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Member Since 11 Feb 2014
Offline Last Active Apr 28 2018 14:33

Topics I've Started

Restore it!

19 March 2014 - 12:09

I just paid someone 20g to craft me a few lvl 26-28 jewlery and.... tbh this doesn't feel like a game anymore. People complain and complain to no end that there is "No market for crafters", yet when someone comes along willing to pay them for their services they scream "OMFG itz such a waste! quest and profession! Do it yourself! Don't bother us we're running dungeons! oh btw buying crafting mats so I can lvl up my crafting professions". Seriously?


I was considering turning this into a wall-o-text rant but that wouldn't help anyone. So instead, I am begging for the AH to be implimented at HCS earliest convinience. I can't stand getting bashed in chat because I'm trying to buy an item. With an AH I would easily be able to find an item that suits my needs and purchase it swiftly as to not have to search for hours through the dismal haze of "NUBLET!" comments.


In short, not everyone has the time (or desire in select cases) to grind/loot farm/craft/quest. I hate farming, while others enjoy it more than any other profession. Please please please impliment AH soon.

~Gear modifications please!~

08 March 2014 - 22:50

I just want to lay this out nice n smooth, hopefully it'll be implimented or at least considered.


Current gear has 1-2 gem slots and doesn't have a lot of unique/mod qualities. So here are a few suggestions that could be easily implimented, add more content, and allow players to design their caracters in ways that make each character more unique.


Base items:

  1. Chest Armor- "Vanity of the King": ZERO stats, I'm talking no armor, no stat increase, no rolls. The only thing that this item would provide is 8-10 open Sockets which can be filled with any gem. (NOT a vanity armor, but an ACTUAL chest armor)
  2. so far nothing else at the moment, maybe a whole "King" set with lots of sockets and zero stats, allow people to build their own armor set.


  1. (Base stat)Armor increase Gems. I know that we have ranged/melee/spell defense gems, but I wouldn't mind having a (Base Armor) increasing gem.
  2. Experience increase Gems. These could be divided (To add content) into specific profession gems (14 different professions, 14 different gems)  as well as a general Exp increasing gem.
  3. Gold gain/increase Gems. These can increase gold/currency gained per kill, or give a set amount of gold/currency per kill. (Example: +10% copper on kill OR +10 copper on kill)
  4. Mana steal Gems. Almandine already does hp steal, maybe add mana steal to almandine or make a new gem? Either way would be cool. (I know that some skill already provide this kind of bonus but it'd still be cool to have the option)
  5. Stat increase Gems. (Example: +1 vitality or +5 ranged. Values can be changed to keep them from being Over-Powered)

Item effects: Item effects could be considered/implimented as "Gems" that would fit into slots to give cool looking graphics effects (Fire/lightning/ice/acid....the usual) to any weapons or armor



So here is a breakdown of a sample item: (Maybe over-powered, may need to be adjusted to avoid OP bby reducing the amount of slots, or making gems weaker or something. I'm not a Dev so I wouldn't know what would need to be changed.)


Vanity of the King

Chest armor

Armor: +0             Slot 1: +Base Armor            Slot 5: +Ranged Defense

Vitality: +0             Slot 2: +Base Armor            Slot 6: +Spell Defense

Melee: +0              Slot 3: + Vitality                    Slot 7: + Gold Increase

Focus: +0             Slot 4: +Melee Defense       Slot 8: + Fire graphics

Slots: 8


These are my thoughts/suggestions. I would appreciate feedback. Please no flaming. Thank you =)

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