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Member Since 31 Mar 2014
Offline Last Active Aug 03 2014 04:20

#879354 Ranger Fabled weapon change from bow to crossbow?

Posted by Alphamale on 16 July 2014 - 23:59

Not intended that way. Lets nerf everything but bows so that bows become better compared xbows... Maybe nerf armor and gems also, and while you're at the nerf spree. Nerf worldbosses... To much hp to solo it easy.

Nerf all! Fuck skill based stuff... Nerf it all! Nerrrrrrf!

Ps. Drum fed crossbow op...

#878450 minor boss dialogue

Posted by Alphamale on 11 July 2014 - 17:15

Also the bodyguard of sv/asv could say

Nah better give that to rumble, so noobs can whine more

#875097 Loot dice

Posted by Alphamale on 24 June 2014 - 00:47

Reinedor omg... You take all gems and all the attention of every guy in the team and still complain about drops? OMG?8 :D

#874674 chat mods

Posted by Alphamale on 22 June 2014 - 00:00

Good Idea but you might want to add.


Quitting thread or Farewell thread or even both in your tittle of the suggestion. This way you're sure HCS will read it and actually read it soon.

#874617 The beatifull new empathy

Posted by Alphamale on 21 June 2014 - 19:02



May i congratulate you again on a magnificent fix.

  • Empathy no longer treat heals as damage to the caster.

I must admit the change is so much better!


To bad you fucked something up in the meanwhile with empathy, I can't even keep the aggro of my healers 5 sec after empathy runs out. This way resulting in whipe city. A crit healer no longer works. 


Which brings me again to the same point: You're always saying you test stuff before implementing it. 



I haven't even tried to run another ASV with someone else as i just raged and quit for good this time I guess... 


Fact remains that templar just keep having issues. Templar and healers already are the most needed class ingame and you guys just lost another one... I just hope you guys start thinking about templar regarding fixes... The class is on the edge of enjoyable and pure agony... I'm sure it probly is only a small failure in the new empathy but every small change we as tanks feel so hard...


And I find it hard to believe the added talents (Born for combat) and Fortified (100% bonus threath) work properly as I should be generating 2.5x or 3x more aggro as healers/dps (the 2.5-3x is depending on how the extra %s work)


Also make threath understandable, because atm I as one of the better tanks around (Don't care if it sounds cocky) Don't even understand how the bonus talents work in reliance to defensive stance and even the way empathy transfers aggro like the 50% I get from it, Does it also take talents/stance in account?


#874064 Loot dice

Posted by Alphamale on 19 June 2014 - 14:12




I'd like you to check the "random" loot dice of:






As it's disgusting how much loot they get... I really doubt it's "random"

And it can't be luck cus they always get everything... 


So HCS be honest is it totally random or are there other variables accounted into them aswell?



#873192 Random Dungeon

Posted by Alphamale on 13 June 2014 - 18:18




I personally think that the way random dungeon queu works now is a bad way to motivate high lvls to run lower lvl dungeons. As it's a 1x/day where reward is equal to the repairs I as a tank have (I don't care really as I do help alot of people with lower lvl dungeons and I do waste alot but don't really caring about that)


But why didn't you add another type of incentive to doing lower dungeons? As it is now most high lvls are busy grinding fusion powder for the gem upgrades we're all trying to achieve. 


Wouldn't it be a better idea that for example a lvl 45 who runs TR reward him with a bonus "Token of Gratitude" or something like that and let them trade that in for some vanity which is only achieveable by doing that or temporary make it be tradeable for 5 fusion powder or something like that.


You can prevent abuse of that by adding an extra criterium. Atleast one of the team ain't allowed to be able to reach the next dungeon yet. 



-When a lvl 45 run Boondocks atleast 1 has to be 9-13

-When a lvl 45 runs vault atleast 1 has to be 14-18

-When a lvl 45 runs ohdar scar atleast 1 of the team has to be lvl 19-23

-When a lvl 45 runs SV/GC atleast 1 of the team has to be lvl 24-28

etc etc



I think this way alot more higher lvled people will feel the need (Read: See enough benefits) In helping lower lvled people. 


