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Member Since 04 Dec 2014
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#964028 Failed to connect: Master Database []

Posted by WYB on 05 June 2016 - 12:06

the game is over, the devs are going to disappear and we will never hear from them again. This is the last day of FS.


haha jk, i have no idea, but that would be funny though

#956645 Change focus point in the World Map

Posted by WYB on 07 January 2016 - 20:42

Zoom out, and you can see your player. What the OP is talking about is when you're zoomed out to see the whole map, and you center the map in your screen, but then as you move, the whole map moves around even though you can see the whole map. So it's silly to have the map move around you; when you're zoomed out, it can just sit still and quit messing with your eyes. :P

this is exactly what i mean, i dont see any reason why the map should move around even though you are zoomed out to the max :) and not only that, some maps are really small you dont even need to zoom out completely to see the whole map.


Plus im not sure if this is correct or not, maybe this is one of the reason we often get the lagging when we try to move around

#956622 Change focus point in the World Map

Posted by WYB on 07 January 2016 - 17:40

So when you move around in the World Map, the focus is on the player, so whenever you move around the map shifts and moves with the player. Would it not be a great idea to let us choose in preference whether we want the focus to be on the player or the world. So when the focus is on the map, whenever we move the map would stay still. Tell me what you guys think. I find it really annoying that the map moves around whenever you make a move and it hurts my eyes lol kinda feels not right, idk

#955309 Double Composing XP I!

Posted by WYB on 17 December 2015 - 12:53

Thanks for this :) although I wish it would last a bit longer than one day, you get 2 days of work done in 1day. Composing is time consuming so 2 days of work is still very little if you look at the big picture. But still, one day 2XP still better than no day :)

Thank you

#946648 Next Event?

Posted by WYB on 25 August 2015 - 14:17

I think that is something HCS has no control over,


some people have more offers to complete, some have less, but most of the time everyone always has a few to do, only depends on whether you make the effort.


Plus I mean not everything in game is always fair, like for PvPseasons, lower level players will probably never win, why does the shard event need to be fair :P After all, the shard event is also a way for HCS to make some income.

#944757 PvP Arena: Thoughts and ways to improve it

Posted by WYB on 13 August 2015 - 17:56

If you want to improve it listen to what shindrak originally suggested for arena...IE keep the item reward on winning an arena but also give tokens for 2nd 3rd place etc. His idea got totally butchered and now the arena is subpar.


That's what we demanded, we want HCS to bring back items AND gold arenas, how arena used to work back in time and combine it with the current token system for 2nd and 3rd place which combined equals shindrak's original idea, but they refuse to listen to the community, for reasons they don't want to tell.

#944575 Next Event?

Posted by WYB on 12 August 2015 - 10:38

BG will we see another triple shard event anytime soon?  :P

#942416 PvP Seasons Rewards. Thoughts and desires please.

Posted by WYB on 30 July 2015 - 17:04

If you choose the defencive potions, yeah. The chest each player gets will have four potion options. You'd be able to choose 12 in an combination of potion type.

You should maybe add some interesting leveling buffs too, to spark some interest from leveler, and maybe this will make them participate too

#937397 lvl 2700+ Arenas

Posted by WYB on 27 June 2015 - 09:46

let's not give up hope...


Everytime new content gets released, it feels like there is less and less Arenas for me to join. There are currently 12 Arena below lvl 1000 , 20 Arena between 1000 and 2000 and 28 Arenas over level 2000, as I'm writing this.There are 13 arenas which are over lvl 2700 in which 10 are lvl 3000+, there is none in the game at this lvl. If there was a way to remove the ten lvl 3000+ arenas and spawn ten more < lvl 1000 arenas, it would give lower level players more tourneys to ''enjoy'', not saying it would increase arena activity.


I know this has been mentioned many times before and is the fix so much time consuming? I know HCS has other priorities atm and now is probably not the best time to post this with the 2XP event and new PvPsystem going on, but i don't think it should take 3 month to fix this. 



