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Member Since 27 Apr 2015
Offline Last Active Jan 24 2017 04:12

Posts I've Made

In Topic: LV 52 WB

19 July 2016 - 02:55

Well I don't know about you but we need a Giant Tree World Boss. Have it spawn Treefolk and give them high dps but for some balance moderate hp and have the Giant Tree cause large aoe attacks and cause heavy single attacks on the Tank to the point where if the healers aren't on point the tank will die! Also have it spawn 25 Treefolk every 5% hp taken down. And I love the idea of a World Boss core for unique high level crafting items. This maybe is too much or not enough for some, but that's just my thoughts ^_^  

In Topic: Can u guys put and extremely hard WB in game?

09 April 2016 - 04:02

Make a World Boss in Blossom Ridge that's a giant tree, that uses Terra abilities like the raining boulders, and he spawns Treefolk as his mobs so there will be more heat on the players. Also he has to say "taste the rainbow" and shoot rainbows at the players! Then before he dies he becomes AN UNDEAD TREE and spawns demon woodland animals and fire rains on the ground instead of the rocks  and he lets out an aoe every 30 seconds killing low health players. Also 5% damage done to him is sent back to the aggressor. Final thing... The Tree must be called the Willow Widow then when it is undead it becomes undead Willow



don't do half of what I just typed XD

In Topic: Can u guys put and extremely hard WB in game?

09 April 2016 - 03:48

Make a World Boss in Blossom Ridge that's a giant tree, that uses Terra abilities like the raining boulders, and he spawns Treefolk as his mobs so there will be more heat on the players. Also he has to say "taste the rainbow" and shoot rainbows at the players! Then before he dies he becomes AN UNDEAD TREE and spawns demon woodland animals and fire rains on the ground instead of the rocks  and he lets out an aoe every 30 seconds killing low health players. Also 5% damage done to him is sent back to the aggressor. Final thing... The Tree must be called the Willow Widow then when it is undead it becomes undead Willow



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