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Member Since 14 Dec 2013
Offline Last Active Dec 13 2016 06:40

#842583 Community Fishing

Posted by Dalski on 20 January 2014 - 16:36

Keeping the spawns where they are is fine but does not add any community element to the game at all.  Having to run from one side of the map to the other continuously for 10 fish that are fished out before you get there by others is NOT fun at all.  If I am fishing I want to catch fish not an old boot or anything that is worthless to the skill I am working on.  




Don't you think that makes it a little too... easy?  How is there supposed to be any challenge to the skill/game if you can literally just infinitely click away and get a thousand fish in 15 minutes?  There needs to be something that makes it interesting, other than the community part.  

#842573 Community Fishing

Posted by Dalski on 20 January 2014 - 15:45

Keep the spawns where they are (maybe with a little variation here and there), put one type of fish in each location so people that want to fish bass will usually congregate at a specific place...


Problem might be that people will catch too many fish too fast, but make it to where it's like the Eldevin Fountain.  Sometimes you don't catch anything... sometimes you catch a boot, or some mundane common loot might catch your line.  Maybe you'll catch a creature up to your level (to prevent botting).  Maybe something else.  Community fishing +1

#842126 Gold Sink

Posted by Dalski on 18 January 2014 - 13:29

Player Houses with literal gold sinks available for purchase?  Gotta wash my gold plates somewhere.



I bet people would buy houses for quite a lot of gold.



Gold to EP vendor - the price will always be more than what players will trade for, but players don't often sell EP for gold.  

I bet people would spend lots of gold to purchase some EP.



On the other hand, we could do like EVE online does with their PLEX.  Pay like 1k (or whatever works) gold and get supporter status for two weeks or a month (or maybe just an xp boost or SOME kind of reward) and maybe some potions or whatever.  


That way people will actually use their gold and get the additional XP, but will probably still buy EP for vanity items, sacks, backpacks, packs, etc.

#838885 Player shops, feels more roleplay?

Posted by Dalski on 09 January 2014 - 16:41

An entire "Player" city would be pretty awesome.  Housing District, Guild District, Market District, but all run mostly by players.

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