There's L.3000+ arenas now huh.png!

on 07 Apr 2015

What the devil?!? That's not right. Made Zorg aware of it. Looking into it, because that should NOT be happening.


#922376 Old Arena System ( 2008 Style ) + Suggestions

Posted by WYB on 04 March 2015 - 09:00

Remember when an Icon of Styx tourney filled in 60 seconds? I do. I also remember, no matter what I was doing at the time, checking the arena page at :00, :15, :30, and :45 all day long so I wouldn't miss out. Let's get back to that.

This is exactly what I miss and probably what most of us miss. It was in a way very exciting to find out what item or gold arena was going to spawn next, because if you miss it you may have to wait some more time for another one to be generated again. But you never know when it is going to spawn again, which makes you check the arena every few minutes. This alone creates activity, simply the fact people stay or come back to the arena page again. Now that the arena is ALL tokens, no matter which one you join, all you can win is always only tokens. There is no pressure to miss anything because whichever arena you join, you can win the only thing that there's to win, tokens. Tokens everywhere you see. This removes a lot of excitement and renders it very plain, monotone and boring. People don't need to check it every few minutes, once every few hours is enough, because there is no rush, everything is ALWAYS there and there is nothing you can miss.

#922302 Old Arena System ( 2008 Style ) + Suggestions

Posted by WYB on 03 March 2015 - 18:14

Perhaps but we have to be very careful with exchange rates. They are very easy to get wrong.

I think new prizes would help. Whether Potions or new gear, it would help. The biggest real problem we have is that players have been stockpiling these tokens. I don't particularly wish to create a slew of new sets only for those few who have loads of tokens to immediately crash the market.

That's why I thought it would be a good idea to combine the old system with tokken system without damaging It. People still can purchase items with tokken and the new ones after some time can join that list too. Penny will still be able to save her tokkens and use them whenever she feels like it. You really don't change anything about the current system other than making items or gold tournaments spawn along side with tokken arenas. Plus you avoid those, as you say that have been stockpiling the tokkens, to crash the market, since they won't be able to buy the new stuff as many times as they wish, but rather have to try and win them 1 by 1 like those that have 0 tokkens or newly interested players/ everyone else. Plus people would have to check the arena more often if the new item they want only appear every now and then, and isnt always 'there', which probably will also increase the activity.

#922221 Old Arena System ( 2008 Style ) + Suggestions

Posted by WYB on 03 March 2015 - 13:12

Hello everyone,

here is another arena thread, yea... i know, but I just want to know out of curiosity ( whether this may ever happen again or not ) how many of you actually liked/like the old arena system and whether or not you want it to be brought back to the game.

And here was an answer of mine to another arena thread which was created some time ago and this was my take on how to possibly solve some arena inactivity, slowness, problems with bringing back the old arena system and keeping the current arena tokken system, tell me what you think and your suggestions :)


'' I think a way to increase more activity would be to get back the gold arenas. I feel like the entry fees are too high especially since you get nothing back. If you win about 1 out of 10 arena, you have probably paid 400k gold and depending on the situation you may have only gained +-32 tokkens which you cant do anything with. I personally would definitely join more arena ( now the number of possible arenas for me to join again is another question ) if I didnt have to pay 400k everytime, only to make a very small gain which will never cover the entry fees. People obviously do stuff to make profits, which is true in everything we do, even in life. If i cant make a profit out of what I have invested, why would I even do it?


Obviously adding new items makes it even a better place. What about, making it like the seasonal Titan items, get some prizes in there which you can only get during a specific period of time and switch up every few weeks or months.

But ofc the thing is as many have mentioned already, if new items were to be introduced, the top arena players that have 100k's of tokkens, they could just be purchasing anything they want, even if there were some great items that would cost 5k or 10k tokkens.

