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Member Since 10 Nov 2014
Offline Last Active Nov 15 2014 14:35

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In Topic: New Player Feedback

15 November 2014 - 13:59

Hello, my mmo experience comes from aardwolf, uo, eq, daoc, ryl 2, wow and lastly tabula rasa =( with some other random lesser known mmos in between. I have always been a casual player without much commitment to the communities.


I had no problem going through the tutorial, although I wished the whole time that it will be over soon. Is it possible to have a separate mode of 'comfortable' tutorial where users are given just the summary of  game mechanisms? For example, "Most plants which allow harvesting are outlined in green" with "You need to be of certain level to harvest products from plants in higher level area" hidden under 'more' tag. 


Coming from late 20s/early 30s age group, I tried to get a friend (fellow ex-uo player) to play the game, he couldn't make it through the tutorial.. But I'm pretty sure he will enjoy the game if he can skip the tutorial and get to do whatever he wants without the pressure of tutorials. (that's what I sold him)


I would also like to praise the developer for the very well designed game, I really like the game because it feels comfortable right away. I keep thinking that this game is the culmination of all the devs mmo' gaming days. Congrats.

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