Because the way it is now a lvl 45 just can solo 1 boondocks and get the "Random dungeon" daily reward. Which I  think wasn't the entire idea of you guys adding the random dungeon. And tbh even for fully random teams, it'll only work upto for example TO3 (for me to tank probly less for others or more for other builds) Because of some dungeons just need a healer. Atm I think this random dungeon idea is completely missing the potential it has and the goals it has to reach. (Could be wrong)


Also when a complete level 45 team just hits a vault (yes it happend earlier) That's just beeing plainly useless for people.



Anyway i'd like to hear other opinions about this. As I might be biased as tank and I help people regardless of the reward so might not see the benefits of it.


#871712 How to use nodes to implement competition in trappers.

Posted by Alphamale on 04 June 2014 - 12:21

I think for now it would already be nice to make it so we can have a site guild based thing. Just so you know who is in what guild. And so guilds can show themself out their. Because atm those forum guilds are hard to maintain a view on them.


Which would benefit the community which is your most important feature atm. Maintaining and holding the current community together.



On topic: I think making trappers atol bigger would also benefit because now if 1 guy goes to TA you can find him so easy try making it bigger also disable minimap: I mean so you can't see other people running on it on the minimap. So people have to huge their eyes to find people might help alot already. And so non pvpers can go their and try to not get found while gathering :D. (That's how it goes in nature also "When thou not eat stuff thou hide from the stuff that eats you") So make it easier to hide :D




#871471 What I feel would improve your game!

Posted by Alphamale on 03 June 2014 - 06:23

Ofc it should've been thought out good. Which is the entire point of this post. Atm some changes/things are made under pressure of some players who just keep hammering a same idea. 


Which is what happend to TA. Hcs wants to do an instant change on it to please the pvpers who yell for something to do. Don't get me wrong it is Great they want to do something like that. Problem was, it wasn't tought out well. Which resulted in it beeing changed. That could've been prevented if they made a "We're thinking about changing x to y" Which would result in a huge shitstorm of people agreeing and disagreeing but in the end it's HCS who has the power to take the decision and then it's easier for people to accept a decission. Because atleast they have the mindset that HCS atleast tried to involve them in the decision.


The Speaking in collor thing was just an idea. And making Tutor type things shouldn't be a decission to make in 2 mins I'm sure by half of the posts made on this forums HCS can already see a few people who they can see very suitable for such position or people to keep an eye on and try to see. Okay at first they might spend some time finding a few good ones but if you have 1-2 people in every time zone. Would already cut severly in the amount of posts on forums like "my quest ain't working what's up with that" "Why does x not work when I do Y" "Where can I find x materials" and stuff like that. I also believe it will cut in the amount of tickets send. (And no i'm not solicitating for a position as I for example would be not even close to beeing suited for it as I'm 1. To impulsive. 2. Not the type of person who wants ties to HCS: Because I like to have an uncensored opinion which wouldn't be possible if I get benefits/work in mission of HCS).


And basicly you'll always have people who have advantages over skills they posses. I'm talking about for example something as simple as your(ernzor) banner on forums. You're known ingame for crafting all gear if provided the materials and eventually given a tip. Which could also be seen as an advantage over some crafters who probly do same but don't have the reputation you have for making them. (Just example)


Best example OCD this potion shop idea. It's genious, I mean that's the kind of guys this game needs. It's creative and basicly creates an AH made by people (just for Potions tho) But still. And I'm sure their is 10 guys just like that who would if given the opportunity would do great in adding to the gaming experience. 


I know I might be asking much and it is very possible that the ideal way is probly somewhere in the middle or totally out of the vision I have but still. That's the beauty of the age we live in. Everyone can say whatever the f*ck they want to say. (aslong as you're not intending to hurt people that is)



#871461 What I feel would improve your game!

Posted by Alphamale on 03 June 2014 - 03:52

First of all YES another whine thread! (I'll try to be positive)



If you're lazy read the red things first as they give an indication as what each point is about.


1. Stop programming useless stuff like "higher graphics" and stuff like that.

I mean useless atm as their are more urgent matters. E.g when you build a house you don't start with the roof either just cus you want to have a nice roof on your house. A nice roof doesn't mean it ain't gonna colapse.


1.1 Yes i'm gonna say it again. The despair nerf, TA nerf and Adding of a sneak emote (Like what're you guys even thinking when you do such things.)