I was thinkin about mixing the tokken system with the old system, where gold and prize arenas would appear at random, keep the old prices which can be bought with tokkens where they are and introduce the new items the old fashion where they would be the prize to get when you win the arena. That way everyone can start again with equal chance.

And maybe after year or more, also put those items ( with the exception of the seasonal items ) to the list of items that can be bought with tokkens and bring out new prizes again.


Plus to give new players a chance to try out the arena without getting beaten up so badly by the pros, maybe also generate some arenas which only players that have less than 100 wins can join, and more below level 100 arenas with very low entry fees, like 100g - 5k gold, so the newly joined players can play the arena too. ''

#919997 25% Guild Rule In Arena

Posted by WYB on 16 February 2015 - 22:32

I am against the removal of the 25% limit, for reason many have already mentioned : abuse. It only takes 8 people to join to start an arena, i can imagine bigger guilds that have hundreds of members to use this as a opportunity to get some wins. They wont necessarily make a profit out of it, but with the 25% cap removed, they can definitely make everyone get the medal easily. You may say who cares about the medal, but hey many of us did work hard to get it back then, if you can get it just like that without using much brain, that's cheating. See it costs about less than 1FSPs for 8 people to join one same arena. Everyone could just be joining a lvl 2000 arena without any gear and make one person wear a weapon and let him win.

Sure the medal or tokkens dont really sound very intresting, but the fact that it IS POSSIBLE and that you CAN and WILL get them just like that without much effort if you wish so is one reason enough not to remove the 25%, even though I wouldnt mind increasing it to 50% as long as it cannot be 100% controlled by one single guild.


I think a way to increase more activity would be to get back the gold arenas. I feel like the entry fees are too high especially since you get nothing back. If you win about 1 out of 10 arena, you have probably paid 400k gold and depending on the situation you may have only gained +-32 tokkens which you cant do anything with. I personally would definitely join more arena ( now the number of possible arenas for me to join again is another question ) if I didnt have to pay 400k everytime, only to make a very small gain which will never cover the entry fees. People obviously do stuff to make profits, which is true in everything we do, even in life. If i cant make a profit out of what I have invested, why would I even do it?


Obviously adding new items makes it even a better place. What about, making it like the seasonal Titan items, get some prizes in there which you can only get during a specific period of time and switch up every few weeks or months.

But ofc the thing is as many have mentioned already, if new items were to be introduced, the top arena players that have 100k's of tokkens, they could just be purchasing anything they want, even if there were some great items that would cost 5k or 10k tokkens.

I was thinkin about mixing the tokken system with the old system, where gold and prize arenas would appear at random, keep the old prices which can be bought with tokkens where they are and introduce the new items the old fashion where they would be the prize to get when you win the arena. That way everyone can start again with equal chance.

And maybe after year or more, also put those items ( with the exception of the seasonal items ) to the list of items that can be bought with tokkens and bring out new prizes again.


Plus to give new players a chance to try out the arena without getting beaten up so badly by the pros, maybe also generate some arenas which only players that have less than 100 wins can join, and more below level 100 arenas with very low entry fees, like 100g - 5k gold, so the newly joined players can play the arena too.


And btw why was the tokken system even introduced in first place? Why were gold arenas and item arenas even removed? I remember arenas filling very fast before the tokkens. I was suprised to see the tokken system when i came back to FS after many years of not playing and also obviously that the prizes havent changed for years. Can someone explain this to me please?

#906892 Arena, then and now.

Posted by WYB on 04 December 2014 - 01:18

agree, low level players are not even able to play arena anymore, by checking the arena page now, i can see only 3 under level 200 tourneys and over 40 lvl 1000+ tourneys. I feel like arena should be more lower level based, since high level players can always still join the lower lvl tourneys where as low level players would stand no chance in a lvl 1000 tourney.

Just my 2 cents, the way arena works right now definitely isn't how its supposed to be. It is just not logical.

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