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Member Since 04 Oct 2013
Offline Last Active Dec 03 2020 20:38

#831842 suggestion

Posted by noc00 on 17 December 2013 - 12:16

hello guys I have spent a lot of time to invite friends and to advertise this game really deserves a lot because then I thought of something that might entice the gameplay in the group ... a system of guilds with a lot of territories with guild system construction . I'll explain .. ! guild goes to the ground and bought a new crafting system could implement a variety of materials and equipment to build a castle which will serve as the basis for the siege ( guildVSguild ) where you could make special points to a new set of weapons and armor in the territory ... you could put a workbench construction type of armor with rare recipes that are not found in normal or workbench with a bonus exp highest workbench normal the same for the other types of craft ! ideas are endless territories to implement the system of guild these are just a few that I thought so just to give a hint though it is a very ambitious project :)


sorry for my english i hope understand something :9

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