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Member Since 02 Aug 2014
Offline Last Active Apr 04 2017 03:10

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Letter to HCS

18 August 2014 - 00:56

As a player wich gets the most fun from runing the game dungeons, it really makes me frustrated and sad when suden client crashes, rubberbanding issues, and game freezing lag start ruining all the fun you are having, Sometimes my only desire is to Actually be able and play the game because lag don't let me walk around ( not to mention how hard and bad the lag on software or " safe mode " has became since the new hardware release...) not only in dungeons but  you just can't run around the city or a realm without having issues and that is having 50- 70 players on the same server and overall maybe 120 on all servers on good days... never really seen more than that at a same time except special things going on like events. so imagine if we had more people playing on this servers... just not long ago the game was super unstable when we had a couple days where the empathy bug cause the servers to crash for hours.


I think with the recent hardware rendering update, Hunted Cow are still trying to iron out a lot of the bugs that were bound to take place with it. The issue is that they are a small studio and don't have a large number of hardware variations to test out these clients before pushing the updates to the public. Unfortunately, because of this, we (the players) are essentially the beta testers and will cop the full force of any performance issues that stem from these updates.

In Topic: suggestion

14 August 2014 - 23:55

i meant as you look at chat you could right click there name from there to whisp and be cool if  whisp chat stayed up instead of havign to put it back every time

You can type /r and it will reply to the most recent whisper you received.

In Topic: Encouraging Trade (remove buying gold with EP)

14 August 2014 - 08:40

Note the original posters point is that he thinks it devalues gold, surely that is devalued more by the players ep/gold rate. In fact the player rate is the one grounded in reality as they are putting a value on their time to aquire the gold. Therefore it's not devaluing, merely finding an average value over time.


You couldn't be more right. Considering a value isn't set in stone by the game for a conversion rate of EP to Gold, the value is merely what the players decide it is.

In Topic: Sticky the link to client and tool

14 August 2014 - 04:51

Are you talking about the link to download the game client?




Also, what do you mean "download all the files of eldevin at once".


Do you mean client files? Client assets/icons?

In Topic: Public PVP, Level Restrictive Fighting in TA, Add Random Mobs to TA

14 August 2014 - 00:33

I had my first experience in Trapper's Atoll a few nights ago and loved every minute of it. High risk for high profit is a great aspect to the game. There are plenty of places to gather resources outside of Trapper's Atoll and away from the PvP environment, so feel free to take advantage of those. I think putting restrictions on this area and making it easier for lower levels is really hindering the game.

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