While i still prefer the buff-marketplace suggested here:

As a compromise:
* Buff-buyer puts up his buff request in buff-marketplace with a gold/fsp price. Buff-buyer sets minimum buff level. Gold/fsp needed to pay for the buff has to be on hand, else the buff request is auto canceled. Buff requests only last for something like 30-60 minutes as max.

* Buff-seller browses through buff-requests. Picks the buff request that pays enough. Customer is buffed, gold/fsp is transferred "in hand". No extra confirmation is needed.

* As Extra/when time: Filter so the buff-seller only sees buff requests for which he has the required buff. Templates for buff requests (for the buff-buyer).

The above is again in order to keep things simple. So there would not be a "buffs offered" for buff-sellers. It would cope with the problem of buff-sellers being on auto-refresh. Buff-sellers would still have to be online. For buff packs the buff-sellers have to be contacted directly = not by buff-marketplace.

so you order one set of buffs fromA and others from B and C


a responds so you are ready to hunt but 30-60 minutes later you dont have the full package


waiting 30-60 minutes is so not going to happen with anyone ready to hunt


the (very) simple solution to the wait and even to the double paying is to allow the requester to cancel his/her request at any point before it is actually accomplished. 30 seconds 30 minutes - whatever

In Topic: Game Update v2.39

17 January 2014 - 19:27


- ADD an option to cancel a request.
  Players can cancel before sending another request, so no more double-pay complaints.




Really make profit?! I doubt I make that when i buff. Buff its up to the buyer, not the seller to determine the profit.

you certainly make a profit if you get paid and dont have to use any stamina


stop being deliberately obtuse please

In Topic: Server Issues

21 November 2013 - 22:44

I have had - quite randomly it seems - run into a notice that I cant access FS which comes from cloudflare and says it is temporary and allows me to click through it to reach FS. Is this something to expect from now on? Or an anomaly?

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