1.2 Start communicating about things you change/will change. I do get you don't want to expose bugs before they're fixed which is fine. But for example if you're updating graphics (And no that shouldn't be your priority now)


1.3 Do not make changes like that kind of changes on friday 5.45pm (Yes it was around that time just before weekend) I for example am a very critical person which makes me think "Let's do it then so they got an entire weekend to rage over it and they'll forget by monday" Now I don't forget stuff like that and inspecially not when some changes my entire post making it look that i'm just upset while i was disgusted by the update and the prioritising


Summary: Use the power you have wisely. Use your resources for things that benefit the game now! You don't want the game to be good in 2 months when most people gave up. You want the people who play now to stay here, which gives you time to improve step by step.



2. Connect with your players.


2.1 Some people like me for example do not like awefull suprises like that, that make my class suffer real bad. And if you'd play the game or have people ingame warning you for it. Those things can be prevented.


2.2 Stop programming and play the game. I do understand that you guys want to make the game better but me and some others believe that you would do atleast 5x better if you play the game more instead of just programming stuff. Don't get me wrong I know you guys do alot of work i just feel like it's in vain.


Why do I say so? Very simple. You use 5-6hs of programming to make something which if you play the game you'd know that maybe it's not really needed to do that now and maybe a 2h programming change on any given content would be improving the quality of the game over the quantity of content. And therefor be more appreciated.


2.3 Host Ingame Events: This might be hard to figure out now but ain't really a priority (I know you're a small team but so is the community) 


2.4 Get people on the ground: let people with great ingame experience aid you guys by giving feedback on things you change. Or even create or existing features. Make for example a Youtube channel and let people make "Video content" (Can't believe i'm saying this but... Neon for example did a great job on that. He made loads of content.)  You can easely encourage that by making little contests like as easy as 250 ep or loyalty points. E.g. Make a contest "Fastest dungeon run, Screenshot of Achievements etc etc. Let the communty vote for best screenshot weekly, funniests or biggest achievement (A team finally has the dedication to kill Rumble in arg)


This way you create content which you guys (hcs) can use in promoting the game. 


Summary of my second point: Unite with us. You need us as bad as we need you to make this game a succes about time we all join same ranks (Including me as i'm very critical but i'll try to work on that :D)



3. This brings me to my 3rd and most important point. ADVERTISE


3.1 You can either advertise the game yourself or let us do it. Personally i think the second one would be the best for you. Chose a few people of the community to promote the game for you. Give them some ingame benefits ( see point 2.4) If you have some people ingame who can write great feedbacks. Let them make texts to post on MMORPG forums. 


3.2 What the f*ck is eldevin syndrom. I can't even remember how I got to this game... This just proofs how much advertisement the game is lacking (might be cus it's basicly still in open beta but still.)


3.3 There is alot of MMORPG rating sites out their. Why don't you link one of those "Free eldevin point offers" to a click vote site for MMORPG. Some out theri allow you to vote for a game by just clicking (A daily/weekly vote) This way WE the players can promote/ make the game know out in the huge Jungle of MMORPG.


Summary of point 3: Get known out there, try to stand out! Eldevin has the potential.


4. Tutorship.


4.1 Many games use this and it's proven worthy, when i'm in world chat (And yes I derp around alot their, doing my *Banging my chest like true Alpha male* line) I can't help but notice their is alot of new people all the time. But for them it's hard to get into the game. They have alot of questions and not always an aswer to be provided. This is a point which counts for everyone ingame also. We all want this game to be a succes else we'd given up a long time ago. Yet many people seem to lazy to type 10 words and help the new people. 


4.2 For HCS you can probly point some people ingame a rank "Tutor" or something like that let them type in red or something that makes them stand out and advertise it on the site. Maybe add ingame names of those people so they can be reached. Once again you can reward them with some EP/free supporter or something like that (Up for you guys to decide)


Summary of point 4: Let players do part of the work for you. Your group of staff is small and some non exploitable stuff can be done by us, without asking to much of our efforts.



5. Not really a point but worthy of mentioning.


People like me who whine and yell the hardest are the people you'll need the most to improve stuff. Not to be cocky in anyway but for example Neon. This guy can whine nearly as bad as I do. But once in a while people like us do have good ideas. And me giving critics doesn't mean i hate you guys. 

