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Member Since 09 Jan 2014
Offline Last Active Jan 21 2014 15:55

Topics I've Started

Hardcore Server?

18 January 2014 - 11:29

I'd love to see the addition of a perma-death hardcore server. I think it would attract huge interest and a different playerbase/type of player.


I'm certain you'd see Twitch streams coming alive with players playing this. As much as I think Eldevin is a great game, from a spectator's POV it lacks the excitement that, I think, makes watching gamer streams worthwhile.



Relative newcomer - thoughts

16 January 2014 - 16:57

Having played, and it must be said very much enjoyed, Eldevin for a short while now - I wanted to offer my thoughts on what I feel would greatly enhance the game from my standpoint.


There are already some great suggestions on the board I would hope to see implemented in the future such as Guilds/Housing/Auction House, but there are some minor 'fixes' that would, I feel, improve playability based on my own personal bugbears:



1- Keybinds/WASD movement. I realize that most threads on this board mention these but I want to throw my weight behind these options too based on their importance. These have to be number 1.


2- General view enhancement (ie Slightly further zoom option and camera position adjustment option). I often find myself desperately using my mouse scroll-back so the game doesn't feel so much like a first-person!


3- Map zoom enhancement. Currently when opening the World Map there are 2 POV's, often either too far out or right up my arse! Somewhere in-between would be nice.


4- Ctrl-Click stacking applied to Bank Stash/Vault. Currently this option works when trading between players and when selling items to NPC's, it really should work when transferring items to/from your bank also.


5- 'Craft -All' option. Self-explanatory.


6 - Quest items. From time to time I find my inventory full of them when advancing multiple quest at the same time. To then identify which quest item corresponds to which quest by simply going through the quest journal can be hugely pain-staking. 

If some text could be added to the items with the corresponding quest title, that would be helpful for sure.


7- Quest items tab. Suggestion from Sarvix which, I agree, would be neat.


8 - Auto-Lock Target. As a Ranger main, I often have to kite my targets. Very often when doing this I will naturally click on another item/NPC/enemy, then having to re-target the engaged enemy that is most likely hitting me at this point. An auto-lock engaged target option would fix this. 


Edit: This factor has become more and more apparent, particularly in instances when I find myself mistakenly clicking on party members. A 'fix' to this, for me, would be high priority.




Very happy to hear that a downloadable client is in the works as that would be on the list also.


I have bolded the suggestions which I would consider highest priority.



Overall I've been enjoying the game a lot and will support moving forward, props to the Devs - keep it up.


Thanks for response so far Mojawk.

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