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Member Since 24 Jul 2013
Offline Last Active Aug 01 2013 14:26

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Thread for Typos

31 July 2013 - 21:52



Here's some typos I've found.





In Topic: Thread for Typos

31 July 2013 - 10:23

Aha so it did  :) a bit of tunnel vision on my part. Thanks.

In Topic: Thread for Typos

30 July 2013 - 14:39



The description for the amount of Copper Ingots and Ametheyst Stones that you need for this quest is incorrect.




It should be 3 Ametheyst Stones and 3 Copper Ingots.



In Topic: Thread for Typos

27 July 2013 - 14:14



Found what I think is a grammer mistake at the baker trainer in Eldevin.




Given the context of the quest I think that.


Have you made the 15 x cooked soft meat?


Sounds more correct.





In Topic: New Player Feedback

26 July 2013 - 14:14


  • What was hard to pick up when you first started playing, why was it hard and do you have any suggestions to improve this

Both my sister didn't find it hard to pick up.

  • Did you get stuck anywhere?

My sister got stuck after the guide was killed by the tentacle monster. She ended up running back to where you fight those crab things. She suggested maybe the message from the guide before he dies could make it more clear where to run next.

  • How was the tutorial (void realm) for you?

Fine for both of us, though my sister need a few prompts. She also couldn't figure out how to eat the bread, I think she didn't get that you needed to open the inventory first. Maybe add another reminder in the tooltip that the inventory needs to be opened to get to the bread?

  • What are your opinions on the "extended" tutorial, i.e.: Othalo and the basic quests (Basic Melee, Basic Archery, Basic Magic)

The tutorials are useful in picking up the additional skills in the game, the writing makes it easy to find things and the purple arrow mechanism in the quest book is really helpful if you get stuck.

  • How are you finding the current tutorial tooltips, are they clear enough?

Very clear, the writing is short and concise and the use of pictures makes things easy to follow.


I've had about 8 years of experience of playing MMO's. My sister just started smile.png

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