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Member Since 05 Nov 2014
Offline Last Active Apr 18 2017 18:14

#963982 Development Update

Posted by toothpick on 04 June 2016 - 16:27

I have been playing this game for about 18 months. I love this game and have enjoyed playing it. I have supported this game since I started playing. I do think that the devs of this game have refused to listen to the players, have refused to give this game the attention it truly deserves, and most of all do the required maintenance that a game needs. No matter how small the team is, maintenance is needed to at least keep a small community of players playing. I understand bills have to be paid and money has to made in order to do pay those bills but............ if HCS doesn't give the basics how can they ask players to continue to support this game? I personally ask the HCS team to not let this game DIE! This is a small but tight knit community that truly enjoys the friendships that has developed during game play. Do small things instead a 1 large thing at a time, advertise, and do regular maintenance. once you get players to start playing give them encouragement to continue to play by making sure it is playable.  Listen to players, and be more honest with the players, and most of all communicate with the players. Please, Please, Please do not abandon us when we as players have not abandoned yall (HCS).

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