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Member Since 30 Nov 2013
Offline Last Active Nov 19 2014 22:04

Topics I've Started

My very few suggestions ideal concepts for specifical the community and devs :D

18 November 2014 - 20:13

First off lets say a big thankyou to the Developers of Eldevin at Hunted Cow Studios and lets wish them a early merry christmas and hope everythings going well for them or everyone in the community.


So maybe some of you read my old thread about a year or so ago but heres a update on my suggestions.Player created Content/items/gear/vanity/monsters,Medieval fantasy style Ships,Mounted Combat,Mountaineering,Player owned Homes.


(Player Created Content)


First to start off with lets talk about my concept Player created content.This would be implemented in a style of releasing a few names of programs they use to create the 3d models,props,weapons,gear,vanity,and somehow implement a reward system to the Player created content to and by the maker's.


This would allow a vast amount of time towards developing time go back to the  Developers created content to be used up on something more useful such as the gameing engine or servers or new races,or anything of the such.This would also open up a whole new era of gameing to the community of Eldevin.With that said i think this is probally 1 of my better suggestions i have to post right now so lets head onto Medieval fantasy style ships!



(Medieval fantasy style Ships)

Been a while since i thought about exploring them vast oceans of Eldevin.Lets talk a little about the different types and styles of ships that there could be..


Rowboats-use by peasants to get from point [A]-to point [B] can hold up to 4 people,Templar Battleships-used by guilds for oceanic wars at sea one of the larger ships that can withstand eldevins vast ocean and creatures completely armoured called the Tank of the Sea's,Assasain Smuggler Battle Cruisers 2 below decks 5 chest 3 lookout barricades-Used to smuggle goods from land to land or island to island and such forth during Battles at Sea,Warrior Oceanic Explorer-Used to Explore the oceans of Eldevin and can hold up to 50 people particularly used by larger guilds to go Mob Hunting in the vast seas.



(Mounted Combat)

When a player is on a mount i believe the player should have the ability to be in combat while on his/her mount could reduce damage from the player he/or she is doing towards there enemy target which would be more realistic and make sense seeing a player on foot should be able to be more accurate and do more damage then while mounted.Imagine riding a mount or horse whichever it may be and then going  into combat with a staff/bow/sword/dagger/throwing weapon what ever it is and trying to do the same amount of damage as the person on foot.


Mounted combat/Pro's


Can escape or encounter an enemy faster in combat.



Mounted combat/Con's


Reduced damage and accuracy


Foot combat/Pro's


Chance to knock down your enemy and its mount

Increased damage and accuracy over mounted combat users



Foot combat/Con's


Less chance of escaping...

Most likely if your on top of your enemy your enemy will flee from you while in mounted combat


To be continued.





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