I do care for the game and for the staff as I enjoy the game alot but I feel like you're not harvesting the full potential of the game. Therefor I whine and continue to do so. As if I don't whine you won't know what's bothering me :D.


Make another subforum btw where people like Me can whine and you can only enter/read it if you have more than 25-30 posts. This makes sure new players don't get scared of by the critics we players give. 



Summary of point 5: Let us whine/ rage about things we dislike but hide it for the "new public" it's ment to improve the game not to destroy it or anything alike or bring bad publicity.




This thread is not posted because of the despair nerf you did but for me it was the one thing that drove me off and made me really really start Yelling out for your attention to things ingame. Cus it made me feel as if you have zero feeling with the players playing the game. I know it ain't true but you guys are just to rarely online ingame to know what's up ingame. And as some people told me ingame. You guys are programmers you need people to point issues out to you guys. Yet some issues you have to experience to understand which is why again. Try to spend more time Playing your game rather than creating it. You'll become a way better game creator if you know what's going on ingame.



I'm sure some people will disaggree with some maybe even most points but I'm 100% sure everyone will feel sympathy for some of the problems/remarks i've points out





I know it's a huge wall of text and i'm really sorry for it but I really thought someone had to say it because i know alot of us are thinking it.

I know I made alot of typos/ Grammar mistakes but keep in mind English ain't my main language. I did the best i could. So forgive me my "Yoda-like" sentences.




#871099 New Loyalty Point Items - Shrines (mini obelisks)

Posted by Alphamale on 01 June 2014 - 03:13

Or just use similar CD as on group summon but like 1 use every 6hours. But make it a teleport to the obelisk as you'll let your team benefit from it aswell.


Making them tradeable is also a good idea as tank could buy them and when respeccing you'd be able to switch for example your armor shrine for a damage shrine




#870963 Why I'm Upset About Templar Changes

Posted by Alphamale on 31 May 2014 - 14:47

HCS had to do something about Despair.  It was not functioning as documented, and by definition that makes it a bug.  So they chose to fix it.  A perfectly legitimate decision, even if not the best one.  No reason for people to go ballistic over this.  You don't usually hear a software company asking for permission to fix a bug.


This thread boils down to a request to put back the bug, call it a feature and document it.  Given the comments above I have to agree, and given this outcry HCS will probably accept it.  But remember, from the developer's POV, fixing a bug is usually the correct thing to do.


Just proofs how much of a shitty job they did on templars if a bug generates more threath than half of my theat abilities... And I do expect them to fix the bug with WBS also making it only possible to do them with 5/10 people cus it for sure ain't intended for that many people. But ye that would force dps' to actually max dps and pay attention at wbs. 


Fact remains that every "difficulty" upgrade is paid by templars

#870884 Why I'm Upset About Templar Changes

Posted by Alphamale on 30 May 2014 - 23:52

Basically for anyone wondering what opening poster said. He stated tanks are basically being screwed and we are being forced to put up with it and things need to change. Hopefully he kept a copy of what he said and can re post it without the f words etc. Maybe that is why it was removed. Looks like by what he now has there, he specced out of tank.

Nah they just changed a part of it which makes it miss the entire point of my thing make it look like i still see improvement possibe and that it are suggestions it ain't suggestions it's a post about their failure to understand the "Game" They made the game but they don't seem to play it and if i express how I feel they're just changing my post which is basicly not even possible without those f words as they fuck us over every update (e.g cus rumble got update not only to make it harder for dps no but they have to make it so that tank has to time his taunts even better) everything that becomes harded is just like "Ye tanks keep up with that shit anyway" And i'm done with that attitude i'm done taking the changes they do. And I'm really considering just going elsewere if it wasn't for the people i met here i already left long time ago.


And if it was just the tank bullying i could keep up with it but it's basicly their lack of prioritizing that's bothering me.


I deleted my entire post as it didn't say what i ment after the changes so I will just stop doing suggestions and hope Mongo does them as they listen to him.


/Glenn last post here

#870854 Why I'm Upset About Templar Changes

Posted by Alphamale on 30 May 2014 - 20:26

W/e all reroll dps templar not needed/respected here 

#869772 Quest items in Group

Posted by Alphamale on 22 May 2014 - 02:42

Those guys... Who would be doing such things!  :ph34r:

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