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Member Since 17 Jul 2014
Offline Last Active Dec 18 2014 19:28

#891522 Can we have story mode To3?

Posted by Wickedry on 27 September 2014 - 05:06

I still fully intend to do quests with every character I make, dungeon exp isn't that much better compared to just finding a good spot out in the world and slaughtering hordes or questing, lot of fuss over nothing.


Even for gold gain, while it is nice getting guaranteed items constantly to sell, it's not like drops don't exist out killing random crap, still sells good too and a hell of a lot less hassle than constantly running through an area and resetting it.

#890849 Can we have story mode To3?

Posted by Wickedry on 23 September 2014 - 12:22

Profit is what a few of the richer players with already decked out characters are worried about, some of the same people who spend all day pking people on TA because they don't like the "easy resource gathering".


Doesn't really matter though, more story mode dungeons have already been all but confirmed, I know it's the only way this game will keep my interest, I'll be damned if I'm going to rely on people who've harassed the hell out of me to run dungeons.


Would rather stay in crap gear than get help from them, or help them in any way. -_-

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#890474 Can we have story mode To3?

Posted by Wickedry on 21 September 2014 - 18:22

All dungeons should have a story mode IMO, when I want to run a dungeon, I want to run a dungeon, not track down a group to "maybe" run it a half hour or more later.


I don't see why anyone would have a problem with it honestly, scaled difficulty for scaled rewards seems just fine to me.


I'd personally even like to see some mid-range difficulty settings, like a 1-5 rating, where enemies and loot are set for that number of players but a group of w/e size can challenge it, or no group at all.

#889250 Confirm for BP sorting

Posted by Wickedry on 11 September 2014 - 20:36

This needs bumped.


Auto sort strikes again.


Seriously, remove this crap please, or at least give us a way to flat out disable it for those of us who NEVER want to use it.


Nothing but annoying.


I'd personally rate this as far more important than their graphic updates or class balancing.

#888371 TA Tokens

Posted by Wickedry on 04 September 2014 - 15:10

Alright so, everyone likes turning tokens in for valor, this is a suggestion to provide incentive to keep tokens on you for longer periods of time, enhancing the risk/reward of TA. (for players who gather, we all know those who PK generally risk nothing, though this system may encourage them to risk a bit in the long run)


How about a system where the more tokens you have, the faster you gather from nodes, or the more resources you gather each time.


Example: Normally you gather 2-8 of a resource per harvest, every 10 tokens you have on you, add +1 to whatever you're harvesting, making it 3-9 per harvest, or 4-10 when you have 20 tokens etc.


An alternative would be to increase gathering speed for having so many tokens on you, maybe something like .25x faster for every 10 tokens, so if you can manage to get 40 tokens then you'll gather from nodes twice as fast.


An addition to go along with this idea, would be to change the color of the token sparkles at certain points, so at 10 tokens the sparkles turn blue, at 20 they turn orange, at 30 or higher they turn red, with each bracket increasing the temptation for others to kill that harvester.




As is, people rarely let their tokens build to 10+ before turning them in, there's really no point to letting them build higher, they just risk losing the time invested in gathering that many.


With this addition, players are encouraged to let them build higher, as they could earn more materials in a shorter time and wouldn't feel as robbed as they do now, losing half or more of their time invested and completely negating the double material bonus, leaving the only benefit of TA being the 999 stacks.


They would lose more materials per death but overall it would still leave them with more than they'd have left under the current conditions.


It also brings the added benefit for those who PK, of generally providing more tokens and materials when they get a kill, as people will be less inclined to turn in their tokens every 5-10 that they get, also less inclined to rush to town constantly to stash materials so they can keep their bonus building.


It would need to be capped at some point though, say 50 tokens, especially when guilds are introduced, so we don't end up with 20 people all feeding tokens to 1 person gathering for 30+ materials per harvest, or, instant harvesting.

#887892 Upon death suggestion : chat

Posted by Wickedry on 31 August 2014 - 07:34

Would be nice to be able to pan the camera around while dead too.

#887342 noticed this npc text bug

Posted by Wickedry on 25 August 2014 - 12:34

Hey, listen!


That npc gives me Navi flashbacks...


Hey, listen!


Hey, listen!


Hey, listen! Good morning Winhilda!

  • KeS likes this

#887032 Confirm for BP sorting

Posted by Wickedry on 23 August 2014 - 00:35

Or flat out remove it, I've seen it in so many games and have never once intended to click it...always happens though, because the evil thing is always right next to the close inventory button. :wacko:


An option to disable it would be nice too though, I'm sure there are some people out there who actually intend to click it when it happens....there has to be at least one of them, right?

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